Traveling Light Across the Atlantic - A little life update


Excitedly, I'm flying from London to Jamaica for 3 months to be with family. My bags are as light as possible with priority items that fit comfortably in my 23 kg weight allowance, a backpack, and a small handbag.

My first challenge was sorting the right clothing for the contrasting weather of the UK and Jamaica. However, since it's tropical and humid in Jamaica, light easy wear fabrics are the smart choice.

What's inside my bags, and the priority of them?

The cost of living in Jamaica is pretty high, so there were items that I DO NOT want to have to purchase there, so I made a rough list of my must-have items for both my check-in and carry-on luggage.

Number one on my list was a hammock:

IMG_20221107_120958_436.jpg The last time I traveled to Jamaica, I was astonished when a local vendor quoted the price for her hammock at USD 150. In my shocked state, I asked if her hammocks happened to be lined with gold, and I emphasized that I only needed an ordinary hammock. The vendor stated her final price was USD 75. I told her that I admired her generosity and that I'd return tomorrow... I then resided to the fact that I would only have a hammock on my next trip back home. So, this time around I purchased one from eBay for a fraction of the price at approximately USD 10.00.

Here I weighed the hammock, on the left, and also the second thing on my priority list, a tripod, separately just to get an idea of how much of my weight allowance they would take up.

Despite them being bulky which I would have preferred to avoid, I'm happy that they both take away 2.1 kg of my total weight allowance.

Next on my priority list, were the only other heavy items that I would need; hair products & cosmetics, including insect repellent (a lot of it).
I tend to take my products in travel-size portions when traveling because I have delicate hair and sensitive skin, but this time I had no qualms about purchasing new containers which would last me for my entire time in Jamaica. Of course, these products are readily available, but purchasing quality cosmetics in Jamaica will cost a premium, so it's best to purchase them relatively cheaply here in the UK.

Preparing for the unexpected


One of the things to bear in mind about developing countries like Jamaica is the frequency of unscheduled power outages.

So with that daunting thought, a manual coffee maker was packed, along with a pack of some exquisite ground coffee from the Réunion Islands that I'd saved for this trip. I will be recharging and powering up with some Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee for sure :)

Other things inside my bag that are packed around those priority items, are items of clothing that are easy to mix and match, and that can also be easily dressed up or down for whatever occasion might arise.



With the expected humidity and great chances of black-outs, light garments that are easily hand-washed and do not require ironing is important.
So light tee shirts, summer dresses, and comfortable walking shoes are practical items to take to Jamaica.

Something to remember if you're ever planning a trip to Jamaica, is that it is strict and fairly formal in terms of attire. There are unbreakable dress codes and draconian security guards who take their jobs seriously. So serious, that not even having the ability to turn water into wine, or stone into bread, would NOT grant you entry inside an establishment such as a tax office, a bank, or any other official business. Therefore, long trousers, a knee-length dress or skirt, and a long or short sleeve blouse/skirt would be required, and you'd be accepted and greeted in a bright friendly manner by an appointed security guard... I speak from personal experience here. 😂

Don't be caught out trying to enter an office in comfortable, practical, weather-appropriate clothing such as sleeveless, shorts, or mini skirts, because logic or common sense does not apply in such cases.

... Oh, and don't get mad about it either 🤣

Again, that's just friendly advice to save you from spiking your blood pressure in vain!

For my carry-on

I have everything that I need for my daily interaction on the blockchain. Internet might be unreliable, but I do hope to shine some spotlight on some beautiful places in Jamaica, something that I do not see enough of on Hive.

Oh, and I promise!

With a hand on my heart, I'll NEVER include my local dialect, not because I do not want to, but because listening to it will be more than a belly full of laughter while I'm back in Jamaica.

I trust that I'll have a smooth landing on Wednesday, so there might be some delay with my responses. Please leave your comments below. If there's any particular thing in Jamaica that you might have heard about, and perhaps would like me to feature, maybe, just maybe, I'd be able to include some of them while I'm there.

This post is a contribution to the daily Tuesday theme #TravelLightTuesday in the The Minimalist community.

Thanks for reading, and I'll respond as soon as possible.

All Photos are mine.

2.843 NEOXAG


Travelling light is such a blessing, you only understand that when you're on the run with your heavy bags and suitcases from here to there. I really don't know how people actually travel with a bunch of suitcases and bags, it's all just like adding an extra headache and a list of liabilities to your travel experience. Whether it be just 3 days for work or a month long vacation, I have a medium size duffle bag that I can always rely on, and if needed, then I just equip an extra backpack at the back, and I'm all set.

You surely did good for a 3 month trip, having just one big suitcase for 3 damn months? That's a miracle in my eyes. The people I know would probably get one suitcase for a month each, not even joking. 😂

Wishing you a safe and "light" journey ahead. Take care now. ☕️

0.006 NEOXAG

Haha! Your comment is so funny. I like the idea of having one bag on my back in case of emergency, but not this time unfortunately:)

0.000 NEOXAG

If the journey is short then a backpack isn't needed, but if it's a lengthy one then a backpack does come in handy. I usually keep a bottle of water, some food and other small and "necessary" things stored in there.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes, I always take a backpack as my carry-on which holds my computer and photography gear:)

0.000 NEOXAG

Oh, I've just caught up with you. I presume you've arrived safely. Have a good time with your family. I must get into this minimalist thing as I tend to pack everything, including the kitchen sink! X

0.001 NEOXAG

Yes, we arrived after a long travel time, and we're still exhausted. Also, it will take a while to acclimatize to the high levels of humidity.
I was indeed pleased with myself to still have 1kg space in my bag 😁

It's lovely to be back, but we're resting up at home for these first few days:)))

0.000 NEOXAG
oh, I so despise packing for a trip! Fortunately, I only had to do it twice in the past decade, each time for a funeral. I hope you enjoy your time in Jamaica, and I'm looking forward to the pics & stories you share! 😊
0.003 NEOXAG

3 months. Wow. That is quite the trip. I think it's hilarious that you are packing a hammock. I've never heard of anyone traveling with one before lol. Seem like something worth bringing though. $150 down to $10 is a huge difference. It sounds like you could start a hammock business. Ship over 10 to get started and charge $50 each and put that other woman out of business 🤣

Traveling light is so much easier and can save money in some cases. I got used to traveling out of a 40L backpack for a while and thought it was great.

0.006 NEOXAG

You're so right about starting that hammock business.

Hammocks are so cheap in the Philippines, that I had a collection that I bought with plans to take them back to Jamaica. Unfortunately, I came straight to the UK instead and I had to leave them behind due to travel weight limits.

I have a big backyard in Jamaica, and I know exactly where I want the hammock to be 🤣
"Right under the coconut tree."

0.000 NEOXAG

I had to leave them behind due to travel weight limits.

That's too bad. Sounds like it could have been a successful venture.

Right under the coconut tree

Sounds like a nice spot.

0.006 NEOXAG

Enjoy your us some photos once you reach Jamaica 😁

0.004 NEOXAG

Thank you. You'd be surprised how similar it looks to Cebu :)

0.000 NEOXAG

Jamaican dialect would definitely be a fun experience! 😁
You seem to have done a good job with the baggage. It required a lot of knowledge and thinking. 😀
You can throw some Blue mountain beans to Bulgaria… I would happily grab them 🤣

Have a safe flight!

0.003 NEOXAG

Thanks a lot!
I have no idea what the price of a small pack of Blue Mountain will be, but I will get one at least. I'll tell you all about it. If all goes well, I'll try to visit the Blue Mountain Peak:)

0.000 NEOXAG

I love that the first thing on the list is a HAMMOCK! I am made for hammocks, haha! My eyes blinked when I saw it 😁

I had no idea that the cost of living in Jamaica is so high... I know there is great inequality, but I didn't expect to hear those prices, oh my! Now I understand why you are carrying coffee in Jamaica :) I hope you will be able to get some Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee!

Strict dress code for certain business wouldn't have crossed my mind. This is why I love the tips from locals!

You are definitely the most organized person I've seen, true inspiration!
Have an safe trip and a great time! 3 months sounds good for truly catching-up with the people you want and for recharging! Enjoy!!!

0.002 NEOXAG

Hey there!
Yes, everything is super expensive and you find that many places quote their prices in USD even though we have our own Jamaican dollar JMD.

We're still completely exhausted because we traveled via Toronto and had quite a layover. However, in a few days, we should be able to get some Blue Mountain Coffee.

Strict dress code for certain businesses wouldn't have crossed my mind. This is why I love the tips from locals!

Haha, yeah it's not something you would imagine at all. I got caught out while I was living here, but I guess I was in some sort of bubble in my career life.

Thanks for stopping by:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

Via Toronto? Phew... Rest, rest and rest!
And then, have an amazing time and some great coffee!!!

0.004 NEOXAG

I hope you have a great trip and enjoy it with your family.
I need a hammock for 10,00$ maybe it is more economical for me to pay the shipping than to buy it here hahaha.
The handmade ones are very expensive.
When I hear Jamaica I immediately think of beach and reggae. I would like you to show historical areas and their culture.

0.002 NEOXAG

Hey Lisa,
I guess the cost of living would be pretty high in Venezuela and probably hammocks are also expensive.

When I hear Jamaica I immediately think of beach and reggae

Yes, you are right about that 😎
I'll definitely see about featuring some historical areas indeed:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

I love packing and I also love looking at how other people pack for their travels, especially if it's light packing. I have no idea how many videos of minimalist packing/traveling I have seen on You Tube, lol. Making a list and weighting bulky items is definitely very important.

I am looking forward to your Jamaica updates, I had some Jamaican acquaintances back in the days when I used to go to dancehall parties here in my city in Serbia, such good times! :) So anything you share about Jamaica will be interesting for me to read! Have a lovely time with your family!

0.002 NEOXAG

I had some Jamaican acquaintances back in the days when I used to go to dancehall parties here in my city in Serbia, such good times!

Really! Wow! That's lovely to hear.
I do miss attending big Reggae Festivals and dancehall parties too, but unfortunately, the crime rate in Jamaica is pretty high, so I choose to only live off those beautiful memories.

I'll do my best to share different parts of the island and the culture though.
Thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

Weeww! That is very exciting my friend. I could imagine how excited your family now that you will be going to Jamaica. Three months vacation is already long when spent well every day. Enjoy with your family. Have safe travels and take care always.

0.002 NEOXAG

Thanks for your good wishes 😊
Yes, I'm super excited, and my parents are too:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

I never knew that! :) I assumed Jamaica would be casual all the way island and the tropics style. I thought the hot climate made people chill - excuse the pun.

Noted with thanks!

Really interesting to see how considered your packing for travel was. I have a lot to learn. I tend to throw things into a bag at the last minute and not use half of the stuff.

Next time I'll do it right!

I hope it goes well. It can't be a simple journey. With you in spirit 🐾

0.002 NEOXAG

Haha! Yeah, you'd expect it to be more laidback... and basically, the people are not so chilled at all. It's like there's pent-up anger in so many people, and something hard to explain.

Thanks, and I'm happy I took the time to pack carefully. It feels so good to be back. It's been way too long though, so everywhere looks very different:)

0.000 NEOXAG

Huh! Who would have thought? :/

Your post just made me rethink my backpack

Two weeks here, moving on again today and half of my clothes never worn...

I can do with even less it seems!

Dreading picking the stuff up from storage. I feel another shed comin' on.

Take care of you and be vigilant. Home will def make stiff rise so it's either an opportunity for understanding and growth or it can be painful and set us back

Sending peace and sunshine.

I know you already posses tons of power and strength 💥💗

0.000 NEOXAG

Dreading picking the stuff up from storage. I feel another shed comin' on.

I know this feeling very well.
There were so many items I forgot I had back here in Jamaica. I'm gonna spend a few days doing some clearing.

