HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #323

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @erh.germany

Community: Proof of Brain
Impunity! Unlimited licences for every body and for every thing! Who cares if shopkeepers are relieved of nine hundred bucks worth of goods, that makes the stocks replenishable. And why should some scary entities like police bother with something so trivial? ...
Author: @zerah

Community: The Ink Well
Ride To Remember
I still remember how thick the air was that early morning as I stepped out of Miriam's cramped apartment where I was squatting for the meantime until I could afford my place. I was just a fresh Lagosian with big dreams of sneaking my way somehow into the corporate world. But that morning, my only goal that morning was getting to my interview on time, and somehow, if the rays of luck happen to shine on me, I'll secure the job. I prayed fervently as that would be the start of something big for me ...
Author: @blaqbarbie

Community: The Ink Well
Shadows Between Us
The golden glow from the chandelier cloaked the dining room and the soft clink of silverware filled the silence between conversations. Katie sat at the head of the table, radiant as always, recounting her business trip, with excitement and pride. Her husband, Klein, sat to her left, pouring wine into her glass, playing the role of a perfect and supportive husband who missed his wife well. Lisa sat to Katie's right ...

Curated By:
Author: @queenart

Community: Hive Learners
Savor the goodness of Paneer in Paratha. (creative sunday)
In India, one of the popular and most common breakfast option are the Paratha. They were so popular especially in North India, that everybody likes to have them even on lunch or at dinner. Parathas are famous in India because they are a versatile, delicious, and filling flatbread that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, with a wide variety of fillings depending on the region, and are considered a staple food across the Indian subcontinent, especially in North India, due to their flaky texture and ability to pair well with various curries and accompaniments. Essentially making them a beloved culinary staple across different cultures within India ...
Author: @qurat-ul-ain

Community: Hive Learners
Cherries 🍒
Greetings to all bloggers I'm back at this community's Contest Creative Sunday after several weeks. Last time I made a drawing of a flower and I received a lot of good comments on it and I was happy. After that I didn't have time to make anything for Creative Sunday. Every Sunday I do laundry because of which I don't have time ...
Author: @preeti

Community: Hive Learners
A warm Cheesy Potato Hug with a crust--- AU GRATIN!
Welcome to a new Post! Half of the november passed and remaing days will also pass. Then chritsmas will come and finally the New Year! Hope all will remain happy healthy and active ...

Curated By:
Author: @penta555

Community: Hive JA
SNPT exchange ranking results / SNPT交換ランキング結果
(日本語は後半にあります) 【English】 Good evening, I am Penta, who is on a losing streak due to a very weak seafood bowl. Pictures like dead dandelions? He said it was weaker than・・・🤣 I wish I'd had a nice seafood bowl. ・・・ For some reason, SNPIT seems to have a jinx about food photos being weak ...
Author: @hancos

Community: Hive JP
定期健康診断、うっかり2年ぶりになってしまいました。 日本の会社員だったら、会社主導でだいたい決まった時期に受けると思うんだけど、私は会社員じゃないので決まった時期に受ける、とゆうルーティーンがないんです。 気付いたら、えっもう前の健診から2年が経とうとしているの?? とゆう感じで。時間の流れの速さが恐ろしいです。 健康診断自体は、夫の会社の健康保険で受けられるからとにかく予約をすれば良いだけなんですけどね。 いつだったか、市が主催のがん健診だかで、手紙で通知が来ていて。封筒に 「来週のランチ会の予定よりもがん検診の方が大事な予定です」 みたいな標語が書かれていて(もっと心に響くやつだったと思うけど) ほんとうにそう思います。 私の実の姉は婦人科系の病気ですでに他界していまして。私も妹も震え上がってとにかく健診とか保険とかには敏感だったんですが、うっかりが過ぎますよね。 来年からはなる決まった時期に健康診断受けられるようにしたいと思います。 さて、健康診断で悲しかったことなんですが、 お決まりで身長と体重を測るじゃないですかぁ。 身長を測ったら、以前より8ミリほど低くなっていたんですよね。 2年ぶりとは言え、縮み具合がすごすぎる(泣 計測担当の人も、あれっ?みたいな感じで。 もう一回測り直しましょうって言われて再チャレンジしたんですが、やっぱり変わりませんでした。 悲しい。。40代後半でもう縮んじゃうの? 最近運動不足とPC作業多めで肩まわりがガッチガチだったんだけどそれのせい? なんか、納得いかないので 1年かけて肩まわりをほぐしつつ、ちょっとコラーゲンとか飲んでみようかな。軟骨育ててみよう。。 身長測定に関しては、来年の健康診断でリベンジしたいと思います。 ちなみに写真は健診センターの近くのビルです。近くには古くて素敵な建物とかが多くてゆっくり見てまわりたかったんだけど、バリウム飲んで苦しかったので速攻で帰りましたw ...
Author: @donasycafe

Community: Holos&Lotus
Iniciativa: ¿Quién soy? Vivir y morir//Initiative: Who am I? Living and Dying (ESP-ENG)
Hola a todos. Este es un tema, una pregunta que me impacta un poco. Para muchas personas y para mí la vida es un don sagrado que hay cuidar. Creo que hay que disfrutarla y vivirla plenamente, pero sin hacer cosas ni teniendo vicios que la dañen, como el tabaquismo, el alcoholismo o las drogas, que te pueden perjudicar la salud ...

