Introducing HiveDiscoMod - A Discord Bot For Hive User Info & Community Moderation.

What is it?

@HiveDiscoMod is a Discord bot that helps community owners and moderators lookup information about Hive users from their Discord server (which is a base of operations for most).

It offers functionalities to check various information about Hive users, along with other useful information about communities. It also provides the ability to create private lists and store related notes. (Whitelists, blacklists, curation lists, or any lists you can think of)

In other words, it helps with highlighting essential details, and general information about a hive user profile, to help community moderators make more informed decisions about posts and users in their community. With customized lists for recording and viewing their private notes.

It also offers the ability to set up a curation account, and curate posts directly from Discord with a simple command, which is especially useful when having multiple moderators and you don't want to share the key with everyone, or simply want to monitor the process.

Quick overview of the functionality and commands

Note: Discord has decided to move away from prefix commands. However, the bot accepts both slash commands and prefix commands for most of its functionality. The default prefix is !, and to view the prefix commands, simply use the !help command after inviting the bot to your Discord server. I will be listing only the slash commands over here, to give an idea about the bot's current functionality.

/profile <name>

This command will show general information and statistics about a user profile on the main page, and it will bring up the user profile options panel.

  • The bot will check if there are any records about the user in @Hivewatchers blacklist, or if there are any records in the local server's lists. (They will be displayed at the top if any record exists)

  • Statistics about the user's posts and comments in general, and their activity in the selected community (This can be set up in the Settings).

  • An overview information about their wallet.

  • And lastly, their all-time voting statistics and the monthly voting stats.

Transfers: This tab will show all the user's Hive/HBD transfers, incoming and outgoing.

This function can also be called directly with the /transfers <name> command.
Delegations: All the user's delegation information, HP and RC delegations, in and out.
Memos: Checks for transactions to all known exchanges, and tries to find a commonly used memo between this user and any other users.

This function can also be called directly with the /memo <name> command.
Decentralized BL and Mutings: Shows users who blacklisted or muted this user on the blockchain.
Posts: Full and detailed list of all the posts published by the user.
Similar Names: Checks for account names that are somewhat similar to the user name.
View Records & Add To List: This allows you to add the user to a private list (more about that in the /lists command), or view any previously stored records relating to them.

/lists (Optional) <name>

The /lists command without providing a name will bring up the Lists panel. From here, you can check your private lists, add records, remove records, or simply navigate your lists.

Adding a name to the command /lists <name> will do a quick check for the user name provided, if there are any records present on the local private lists, or if the user is on @HiveWatchers list.

And this information will of course be available when using the /profile command for thorough profile information too, at the top.
In either case, you will be able to add, view, or search the records previously created that are related to a user or a list.

The user created lists are private, they can only be seen and used by you on your Discord server. However, you do have the option of sharing your lists with others on different servers if you choose to. (In a read only mode, they can't add to or delete from your shared lists)
This can be done from the Settings panel, only an admin in the server can do it, and you need the Guild ID of the other server you want to share the list/s with.


Once a community is set for the server, this command will give you some useful information about the community. Statistics about posts and comments, and who are the top authors or those who engage most in comments in that community.
Posts: Shows a list of posts made in the community, with many options for filtering, by an author or tags, etc.

Comments: Similar to posts but for comments by users in the community.

/discussion <first name> <a second name>

This command will find and show a list of all comment interactions history between any 2 specified user accounts, with links to the comments.

/curate <percent> <link to the post>

Once a curation account has been set in the Settings, this command will vote the post with that account by the specified curation %. Once voted, it will offer you the option of commenting on that post directly from Discord.

A prefix command can also be used for quicker voting, for example: !vote 50 <link to post>

A negative value as a percent is also valid, it will downvote the specified post by the percent specified.


Brings up the settings panel for the bot where you can check or change any of the available settings. From changing the bot prefix, to adding your curation account, to setting up cross-server lists sharing.

Only an Admin in the server can change the settings. And only Mods with the "manage messages" permission are able to use the bot.


The bot has been developed by @yaziris from scratch, has been functional for almost five months now, and it's already being actively used on a few discord servers. I felt it's about time to release it!

It currently uses the beem library by @holger80 for on-chain operations for now (Which I intend to replace later on with a natively asynchronous Python library for Hive. If I ever get to work on it, because coding on a mobile phone is unpleasant to say the least).
And of course it utilizes the HiveSQL by @arcange.

New features/functionalities might be added later on, but I felt it might be useful as it is for now, to help any community Owners/Mods who are in need of using such a tool.

👉 Invite HiveDiscoMod 👈
To Your Discord Server

@hivediscomod is the official account for the bot, and any future news or updates to the bot will most likely be published from it.

That's it for now folks, check it out and give it a shot. I hope you'll find it useful in your Moddy endeavors! 🙂

All content is mine, unless stated otherwise.
Header image was created by me using Picsart Mobile App.

©2023 @yaziris




I have known you long enough... as you have me. I know that you have a high level of modesty... that is a very admirable trait, but this is something that can help us all to keep our blockchain running smoother. I can't say a lot about this... as you know I am quite the same. When you are focusing on spreading positive energy... helping others... it is easy to dismiss needing help or wanting a shout-out. But guess what...

Here's your shout-out @yaziris


Thank's for "finally" sharing all of your hard work with us brother... Look forward to seeing how this evolves!



You know I know that you know, and I know you know that I know. 😏

Really appreciate you, and appreciate the shout out, brother!
Yes I've known you long enough, to know that you're one of the most selfless people around. Always spreading love and placing others' interest before yours.

Much love your way! ❤



Great job on this! It is a very handy tool, indeed! ⭐️


Thank you ❤ Glad to hear that! It's what I'd hoped it to be.



I am not at all surprised, but I am proud of you my friend.


I would be surprised if you were surprised. Haha

Thank you my dear friend! 🌻


I feel naked 😂😂😂


As several communities owner I thank you and will put this to good use in my discord!!


You're welcome! Happy to hear that, I hope you'll find it useful.


ok, OMG i just added to the Motherhood community server and I AM AMAZE at the amount of information i can get with this! thank you so so much really for the amazing work! - Victoria

will add you as a beneficiary in some of our post to repay the hard work (I know is little but is all we have, hopefully you can get DHF funding for this!)


You're very welcome! I'm glad you like it, Victoria.
It does indeed make looking up lots of information much more convenient, and less time consuming. 🙂


@yaziris I used your bot to curate some comments in a community. Now issue is, it shows me comments of dbuzz, iu, beer, and luv etc

Is there a chance I can mute them from my search records in /community to focus on non bot comments.

The bot is already overpowered, if this gets implemented, it will make it even better. :)


This is a good idea. I'll see if/how I can make it work. There's no way to identify bot accounts (that I'm aware of) except by knowing all of them so they can be filtered out, and there are new ones all the time.

I can probably start with some list of the well known ones, and update it from time to time (But that would be inconvenient 🤔)

Will see what can be done...

Appreciate your feedback & the suggestion.


A convenient way will be to let the user/discord person manage them on their own?

Like let dlmmqb#6953 filter himself for xyz community he set in hivepakistan discord? This will let me update my own list when I wanna see comments in community. @yaziris

Just a suggestion, I believe you will come up with even better idea


@yaziris add a filter to search comments by word count filter.

Another suggestion



add a filter to search comments by word count filter.

✅ Implemented. Will be live in the next update.

Thanks for the suggestion again.

let dlmmqb#6953 filter himself for xyz community he set in hivepakistan discord? This will let me update my own list
If I'm to let him do that, the list would need to be inserted each time (which is also inconvenient). Otherwise, I'll need to store user filter lists, which is something I'd rather not do right now, as this will require another field in the database and everything that comes with it.

I'll see what I can do about this one later on.


Wait, what? Coding on the phone? HOW ?? 😱


Just like texting, but with more effort. 😅

The best option would've been termux app, which is a terminal emulator for android. But some libraries can't install/run, and it's a bit limiting without root access. So had to resort to in-browser online IDEs, jumping from one to another because each had its issues when used from a small screen phone.


Haha “Yaz hideout” 💚

You are brilliant… I cannot believe you do everything on a PHONE?! Wow.

Superhuman. The man is unreal. 💪


Hahaha. Busted! 😅 It's a place where I can spam, and not get banned. 😂

I cannot believe you do everything on a PHONE
Well, it's either that. Or not do anything at all! I managed to get a few screenshots for the post from a desktop PC, after 5-6 attempts over 2 days. 😆

It’s almost impossible to believe that you write all your code on your phone. I’ve always wondered what you’d be able to achieve if you had a laptop to play with. You’re totally amazing.
The bot is great and it’s made my life so much easier—use it every day. Thank you @yaziris


And most of us can't even do half of what he can even after having a PC, super fast internet and 24x7 hours of electricity.

I’ve always wondered what you’d be able to achieve if you had a laptop to play with.

Careful what you wish for...hehe


Appreciate the kind words. It is what it is, and I appreciate how the tech progressed quickly, phones became more powerful, and that we can do stuff on them. Maybe not ideal or easy, but for me it was either this or nothing.

Much love ❤


Brilliant! You are a genius, and again I bow down to your amazing skills and knowledge. This is super useful. A lot of mods will benefit!


I certainly hope so! Thank you for your kind words, and for your unwavering support and encouragement. ❤


This looks like an interesting tool for sure, thanks for sharing.

!giphy good job



My pleasure, bhai! 🙏 I hope you'll find it very useful.


I'm glad he didn't put up a GIF of the Tech Guy! 😂


Hahaha, maybe I should've replied with this! 😂


Fuck yeah, man. Finally!

...and !discovery 30 with love & support


Love this bot, bro. So many cool features.



Hey, better late than never I guess. 😅

I'm even still unsure if it was a good idea to release it. >.<


Good job Yaz! You’re awesome! 🎉
Lots of great features!


So are you! ❤ You've done an awesome job on the one you twerked. And I have to mention, this was done during the downtime of the old one you replaced, with the intention of it being somewhat complementary.


Awesome Yaz! There are actually a bunch of interesting features here so maybe we will also be using this in the HivePh community. 🥳


Feel free to. It would make me happy to somewhat return the favor to the HivePH community, for what they've contributed. 😘


Wow! This seems like quite a handy tool with almost all necessary features. Great work ⚡


Congratulations on creating such an amazing and useful tool, @yaziris! Your HiveDiscoMod bot has so many amazing features that will make life so much easier for community owners and moderators. It's impressive to see how you have created a bot that can retrieve essential information about Hive users and communities within Discord.

Your dedication to creating this bot will surely make a huge difference for many users on the Hive platform. The private list feature will allow moderators to take better control of their communities, and the curation account function will make curating content more efficient.

Keep up the excellent work, and I wish you all the best with the continued development of HiveDiscoMod. Your contributions to the Hive ecosystem are highly valued, and I hope to see more innovative projects from you in the future.



Appreciate it! Yes, for sure. There will be other projects in the future, hopefully.

Thanks for stopping by!


Awesome! congrats Yaz🔥
This tool only available for ADMINS/MODERATORS, correct?
The Stalker in me wants to play with it🥲😆


Correct. The permissions have to be somewhat restricted to those doing the moderation in the server, or it would be chaotic considering the functionalities.

But if you have your own server, you can invite it to it 😉


I am concerned that collecting information about people could be misused by people with bad intentions.
In France, this kind of work requests an authorization and anybody can ask his information can be deleted.
I suggest you take the time to think about the effect of your work on individual freedom.
Thank you.


Its info from the blockchain though. That's all publicly available and easily accessible regardless, its just making it a bit more convenient


Yes, it is more convenient and you can add a note to classify people: this one is Jew, this one is homosexual, this one is disabled...


Hi @chrisaiki,

I understand your concern. But as @mobbs pointed out. All of the information is publicly availabe on the blockchain. It's not like I'm wiretapping or running an NSA operation collecting private data on people illegally like oh wait.. The NSA is doing.
So, spare me the legality concern.

As for:

and you can add a note to classify people: this one is Jew, this one is homosexual, this one is disabled

Well, the lists could be used for contest entries, could be used for writing prompt winners, could be used for anything really, the sky is the limit... I'm not sure why your imagination flew in that direction.

If someone is going to profile and discriminate against people in their private lists, I'm sure they would do it anyways maybe on a notepad or even a piece of paper. Heck, I'm sure they have such lists in their mind too, no one really can prevent them.


I only try to imagine the arguments of the opponents:
"Accumulating information about people is illegal
Hivedevs are doing illegal things
Let's make Hive illegal"
Any lawyer can do that! even if your intention are goods.


The tool itself only looks up the information that is already stored publicly on the blockchain. Technically, these are all transactions that have already been accumulated on the produced blocks.

I'm no lawyer, but I know that all Blockchains did indeed trigger privacy concerns all over, which is still an ongoing thing (This is not specific to Hive.) And currently, it's widely accepted that whoever uses any Blockchain, already consented such transactions to be public, and can be publicly used.

So again, I understand your concern, and I appreciate your input. But that's something all the Blockchain tech have to look into, and deal with.


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You distributed more than 23000 upvotes.
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