Home will def make stiff rise so it's either an opportunity for understanding and growth or it can be painful and set us back

That's a lot of truth there.
I'm just keeping a low profile and enjoying chilling in my backyard:))

0.165 NEOXAG

I've got far from a minimal amount of content brewing for The Minimalist btw... but I'm taking a bit of rest as well... brb

Enjoy the moment and don't forget to breathe :) <3

0.009 NEOXAG

It's great that you know when to take a break and not feel pressured to blog.
Look after yourself, and yes, I remind myself to breathe. It's always nice getting your little encouragement:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

Congratulations for that trip, you couldn't miss in your suitcase the coffee for all those days; a hammock is great, how expensive the girl was charging for a hammock, here in my country they also sell them for about 60$, you bought it at an excellent price.

I wish you a great trip and a great enjoyment.

0.002 NEOXAG

Thank you for your lovely comment.
$60 is still high, and maybe if I saw them for that price, I would have purchased one without thinking too much about it.

I just knew that $150 was way too much, and the fact that I didn't haggle, yet she reduced the price to $75 told me everything:)

We purchased some Jamaican Coffee today and can't wait to brew it in the morning:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

Hi, Milly!

There are unbreakable dress codes and draconian security guards who take their jobs seriously.

I understand perfectly well what you mean. 🤣🤣 Here, it is the same in the cities on the coast and in those with the warmest climate.

Have a nice trip, and enjoy the time with your family 😊

0.001 NEOXAG

Haha! It can ruin your day if you're not aware of such rules. The last time I was there I nearly passed out standing in a loooooong line to renew my driver's license, dressed in jeans and a short sleeve shirt. Luckily I got used to humidity again from living in the Philippines:)

0.000 NEOXAG

Coffee is a must, love it! Enjoy your family time and a different climate!

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you:)))
It's great to be back. I've dreamed of this for a long time, and it's great to be reunited with my parents 🙏

0.000 NEOXAG

In my shocked state, I asked if her hammocks happened to be lined with gold,

Same question I'd have asked her. Hahaha. You can imagine the price difference at which you got yours compared to what she told you. Jeez! Things are quite expensive over there and being a minimalist would never let me buy even the least thing as toothbrush if I should ever travel to such country. Lol.

I've never been to Jamaica but with what you've written here, I'm super interested to read more about the country. They sure have weird rules and I wonder how all of their population stick to it. Hope there's no penalty like death if someone ever violates the dress code rule?

I like how you packed your things, simple and nice. Have a wonderful and safe trip. Can't wait to read more on your experience at Jamaica.

0.000 NEOXAG

Don't get me wrong, you have people who dress skimpy in next to nothing outfits, and that's quite the norm. However, if you have to do any business transaction and there's a security guard, the only thing that matters is the set of rules.
Generally, Jamaicans are not law abiding and are known for riots/protests when rules are imposed (even for cases such as wearing seatbelts for personal safety).

I haven't been back in ages but I think I'll be relying on yoga and lots of meditation to keep me sane. 🤣

0.000 NEOXAG

However, if you have to do any business transaction and there's a security guard, the only thing that matters is the set of rules.

I do understand it better now. Sorry I got the wrong perception at first. Was just curious.

Generally, Jamaicans are not law abiding and are known for riots/protests when rules are imposed (even for cases such as wearing seatbelts for personal safety).

Wearing seatbelts? Hahaha. They are such headstrong humans if so.

haven't been back in ages but I think I'll be relying on yoga and lots of meditation to keep me sane.

Good for you then! It'll help you lots. Enjoy

0.002 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

I could never stop to think how everyone would smile on seeing you, it will be joyful in the family, great thing. 🥰

Hammock can be so costly in Jamaica, maybe it's because of transportation costs that makes the price that costly, that is if it is not made there in Jamaica.

I am waiting to see all the beautiful places you will shine on your next post about Jamaica.
Safe journey @millycf1976

0.000 NEOXAG

Thanks for your comment.
You could be right about transport costs being the reason for such expensive hammocks!

0.000 NEOXAG