From Venezuela, our witness drives decentralization and the adoption of Web3 technology, creating opportunities for the local community and contributing to the global ecosystem.
TerraCore is a Strategy Idle Game on the #HIVE blockchain in development by @crypt0gnome & @asgarth. Can you build a thriving community and defend it from the dangers of TerraCore?
Amo mi casa maestra psicopedagoga vendedora reparadora acuariana madre de tres. Y que la vida los trate amablemente a todos.that life treats them kindly to all
I always loved computer games as an enthuastic gamer, but Splinterlands changed my perspective and led me to this new NFT and HIVE world, where peoples are connected together in order to build something amazing.
Mamá de tres soles. Amo el deporte. Creativa en la cocina y vampira (extraccionista) de profesión. Loca me dicen...
¡Cuando piensas en positivo, cosas buenas ocurren!