HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #429
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This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.
It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.
Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.
Highlighted Posts:
Curated By: | @theinkwell |
![]() Community: Rant, Complain, Talk | Little Diomede (USA) and Big Diomede (Russia): Dave Cohoe. Used under Not only is our Russian neighbor close, but our neighbor is also interested: October 21, 2024, : "The U.S. Coast Guard said Tuesday that it spotted two Russian ships and two Chinese vessels passing through the Bering Sea in formation on Saturday, in a sign of the growing cooperation between Beijing and Moscow in the Arctic". Or, to look at it another way: U.S. government. One more perspective on the proximity of Russia to the U.S. was by Sarah Palin in 2008: "They're our next door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska" ... |
![]() Community: The Ink Well | English Encounter with the past Anton left the flowers on his beloved mother's grave. The red roses had that sweet scent of loneliness and sadness. The day was dark, and a few drops fell on the hard granite slab. The man was looking at the gray horizon, and his mind was wandering memories of a past, sad, melancholic, and with a lot of pain ... |
![]() Community: The Ink Well | . The air smelled of beach dust and salt from the sea. The street lights in the distance flickered weakly. At the shore, the sounds of the waves lapping against the rocks and abandoned cargo containers could be heard ... |
Curated By: | @hivepakistan |
This is something... fascinating and scary I learnt today! It's about leeches. Not hive leeches, but literal leeches 🫠🙃 I always imagined leeches to be annoying little blood suckers ... | |
![]() Community: Hive Learners | Banner created in canva I was always very romantic in my relationships. I used to create an ideal in every woman that I dated. The first woman that I had a bit more of a close relationship with, I met through a friend. The first date was amazing, that ideal movie theatre kiss ... |
![]() Community: Hive Learners | Having a legal, cool and respectful job, where you can perform a profession, have a livelihood for yourself or your family, is the dream of many people who face the challenges of life and everything it contains on a daily basis. Bills never wait, bills, taxes, government charges, all of this will always find you somehow and, therefore, you need to work to be able to support yourself, have the money coming from somewhere, correctly and honestly, obviously, to be able to pay for all of this. But what happens when work becomes a bad thing? You've probably heard of Burnout Syndrome, since in recent years the word Burnout has become much more well known and is being shared more frequently on social media or even in real life, with people commenting on it ... |
Curated By: | @pollination |
前回の記事でも書いたように、私のかかりつけの内科・小児科の北田医院(最後だから病院名書いちゃいます)が院長のおじいちゃん先生が緊急入院で代診の先生が診ている状態ですが、2月27日に電話して、先生の入院、療養が長期化するということで閉院と聞き、次の日の28日に早めですが最後の通院、行ってまいりました。 思えば先生だけではなくて、看護師さんや受付の人も含めてチームという感じの温かい雰囲気の医院だったなあと思います。 私は看護師さんに「紹介状をください」と言ったら、紹介状なしでも引き受けてくれる近隣の医院のリストの紙をもらいました。そういう心遣いができるところにまた、この医院の良さを感じてつくづく残念と思いました。 北田医院の写真を撮ったので記録として残します。 北田医院の看板。 北田医院の外観。 北田医院のおじいちゃん先生の理念が書かれた板。 いつも診察が始まるまで待っていた待合室。 読んでくださってありがとうございました。 ... | |
![]() Community: Lifestyle | Well last weekend i spent two night in the hospital for nothing. I had been feeling dizzy the whole week so on Tuesday the 18th I went to the hospital, but was released a few hours later. Still not feeling better went back on that Friday the 21st. I was admitted that night so they could run more tests, finding no cause for my condition they released me Sunday at around 2pm ... |
Curated By: | @visualshots |
![]() Community: Visual Shots | Hola querido hiver. El pequeño pueblo de Pal es uno de los complejos rurales mejor conservados del Principado de Andorra. Gracias a un plan especial de protección gubernamental este patrimonio se mantiene y constituye un reclamo para los numerosos turistas que acuden al país. Pal es lugar de paso para los que suben a esquiar a la próxima estación de esquí de Pal Arinsal y parada obligatoria para los amantes del arte románico y de los paisajes montañosos ... |
![]() Community: Black And White | This is my entry for the monomad challenge hosted and curated by @monochromes This big beetle is a little bit hard to find in real life as well as online because of how difficult for me to find and photograph and then also to try to find its name online. It was the first time I saw this beetle, and I was able to photograph in live on the location. The size of this beetle is quite big, although it flew a few times, but for most of the time, it was rather tame. Maybe because of its size, so it felt a little bit safer from my presence ... |
![]() Community: Black And White | Hello Hive Community. I hope you all are fine. I am also fine here. This is my entry for the monomad challenge March 2nd ... |
Curated By: | @hive-177745 |
![]() Community: Lifestyle | Hace algunos años a mi sobrina María Cristina le compraron una bicicleta de segunda mano, pero bastante conservada, no sé si la logro utilizar algún día. Lo cierto es que desde esa vez la he visto colgada en la habitación de las cosas que se dejan en el olvido y que muy pocas veces se recuperan para ver la luz. En este caso, en particular, me animé a conversar con mi hermana para que me la regalara para comprarle los repuestos necesarios y ponerla al día para ver si Jeremías podía usarla mientras pueda. Por la cuestión del tamaño, es de rin 16 y ya casi le queda pequeña para que la pueda manejar a gusto ... |
I've been racking up the miles on my bike these days. Since my last update in this community, when I told you about the Cuban almond tree, I've had some very busy trips. One of them even took me to a place I hadn't cycled since I made the bike my mode of transport, and the funniest thing was that I had to stop in a very natural place to relieve an emergency. Hahaha ... |
Curated By: | @qurator |
![]() Community: Black And White | Hello, my Hive friends and photo enthusiasts all around the globe. For today's theme, I have statues in the city of Zagreb. I saw some amazing statues on my stroller, and I will share with you some facts I know about them. Enjoy this gallery and hopefully learn something new ;) Petar Preradović, the man cast in bronze in the heart of Zagreb, was a 19th century poet and military general who somehow balanced romantic verses with strategic battle plans ... |
![]() Community: Foodies Bee Hive | Hello everyone.. how are you there? I hope you happy. Today I want to share with you my experience making cookies this time I call it "paw cookies" because I made it similar to a cute dog's paw ... |
![]() Community: NeedleWorkMonday | Hola needlewokers lindo día 🧶🥰espero todos se encuentren muy bien donde estén,les cuento que desde mucho he querido hacer un llavero en forma de tortuga desde que el mío se perdió me puse triste hace muchos años porque era un regalo muy lindo pero por cuestiones de la vida lo extravié justo cuando salí un día supongo que se me cayó la verdad no sé que pasó en realidad pero desde ese día ya no supe de el,me animé a hacerlo porque he querido aprender a tejer sobre todo amigurumis de animalitos y de muñequitos de caricaturas de varias películas ,a mi no se me da mucho tejer la verdad pero siento que viendo un poco tutoriales en linea puedo aprender a hacerlos. ```Hello needlewokers have a nice day 🧶🥰 I hope you are all doing very well wherever you are. I'll tell you that for a long time I have wanted to make a turtle shaped keychain since mine was lost. I was sad many years ago because it was a very nice gift but due to life issues I lost it just when I went out one day I guess it fell ... |

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.
If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.
For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.
Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.
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Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs! Currently deployed on 83 Discord servers, with over 13359 Hive users! |
Thank you for the mention, @hivediscomod 🌷
Thank you! 📸
Thank you for the support you give us creators, friends
A hug!