RE: Time, Lessons, Experience: Welcome to Humanity.

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Reading this article just kept giving me goosebumps.

When I was much younger, always thought if I leave school and leave my parents house, I'm going to be free and experience a lot of freedom. Guess what?

That's the opposite, living as a single lady, without my parents is difficult, I get to pay bills, whether I like it or not, and sometimes get calls from home. Calls from home are not free, it comes with billing, most times I can't just express myself to tell them am also facing some financial burdens.

Life is crazy.


I left home early, so I didn't see it as getting freedom, this meant that I already knew that life would be tough when I left and I expected it.
I'm glad that you're paying your bills and seeing how life is. Irrespective of the fact that it's difficult, I think it's a valuable life lesson and it'll eventually make you a stronger person.
Paying bills from family also can be difficult as well, I that that for many years and also other things too.
Inasmuch as it's difficult, and sometimes it's painful it can make you stronger..
