HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #396

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @rammargarita

Community: The Ink Well
Wishing Balloons - Creative Nonfiction Prompt #122
It has been four years since my husband Efraín left to walk on God's paths. It took me a long time to resign myself to his absence, it was 49 years that we were together enjoying our love. Even though he is distant, I will continue to love him in the same way. At that time I was suffering from depression, I just took refuge in the stories of The Ink Well Hive ...
Author: @fashtioluwa

Community: The Ink Well
A Clean Sweep: A Lesson Before University
"Remember, you are about to start university. All those negative influences I’ve been warning you about have stopped. Now, you need to begin talking positively to yourself. There's a saying: 'If a man trains his child well, it is up to the child to retrain himself ...
Author: @kei2

Community: The Ink Well
Whispers of The Ancient
generated with meta. ai Enemoa let out a wild growl. Her fingers clenched and the veins from her arms to her neck bulged. “Why? ...

Curated By:
Author: @les90

Community: Hive Learners
Technology make it easy
Hello everyone! ! ! I hope so you all are fine and happy For me knowledge is just like a food that you've to take it every day like an urgent dose ...
Author: @almajoy18

Community: Worldmappin
Our Family's Unforgettable Trip to D'Farmhauz: A Kidapawan City Adventure
Our recent family outing at D'Farmhauz, located in Kidapawan City, was indeed a most welcome respite from the daily grind. Surrounded by the picturesque countryside of North Cotabato, this farm offers a very serene environment for quality bonding time with loved ones, complete with fresh air, breathtaking scenery, and many chances for enjoyment and relaxation. D'Farmhauz at Kidapawan City was the perfect place to spend quality time with family. Its beautiful surroundings and cozy atmosphere make it an unforgettable experience filled with laughter, relaxation, and quality time spent together ...
Author: @manclar

Community: Hive Learners
Is Easy Access to Knowledge a Blessing or a Curse? - The Modern Dilemma
"Easy access to knowledge does not guarantee wisdom or deep understanding". This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Is Easy Access A Blessing"? . I will distribute 3% of the rewards obtained in this post, among the best comments, who will receive a tip when the rewards are collected ...

Curated By:
Author: @samantha06

Community: Holos&Lotus
Sed de superación / Thirst for improvement (es-en)
Hola amigos de holos lotus es un placer para mi compartir nuevamente en esta comunidad tan cálida. Desde pequeña me ha gustado investigar de más, me gusta conocer de todo y saber el por qué de las cosas. No me gusta quedarme con la primera información sino buscar más y más de eso que me llama la atención o detenerme a investigar hasta en aquello que no me gusta. El mundo de las letras siempre me ha apasionado, en cambio, esto no quita que también me llamen la atención otras áreas, como es el campo de la salud, cocina, entre otros ...
Author: @liyuxiexie

Community: Holos&Lotus
EN&ES. We have become a problem solving machine//Nos hemos vuelto en una máquina de resolver problemas. Los
All the people who are part of this beautiful community of Holos&Lotus, I hope you are very well, this time I come to participate in the initiative proposed by @lilianajimenez of Doing things well, with the least resources. Imagen de Karolina Grabowska en Pixabay Growing up in a context of limitations has pushed me to be creative in different aspects of life, I had to develop the ability to solve problems and reach a quick solution without having the material or economic resources. Since I was a child that has been my school: to solve problems, sometimes it is a little exhausting for me to have to solve everything around me. I think my father was the precursor to shape in me this way of being, since I was very little he gave me the tools to be independent, as he said, I had to solve things by myself and so I did not have to depend on anyone, with that thought in mind he taught me several skills that usually do the men, then I followed my university path preparing me with the career of Education for work, There I really had to work and do it very well since I had to teach the students the basics to learn a skill regardless of sex, as an anecdote I remember that my classmates cheated and sought the help of male classmates to help them do the jobs such as disassembling a machine, while I was alone without the help of any classmate wrenching the nuts, and they for their part were giving juice with bread to the boys so they would have the strength to disassemble their machine and theirs (they were definitely smarter than me), I remember one day that the concerned teacher came to my work area and asked me if I was okay, I remember on ...
Author: @casmar551

Community: Holos&Lotus
Las mejores cápsulas para salir de la depresión//The best capsules to get out of depression[ESP/ENG]
Foto creada en canva y Pixabay Hola feliz día para todos mis amigos de hive y de ésta maravillosa comunidad como lo es @Holo lotus. Hoy estoy aquí nuevamente gracias a la invitación que me hizo mi nuevo y amigo @vanerojas90 para aportar un poco de este tema sobre la Depresión y su enigma. Cabe mencionar que es muy oportuno ya que se ha amplificado en los últimos años; es por eso que hoy me gustaría aportar un poco de este tema con todos ustedes. La depresión es una enfermedad mental compleja que afecta a millones de personas alrededor del mundo, que llegan a ser tocadas en algún momento de su vida debido a algún proceso o circunstancia ...

Curated By:
Author: @youyowi

Community: Gaming Photography
GAMING PHOTOGRAPHY-A new adventure in Minecraft 😁.
Every year during summer vacation I usually take up my Minecraft adventure a bit, especially when there is a new update, this time I took up the new one, but maybe I will update the world when the final version comes out since things are changing. But I am using the same seed from a world that did not prosper, the world was called surviving and the seed starts in the biome that I like the least, the savannah, each Minecraft player has a biome that they love, a biome that they hate and a neutral biome, well I love snowy biomes, I hate the savannah and the rest I am neutral. My goal was to find a snowy biome in which I would like to live, for that I was going to go through many blocks since it is never easy to find them, but in Minecraft you never know. While I was walking around there I saw an armadillo, I had already forgotten that there are armadillos in Minecraft haha ...
A new awakening in a totally unusual world. My travels take me to worlds of fantasy and magic but I would never expect that in this new installment I would be face to face with one of my favorite Disney sagas, Toy Story or as they named it in this new installment Toy Box. We go in realizing that Woody and Buzz are in trouble and we decide to help them, however Buzz does not trust us because he believes that we are not trustworthy, but we should leave that behind since we must rescue Andy's toy who was taken away. The appearance of our heroes changes like previous installments who adapt to the world they find themselves in and this is due to the magical clothes that the fairy godmothers make for us ...

Curated By:
Author: @daveks

Community: Photography Lovers
Hiking is a blast, especially on a sunny clear day. Some things that get overlooked whilst out on the trails are the tremendous reflections. It is not until you start processing the images at home, that the reflections start to really “materialize” before your eyes, when you have the time to really “dig into” the images. The black and whites really shine here, as the reflections become very bold and distinct ...
Author: @portugalcoin

Community: Worldmappin
Visit Portugal - Obelisk of Memory Beach
Hi 👋 On a chilly winter morning, before the sun rose, I decided to take a walk to the Obelisk of Praia da Memória a peaceful retreat where the sound of the waves and the solitude of the beach offered the perfect escape from the busyness of everyday life. I woke up before the sun had a chance to rise, the darkness still blanketing everything outside my window. It was the beginning of winter, and the air had that distinct crispness. I bundled up in my coat, knowing that the morning chill would bite at my cheeks as soon as I stepped outside ...
Author: @parvkhuller

Community: Worldmappin
Exploring a hidden spot with mesmerising evenings views in Garh region of Upper Kullu Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Namaste 🙏 Hope you all are doing great! ! ! I tried to incorporate evening walks too in my lifestyle nowadays and this has turned out to be really good for me ...

Curated By:
Author: @stellamartinez

Community: Full Deportes
Cada dia Es una Aventura con mi Caballito-Every Day is an Adventure with my Horse(Eng/Esp Subtitled)
Hola comunidad de full deporte el día de hoy quiero que conozcan el estadio general Santander donde juega el equipo de futbol de nuestra ciudad en estos momentos está albergando unas personas desplazadas de otra parte del departamento, por ello no me acerque mucho, pues hay mucha gente ocupada, solo entre una vez a ese estadio un evento que hicieron por Navidad, para mí es grande, pero comparado con otros estadios del mundo es pequeño ! También quise tomarle fotos a la bici con el monumento más histórico y representativo que tenemos aquí en Cúcuta es como donde todos nos ubicamos como que nos vemos donde el indio jajaj o está buscando trabajo vaya al terminal que el indio necesita quien le sostenga la flecha, me impresiono que pude subir la cuesta del indio, pues hace años recuerdo haber sufrido mucho para subirla y esta vez lo hice bastante relajada con esto no digo que no me costó sí que me costó, pero definitivamente me resulto mucho más fácil que la última vez definitivamente cada día soy más y más fuerte ! También pase por donde hay unas ramplas para las bicis cerca de donde vivo donde se la pasan muchos niños y jóvenes, pero por la hora era en la mañana no están por allí, están en clases en la tarde noche si se ve lleno ese pequeño espacio, me gusta mucho salir Así a paseos así simples de la nada porque simplemente quiero disfrutar de mi bici sentir el poder de mis piernas y avanzar encima de mi caballito de acero, cuando voy en buseta trasporte público me demoro media hora para llegar allá en la bici me demore siete minutos claramente la buseta da muchas vueltas hace varias paradas encambio en bici vas a donde vas sin parar s ...

Curated By:
Author: @titissumiati

Community: HiveGarden
Planting Second time peanuts.Still during the rainy season.
Hello Hive Garden friends. Thank God though the looks bright is sunny today, although Sometimes it's a bit cloudy. It's been raining for two weeks endlessly, to fertilize the land of the farmers' fields. Farmers are very happy when the land is fertile like this ...
Author: @sayunita

Community: Worldmappin
"Takengon, the Land Above the Clouds"
Hello everyone,,, 🤗 I feel very happy when I want to tell you about my experience of spending holiday time with my husband in one of the cities in Aceh, namely the city of "Takengon" which is often called "The Land Above the Clouds". Takengon is the capital of Central Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Takengon is located on the side of Lake Laut Tawar, Lut Tawar sub district in the middle of Aceh province. Takengon is a plateau with cool air with an altitude of around 1200 m above sea level ...
Author: @lingkar-photo

Community: Fungi Lovers
Umbrella mushrooms in oil palm plantations
Hello mushroom friends everywhere at the moment, happy to be able to get mushrooms in my friend's oil palm plantation, at that time I was in the area where my friend lives which is far away, and the aim was just to meet an old friend but my friend invited me to his oil palm plantation which also has a pond. fish and shrimp, but because I was hanging out and saw mushrooms growing under the shade of palm oil leaves and several photos are presented below There are several types of palm oil mushrooms that are edible and some that are not, it seems like this type of mushroom is not edible? Photography mushroom Camera smartphone oppoA12 Editing Becground aplication app Writer @lingkar photo ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 79 Discord servers, with over 11286 Hive users!

© 2025 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris



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Thanks a lot for the mention. Means a lot to me. 🙏🙏🙏
