The most amazing thing you will see this year
I have seen a few interesting robotics projects like MegaBots, Robotic Chef, BigDog, and Super Anthony but this is mind-blowing.
The robotics in this pales in comparison to the artificial intelligence behind this project. While it is a little slow, the ability to take damage and perform in almost any condition is an impressive accomplishment. While movement seems to be slow, the safety features seem to be on point.
Watching it adapt to almost any weapon handed to it was truly impressive.
From a drama point of view, the ending was awesome. I highly recommend watching it to the end.
If you find it interesting, there is another view you can watch it in action with more core functionality demonstration.
RoboCop in a few years?
I could see these being household defense units in 5-10 years.
Can you not tell that's CGI ?
What are you smoking ?
That's kind of scary
Nice Post! Yeah robocop your calling!
Still fun to watch.
LOL, it had me at first!
those aren't real humans
The main issue with robots in war is that, they can't differentiate between civilians and enemy combatants. Seem like they will become tools of genocide.
This can be improved with AI to help robots make better decisions. But that has consequences of its own.
Oh nooo, when that robot was running towards the camera I got dejavu like it's happened before somewhere! This is not good, flags are nothing compared to that thing! It's pretty much the end for people soon if this tech stuff continues, which it will! If these get in the wrong hands it will be like star wars! Someone will print up warriors on the moon and flood us out! Whoever has the most BTC might start mining robot warriors in the future if we are not careful! Bye bye people!
I knew it wouldn't shoot the dog. Lol
Great cgi, almost had me fooled 😂
Corridor team makes a lot of good CGI.
It's very impressive indeed. Looking forward to seeing more of their stuff now.
So I'm a bit confused, was it a real robot or just a dude in a green suit the whole time? hahaha
I was super impressed when the robot grabbed the hockey stick out of the guys hand. I was like "wow its learning! That's incredible." But then by the ending when it kicked the guy I was thinking there is no way this is real. Great video. Certainly entertaining.
Posted using Partiko Android
Real robot.
Really? That's shocking to me. The ending still confuses me then hahaha. Maybe I'm just gullible. Edit. Okay I started with the 2nd video which was somewhat believable. I just finished the first video which was way less so. I'm an idiot. Impressive CGI though. Lol
Just did some digging, apparently, it is a parody!
LOL, too funny. They are known for real robots so I assumed this was a real one as well.
Interesting. The technology will get there soon enough which is actually pretty scary in my opinion. Robot cops and soldiers owned and controlled by a corporation. We've all seen the movie "I Robot." In real life I doubt there will actually be a special robot designed to save us though
Posted using Partiko Android
I was about to post that here after I sent it to my boyfriend, he told me right away it's not real, and I couldn't believe it :)
bosstown dynamics is the comedy/cgi, while bosto dynamics are building actual robots.
lol, as I was reading this, I was thinking wait...he knows this is cg doesn't he. Haha, I thought you were just trolling.
you earned an official AI anti cert today bitch!
As far as I know your avatar implies you have some impressive quick draw skills.
Do you think you can beat this robot in a duel?
Set to kill with no safety? Not a chance.
AI is so much faster than humans.
All opponents have a weakness. Gonna have to set rules that give you a fighting chance.
As far as I know few countries will permit AI to make lethal decisions. It is partly the reason most countries signed an anti-personnel landmine ban although those are more indiscriminate.
That will change as AI develops. There will be a time where soldiers and police officers are supplemented or completely replaced by robots.
That looks so weird, but amazing at the same time..
You troll :D
loser, you really are a troll
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They have done a few of these now, they are good fun.... until real.
Won’t be long. Just need to get tech smaller. We have the tech it is just so bulky and clumsy.
I think the biggest threat will be the AI that integrates into our lives, welcomed for the convenience.
If you have any interest in AI. This two part series is a must read.
Yep, thanks, will give it a go.
I wrote up a summary of the article and kind of a teaser after our short discussion.
I really do recommend reading the two-part series, but this might help convince you.
I was just reading the post. Yep, I have some reading to do but it is for the weekend to enjoy.
As said, the integration into everything is more important than people realise as it will compete for human skills in the same way a digital phone book has challenged our memories for numbers or, like much of the internet content, our ability to use the work of others so easily means we do not have to think for ourselves. Competitive cognitive artefacts are even replacing our personalities - take away the digital resources and many people don't have much left at all.
Job competition will be a big one. From what I have seen, truck driving will be the first job to go and one of the largest jobs in the workforce.
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When that thing becomes self aware, it's going to be severely annoyed by how they treated it. [yes I know its a parody]
These things will be used against us someday in my opinion.
Robots! In home security for insecure humans?
up and re ...
2200 year new dragon robot replace the airplane
whats your take on 3D printed guns?
Can they print smokeless powder ?
not that i know of.
what would they shoot it with ? water ?
as far as i know you can use standard bullets you can buy in the US.
Technology is just to scary these days do you think we are catching to the 🤣 🤣
Pfft the real Boston Dynamics is much more impressive imo.
Corridor is funny tho.
That's impressive but I bet it can't do this

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