Curated By:
Author: @mclarenf11

Community: Hive Gaming
[Es/En] 🚓NFS Most Wanted XR Edition / una versión modificada del MW original🎮
Español Screenshot Hola Gamers ¿Cómo están? Espero que estén super bien y sean bienvenidos a una nueva publicación hecha por mí. Hoy les vengo hablar de otro juego modificado, como saben a mí me gustan mucho los juegos que son modificados por la gente del internet, a su vez me gustan mucho los mods, y uno de mis videojuegos favoritos desde siempre es el Need for Speed Most Wanted, pero esta vez es algo diferente ya que busqué una versión mejorada del mismo, o al menos diferente, ya que el juego original siempre será el mejor jaja. Screenshot En este caso les voy hablar un poco de Need for Speed Most Wanted XR Edition v2023® este juego modificado es el mismo NFS MW pero con algunas mejoras, lo primero que pueden apreciar es la pantalla de presentación que ha cambiado, también la interfaz del color base, en el juego original el color base es como un verde fosforescente, bueno en este caso es de color rojo sangre o algo por el estilo, tiene detalles más oscuros si me lo preguntan a mí ...
Author: @pusen

Community: Hive Gaming
Game Giveaway - Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical ! Today I'm giving away a Roleplaying Musical game based on greek mythology. My first impression when reading the title to this game was that I would probably be skipping this giveaway, but after reading the great reviews and seeing how well received I decided that there might just be an audience for this game after all. Steam describes the game like this: In a modern fantasy world, college dropout Grace is granted the power of a Muse power she’ll need to find out the truth behind her predecessor’s death before time runs out ...
Author: @equipodelta

Community: Hive Diy
DIY: This shirt is flannel, so it's very comfy. / Franelilla o guardacamisa super cómoda (Esp/Eng)
Materiales / Materials Spanish English Tela de franela o strech Flannel or stretch fabric Maquina de coser Sewing machine Hilo blanco White thread Tijera Scissors Alguna franela que sirva de patrón Some flannel to serve as a pattern Paso a paso / Step by Step Step 1️⃣/ Paso 1️⃣ Step 2️⃣/ paso 2️⃣ Step 3️⃣/ paso 3️⃣ Step 4️⃣/ paso 4️⃣ Step 5️⃣/ paso 5️⃣ Créditos / Credits Program: Tablet Huion model 420 💜💜💜 👉 👉 👉 👉 ...

Curated By:
Author: @abelfotografia

Community: Visual Shots
Sea without sand - eng/esp
There is no sand on this coast. However, I am equally relaxed by the breaking of the waves against the sharp teeth that refuse to disintegrate when the sea punishes them. I like to go down to the coast to breathe a little peace even though behind me the restaurants and cars howl as I make my way. I bring my camera, my filters and my tripod from time to time to capture the tranquility and silk of the sea flowing between so many rocky spines ...
Author: @corvidae

Community: Black And White
Things will be different soon. Already, as one born with girl parts, life borders on terrifying. I carry pepper spray everywhere, now. My false sense of safety, my choice ...
Bath of golden light - Baño de luz dorada (ESP ENG)
Saludos amigos de Hive y especialmente de la comunidad de visualshots, espero que la estén pasando excelente registrando el mundo desde las ópticas de sus cámaras e imprimiendo en cada captura su visión del mundo, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algunas capturas que me agradaron bastante a la hora de realizarlas. Estaba en casa de mi tía, ella vive tan solo a unas casas de mi hogar, hablabamos de cualquier tema y entonces la cocina empezó de pronto a bañarse de una maravillosa luz dorada, obviamente desde mi casa también puedo apreciarlo pero es increíble como una ventana puede cambiarlo todo, en mi casa no hay ventanas del lado de la montaña, que es por dónde se oculta el sol, eso significa que debo salir de mi casa para apreciar la tarde, pero aquí la entrada de la luz es magnífica. Greetings friends of Hive and especially of the visualshots community, I hope you are having a great time recording the world from the optics of your cameras and printing in each capture your vision of the world, today I want to share with you some captures that I liked a lot at the time of making them. I was at my aunt's house, she lives just a few houses away from my home, we were talking about any subject and then the kitchen suddenly began to bathe in a wonderful golden light, obviously from my house I can also appreciate it but it's amazing how a window can change everything, in my house there are no windows on the side of the mountain, which is where the sun sets, that means I must leave my house to appreciate the evening, but here the entry of light is magnificent ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 73 Discord servers, with over 8083 Hive users!

© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris
