RE: Traveling Light Across the Atlantic - A little life update
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I love packing and I also love looking at how other people pack for their travels, especially if it's light packing. I have no idea how many videos of minimalist packing/traveling I have seen on You Tube, lol. Making a list and weighting bulky items is definitely very important.
I am looking forward to your Jamaica updates, I had some Jamaican acquaintances back in the days when I used to go to dancehall parties here in my city in Serbia, such good times! :) So anything you share about Jamaica will be interesting for me to read! Have a lovely time with your family!
Really! Wow! That's lovely to hear.
I do miss attending big Reggae Festivals and dancehall parties too, but unfortunately, the crime rate in Jamaica is pretty high, so I choose to only live off those beautiful memories.
I'll do my best to share different parts of the island and the culture though.
Thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment:)))