HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #394

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @nancybriti1

Community: The Ink Well
Creative Nonfiction: Resetting the soul/ Resetear el alma (ENG/ ESP)
Resetting the soul I had stayed in the car when my father got out of the car at the high school to get the report card. I knew what the grades were and what my father's reaction would be to such grades. So I preferred to wait in the car listening to music. After about 10 minutes, I saw that my father was coming with big steps, as if to get to the car quickly, and by the look on his face: he was upset ...
Author: @janaveda

Community: The Ink Well
Sink if you want, but don't forget to swim afterwards
“Jump rookie! What are you waiting for? We don't have all day”. The lieutenant's loud shout echoed off the gym walls ...
Author: @seki1

Community: The Ink Well
Matters of the Heart
He saw himself chatting with this girl smiling and could feel himself shake his head in derision. The brain was sending signals to stop but sadly his heart controlled the body now. His brain sat befuddled as he wrote the cheesiest lines and got even cheesier responses. Didn't he remember the incident from last year? ...

Curated By:
Author: @sabahuddin10

Community: OCD
Hope for some, ignore the others!!!
My name Hello there, everyone. People usually go by the name Sabahudin to get my attention. Many of them felt like it was a long, boring name, so they shortened it to Sabah for their ease. 25 year journey I am not one of the guys to go up the stage and throw out an introduction of myself ...
Author: @farisahmad

Community: OCD
Who Am I? A Glimpse Into My World
Who am I? If you see in a world of people, I am nothing but a human like the others but if we short the circle of people who know me maybe I am special for anyone like my parents or other family members. I am a person who isn't exactly extroverted, but when I connect or know someone, I truly open up. Whether through heartfelt conversations, offering a helping hand, or simply being there for them, I value genuine relationships ...
Author: @nanixxx

Community: Feathered Friends
Candelita, I don't understand your behaviour 😅
Let's talk about technical issues first. I own a camera that is already quite old and that at any moment is going to ‘sing’... it won't do it exactly like the Candelita (American redstart) that seems to give little kisses when it sings, I still think they are little kisses, of those tender ones, that almost don't sound. When my Panasonic Lumix G10 ‘sings’ it will do it silently and it will stay in the dark ...

Curated By:
They're NO Different
Judgemental or not, there are times it can’t be helped that they’re being mistreated. If not being obvious from their looks, maybe from their attitude on showing expressions. It’s true, no one wants to be born like that or like them. No one has to blame but it’s just too pitiful for these children to be special ...
Author: @nill2021

Community: Holos&Lotus
Los beneficios del dormir [Esp-Eng]
Los últimos días he comprobado lo importante que es dormir para el bienestar de nuestra salud, siempre escuchaba a los doctores aconsejar que es necesario dormir y no trasnochar, yo soy una de las que iba a dormir después de las 12 de la noche por supuesto mi cuerpo me empezó a pasar factura lo estaba sometiendo a un colapso general. The last few days I have seen how important it is to sleep for the well being of our health, I always heard doctors advise that it is necessary to sleep and not to stay up late, I am one of those who went to sleep after 12 at night of course my body began to take its toll on me and I was subjecting it to a general collapse. De un tiempo para acá empecé a sentir algunos síntomas que me pusieron en alerta, dolores de cabeza continuos que no se me quitaban, con los analgésicos solo se me calmaban se pude decir que eran 24 horas con malestar, aunado a la tensión que me agarró toda la espalda, una neuritis de pecho que por un momento pensé que me estaba dando un infarto, más otros síntomas todo los días era uno diferente. From some time ago I began to feel some symptoms that put me on alert, continuous headaches that would not go away, with painkillers they only calmed me down, I could say that it was 24 hours with discomfort, added to the tension that grabbed my whole back, a neuritis of the chest that for a moment I thought I was having a heart attack, plus other symptoms every day was a different one ...
Author: @davchi2

Community: Be Entrepreneur
How To Make A Successful Entrepreneur By Anyone. [ESPN/ENG]
Spanish Translation. Cómo ser un empresario exitoso por cualquier persona. Saludos amigos, espero que todos se encuentren bien, de hecho es un placer para mí agilizar el artículo de hoy en congruencia con la exigencia de hacerlo bien como emprendedor. El concepto de emprendimiento se ha convertido en una tendencia global donde casi todos trabajan intensamente para encajar adecuadamente, pero no todos están dispuestos a tomar el toro por los cuernos cuando se les da la oportunidad (dinero) de ejercer su experiencia y conocimientos técnicos en el campo empresarial ...

Curated By:
Author: @incublus

Community: Hive Gaming
8 Mage Was Flawless! TFT Set 13
Hello players, we continue our TFT adventure from where we left off. I'm on the LAN server but this game was solo, sometimes it's fun to play with someone to talk to, but I focus better when I'm alone. You can watch the gameplay here: Jinx visited and stole all the monsters and replaced them with crabs that give additional loot. This means stronger compositions than usual ...
Author: @cocacolaron

Community: Hive Gaming
Back to Hades! - And re-learning everything the hard way.. [ ENG - ESP ]
Gracias por pasar, version en español abajo Everyone goes back to where they are happy, I include myself in that package because I couldn't stand it much longer and I downloaded again on the PC this game that I consider to be one of the best video games I have ever played and it is fundamentally the reason why my spark for video games was rekindled and is stronger than ever in my adulthood Hades is such a diverse and dynamic game that I think you could play it forever, it has some of the most used gameplay mechanisms in this last decade of video games but still finds a surprising way to understand the player and make them stay as long as possible exploring everything it has for offering Basically In Hades we are Zagreus, the son of the king of the underworld who wants to leave this realm to go to the surface and be part of the gods of Olympus, or at least that's what the story says at first because if something has surprised me besides the playability is in the plot and how deep its characters can be I decided to take a turn around these parts again to see if I still have what it takes to reach the surface, although I'm not completely disconnected from the controls since in these last few months I've been thoroughly reviewing the sequel to this first part and it has several of the same controls that we usually use here, specifically the fighting controls are the same as well as some basic ones like the dash It never hurts to clarify this because the controls are an essential part of the fun of Hades, without good controls to control our main character and finish off the demons that are in front of us, it does make it ...
Author: @jesusgomez2049

Community: Hive Gaming
Clearing the Corvega Assembly Plant [Eng/Esp]
Made with Photoshop Good afternoon to all the Hive Gaming community. I started playing FallOut 4 recently and wanted to experience the real challenge of survival mode. You have to be aware of almost everything, thirst, hunger, sleep, disease, fractures and also that the enemies do much more damage among other details apart. Muy buenas tardes a toda la comunidad de Hive Gaming ...

Curated By:
Author: @x-rain

Community: Worldmappin
Banyan Embankment in Hue, Vietnam
The season is weird in Central Vietnam. Instead of the tropical heat a foreigner could expect in Vietnam, we first had the drizzling month from late November to early January reminiscent of autumn in the northern countries except for one thing: it was warm, like, +22°C in the afternoon, +19°C in the night. However, the drizzling marathon has ended and we entered the time of rather chill nights but sunny warm days, while all of nature is in deep sleep. Google weather forecast for this week It looks like July in Scandinavia except the plants are saying: "It's winter! ...
Author: @corvidae

Community: Photography Lovers
The MRI experience is not unlike being forced to listen to someone attempting to compose a bad bass line for a speed metal song on a casio keyboard being piped through a speaker under your bed. This thought occurs to me in the middle of the scan, and I bite my lip surreptitiously to keep from laughing. No moving allowed, not during the scan. If I do it might disrupt the imaging process and we'll have to start over ...
Author: @parvkhuller

Community: Worldmappin
Reaching the other side of the mountain and on the top of Shegli Mountain, Manali.
Namaste 🙏 Hope you all are doing great! ! ! This blog is going to be the continuation of my last blog so if you haven’t been through that one yet, I’ll be posting the link below So here I was, on the other side of the world after being on the back of the mountain and into the deep unexplored realm of the Himalayas, I was now slowly entering the more known region of the Upper Kullu Valley ...

Curated By:
Author: @vesytz

Community: Cycling
Sunday Cycling around Burgas
This afternoon @outlinez and I cycling south of the city. The day was extremely warm and we didn't want to miss out on the nice weather and spend a few hours outside in nature. We headed to the Poda protected area and then continued past Kraimorie to Chengene skele. We went around the Fisherman's Village and headed towards Rosenets Park ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

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Currently deployed on 79 Discord servers, with over 11286 Hive users!

© 2025 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris

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I'm very grateful for your pretty acknowledgement

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Saludos gracias por la mención bendiciones 💛💙❤️

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