RE: 2025; Charting a New Heading and a gift from a new friend.


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I'm sad for you that it took such a big tole on your health, I really do, but on the other hand, you are a big inspiration for pushing through and making sure your family (and maybe some other loved ones) will have a great example on how it's done financially.

I can speak for myself when I say that I missed a parent like that, heck even a family member who was willing to teach me. I had to figure it out all on my own and landing in a toxic relationship just before my 18th birthday I ended up in debt right away as he tricked me into putting things on my name. Without someone to guide me and warn me for these practices, I got sucked in early in life.

Although I haven't been able to focus on precious metals as soon as I would have wanted (I sure remember reading you and the other ladies their content about silver on Steem already, feeling inspired!) I know that financially we're making big progress in the past year and especially in the last tax quarter.

I calculated the tax savings with this huge change and will put aside that full amount every month so we have an emergency fund filled up rather sooner than later ;) With my tiny collection I don't really know what my first precious metals goal should be to work towards but for now I will just stick to buying monthly and seeing it grow.

Heading to your post now !LUV !LADY
