HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #349
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This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.
It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.
Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.
Highlighted Posts:
Curated By: | @theinkwell |
![]() Community: The Ink Well | . "Mum it's it's Jeff the magician! He's here on my birthday"! Tommy exclaimed with mouth wide open and eyes almost popping out of the socket ... |
![]() Community: The Ink Well | A knot in front of the sea The first time I fell in love I was 22 years old and the boy I fell in love with lived six hours away from my city. I met him, by chance, on a trip I took with my friend Jenny, who was his cousin. We arrived at his house, a ranch where there were horses, cows, bulls and all kinds of animals. I had always doubted love at first sight, but as soon as I saw this guy I knew he was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with ... |
![]() Community: The Ink Well | The little bear pleasantly sat on his shelf, tucked between a stuffed turtle who was timidly peeking out of her shell, and a fancy cat wearing a plaid bowtie on his neck. The little bear was adorned with a tiny red hat of his own that was perched atop one ear. The aisle that surrounded him was full of an array of other stuffed toys, a smile stitched onto every face, and each one decorated with festive flowers and lights. The little bear could tell that they were being prepared for something special, yet for what, he did not know ... |
Curated By: | @hivepakistan |
![]() Community: Hive Learners | Animal testing has been of paramount importance to science over the years for the development of new methods in medicine, as well as for the creation of medicines, vaccines and treatments that save thousands of lives every year. Without this resource, we would hardly have reached the level we are at today and, despite the sacrifice of some poor animals, medicine thrives. But is it really fair that things like this happen? Should animals really pay this price for us? ... |
This is gonna be a quick literal shitpost about something hilarious I learnt today 😄 Apparently, some species of caterpillars have the unique ability to shoot their shit over long distances. One fascinating example is the silver spotted skipper caterpillar (Epargyreus clarus) which has the ability to shoot its poop up to 1.4 fucking meters away from their anus. That's about 40 times their body length 😄😂 My first thought was that this was some form of defense mechanism against predators. Something like a Kamehameha ... | |
![]() Community: Hive Learners | There are so many things we can tag as unfair in the world today, but there is just nothing we can do about them because there are no better options than that unfair tradition we have always known. I believe many Nigerians can relate to the saying that "Life no balance," and that's just the situation of the world we live in today. Looking at things from a general perspective, humans, animals, and even plants are victims of numerous unfair treatments. However, if we look deeply, doing things otherwise might probably make no sense at all ... |
Curated By: | @pollination |
![]() Community: Holos&Lotus | ⭐💛💙🌟⭐💛💙🌟⭐💛💙 💥 ESPAÑOL 💥 El amor mi gran llave maestra, mi llave poderosa que me ayuda a superar todas las cosas que me podrían causar algún defecto o mal entendido y superar los diferentes traumas o dolores que podrían impregnar en el corazon, es bonito sentir que la vida en muchos más que vivir una vida rutinaria, que podemos apreciar lo bello de la vida y darle valor a las cosas por tan pequeñas que se vean, mis estimados amigos de @holos lotus les deseo un bendecido, prospero y maravilloso día, que la luz del padre de las luces los guíe siempre, nosotros cada niño joven o adulto es un mundo de posibilidades, que hermoso es poder saber que nosotros somos esa llave que lleva a los demás un grano de amor, paz, salud, risa, prosperidad y buenos ratos, muchas veces nos encontramos con personas que son unas dinamitas de sentimientos encontrados y desean sentir en su ser, un gozo que no se compara con nadie, que desean ser mejores, aunque aveces nos encontramos con personas con un ser tan marchito, destrozado y que portan maldad. Creo que si nosotros estamos llenos de amor, daremos un poco o bastante de lo que estamos llenos a esas personas que están marcadas de maldad, he iniquidades, creo que si estamos llenos de amor, podemos abrir esas cerraduras que ellos portan con nuestro amor, y que si podemos ser mejores cada día. hoy lo puedo contar como una oportunidad que me obsequio Dios para vivir en la plenitud de una vida en gozo, en dicha y es lo unico que podemos tener como meta, porque el poder ver, amar, caminar, sonreír, es una bienaventuranza a nuestra vida, para vivirla en plenitud, a disfrutar de las segundas oportunid ... |
![]() Community: ThoughtfulDailyPost | Throughout my life I have experienced moments of great anxiety and panic attacks. Although my strongest crisis was more than twenty years ago, it left after effects in me. For about two years I was immersed in intense sadness but when I was able to come out of it I was very vulnerable. It took me some time to smile again, to risk doing the things I like and to live according to my rhythm ... |
Curated By: | @gamingphoto |
![]() Community: Hive Gaming | Made in Photoshop Hello, hello, how are you? I hope well. Well, well, guys, today I bring you a very rich and tasty game called Brotato. I claimed this game for free on Epic Games, so I recommend that anyone who does not have this wonderful platform download it, because they give away games every week and, especially, this December they will give away many more ... |
![]() Community: Hive Gaming | Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers! Spitting Up Tar! YEAHP, It's that time again! However I am out of practice real bad! ... |
![]() Community: Hive Gaming | Hello Everyone. In my previous posts, I shared how I was causing trouble to the Castilo army by destroying their plants and FND bases. But, now they are always keeping their special forces on alert, which is causing me trouble during my missions. So, now it's time to teach them a lesson with a big shock ... |
Curated By: | @visualshots |
![]() Community: Visual Shots | Congratulations Jethro, you're not in jail! It's once again that time of year where I look back, reflect, and celebrate. On this night 14 years ago I was drunk, homeless, and staggering down the sidewalk in a snowstorm until an LMPD officer decided to slap on a set of handcuffs and take me to jail. This insult didn't sit particularly well with me, and while they were trying to figure out how to book someone who refused to give a name I figured out how to get the door of the holding cage open ... |
![]() Community: Black And White | These photos are my entry for the monomad contest by @brumest and @monochromes. It had been a long time since my hive model and I went out together, yesterday we decided to go to a place we have visited before; the city park, we went to where some old locomotives are on display to take some pictures, to warm up the lens and set up the camera I took some portraits, as always she very spontaneous and natural, showing the beauty of her youth, I hope you like the images and are to your liking, I end wishing you an excellent day and until a next post, best regards. Translated with (free version) 🙋🙋🙋🙋 Camera: Nikon D 7500 Lens: Nikkor AF P 70 300 mm 1:4.5 6.3 G ED. Nikkor AF P 50 mm 1:1.8 D. Nikkor AF P 10 20 mm 1:4.5 5.6 G. All the photos and texts in this post are my authorship ... |
![]() Community: Urban Exploration | It is annoying when you can’t find even a scrap of information about a decaying property. This one is next to an old mill, and even the mill has been renamed to something else. The architecture tells me it's a relic of the early 20th or late 19th century, yet there's a dearth of information. The house is substantially newer and, at a guess, likely a product of the 1960s ... |

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.
If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.
For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.
Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.
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Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs! Currently deployed on 72 Discord servers, with over 8059 Hive users! |
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