RE: Inculcating Discipline In A Child; A Compulsory Duty For Parents.

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When my big sis was taken at a tender age to live with our grandparents, though grandpa loved her so much and would pamper her with many things, but he never forgets using the rod when he should. He will flog the hell out of her when she brings home what does not belong to her because Baba detests such acts. She grew up to learn and imbibe those acts which have helped her today.

Parents out of negligence fail to discipline their children and overlook many things which affect them as they grow up. Not correcting a child when he is tender from bad acts will grow with him and become a complete menace in society which cannot be changed except if God decides to intervene but things would have gone worse before then.

Had it been your dad did not caution you that day, you could have become something else today. Parents need to notice these little things while they can and while there is time to do the needful.

Posted using Neoxian City


I believe that it is possible for us to pamper a child and as well discipline a child. Pampering a child doesn't mean that such child must lack any form of discipline.

I think it is better not to pamper than not disciplining a child because lack of discipline would ruin a child future right from childhood.


Well, balancing both will be better too. Pampering and then using the rod on them when necessary.
