You bought Steem at 4$...then at 3$ 1$...What's stopping you from buying bags now?


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Roughly a week after the implementation of HF22 and even though I felt kinda weird when I first heard that a bunch of radical changes will have immediate effect, I have to admit that I feel more addicted committed and "thirsty" than ever before.

The previous system was broken. Period. And unless we all wanted to end up with thousands of steem in our wallets that worth...shit, a new system should replace the previous one. Thankfully the new HF leaves space for both author and curation rewards. And trust me the results are pretty good on first sight.

I am fortunate enough to follow a few people that were here long before me and keep producing on daily basis, posts that are objectively of high quality. People that keep trying to be better and present to us all their thoughts/ concerns /desires -the very same way I do now- through their posts. So guess what.

Some pretty big stake holders are now lurking, hidden in the can't see them...neither can I, but they are looking for the next decent/amazing post to cast their vote and make your journey a lot more pleasant.

Would you prefer 75% of...nothing or maybe 50%...of something?

That doesn't mean that your only concern should be earning as much as possible. Quite the opposite I would say...If you are here only to earn without being able to give something valuable back to the community, sooner rather than later you will be noticed...and the outcome will probably be ugly. But if you choose to blog about what you like or love most. Trust me the results may surprise you...

So these authors I was talking about...they have doubled their rewards. And they totally deserve it. And that's because their effort is noticed...Besides people need to vote. So pick a side...

I won't pretend that I am here only for the cause...that would be a lie and whoever says that is either mentally ill or a lier. Of course I want to grow my account. Of course I want to be noticed by as many people as possible. And finally of course I think that Steem may one day change my life -financially wise-

Don't you share the same mindset?

That's OK. Besides it would be boring if we agreed on everything. But tell me this....Do you really think that there is another platform out there that would pay you more than Steem does? Then why are you still posting here and not just there? Oh...I get it like that it? No? Then I suggest you get your shit together and do your part so that steem/steemit is an attractive destination for future users / investors.

Which reminds me of a discussion I had with my father earlier today. He knows that I have invested a fair chunk of time and money in steem and he is kind of confused whether this investment of mine is profitable or not. And since I wanted to avoid a potential conflict with him, I delicately tried to convince him that it would be a great investment for him and for our family of course if he decided to spend a few thousands of Euro and buy steem.

-Hey..I know that you can't produce stuff and that your time is limited but how about if you had a serious ROI just from voting posts that you liked?"

And while "Fuck NO" was the response I was expecting...he actually said that he will think about it but wants an in depth analysis first.

Could the first person I'll manage to onboard be my own father? That would be sick!!

I remember that my entry point at buying Steem was when it was sitting at 1.6$ I though that this was a great opportunity. Then bought again at 1.25$....then at 0.80$.....0.60$....0.25$...and lately at 0.161...and I am not going to stop buying. As a matter of fact I bought some 500 Steem today (still waiting Binance to open the gates)

Has my 2 year investment paid off? Financially speaking...No. BUT....Unless your dream is to become a millionaire overnight -mine isn't- I suggest you be patient and enjoy the ride. You should remind yourself that Steem is relatively new project and still a hidden gem. So patience is the key...Besides look at the's rapid...we just need to find that secret sauce and people will start migrating to steem the same way swallows do during summer...

You know what they say: Chase your dream till the end... And that's exactly what I am doing.

PS. Should I write the "This ain't a financial advise" poem here at the end maybe?




This is what I know,....what every content rewarding site has in excess is the presence of content creators more than curators. If steem can successfully establish a middle ground between curators and content creators then the way this ecosystem will blow up will amaze people. Right now people think onboarding is tough, if steem were at 10$ or 20$, you'd be surprised how people will find their way here themselves and become techy over night


if steem were at 10$ or 20$, you'd be surprised how people will find their way here themselves and become techy over night

I was around when steem was sitting at 5$. If only you could see what was going on...some payouts were literally insane. Organic voted posts...of hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars. Can’t even imagine the hype at 10$ - 20$ range


Love the financial advice lol jk... Yeah, most people live in fear. This is the reason most lose. I'm stackin all the steem I can now, while most people will start buying at the top lol


Hehe...Thanks mate!

We are the very early adopters...I keep saying that to my friends and to myself also. And we have a rare chance...

When everything will be set...steem will fly high...but some will be left behind...

More for us...Keep stacking @stackin Ha! see what I did there :P


I've often stated, getting paid to be entertained, is an easy sell. People consume content all the time. They don't need to be the creator of content to enjoy the benefits of content anymore. And I certainly wouldn't expect someone to buy some tokens, earn a few curation rewards, and become rich. I just see them casually enjoying their time for a few years, then deciding to use a small percentage of what they earned to maybe buy a new device, a case of beer; a treat. Watching Youtube videos or reading magazines for five years does not give you a new laptop. This system does. People don't even need to know about the complexities. It's much like earning those Air Mile things. People purchased items, were rewarded points, and could then redeem those points for flight discounts. Simple stuff. Proven business model. Easy sell.


Getting paid to be entertained huh? Now that’s definitely a perfect way to describe steem when I am about to persuade people to be part of it.

Youtube videos or reading magazines for five years does not give you a new laptop.

Of course it doesn’t. But to be honest with you I have a feeling steem will scale before we know it...Do I sound ambitious?

People don't even need to know about the complexities.

As soon as we fix our internal issues that’s the biggest challenge I guess. “Force” people to use killer apps that are built on top of steem blockchain without even knowing that their using it. You can now call me a daydreamer...I don’t mind:)


Part of the reason content producers find it difficult to get the ball rolling is the simple fact we've had a shortage of curators, and for quite awhile. I do see improvements now but I know there's way more room to grow, and I'd like to see a minimum of 1000 invested curators for every qualified actual content producers. Shit posters will always struggle and that's their problem.

That dream isn't a nightmare.


I feel you on the bigger thirst for steem. I'm thinking of buying more to powerup, so I can delegate to curangel and also have a little more for manual curation. I've recently rediscovered the "hot" section and I feel like it's the true "trending" tab, and also how I found your post 😉. The default trending is too stale for my tastes.

I'm most excited for the coming release of SMTs (finally...?!) and COMMUNITIES. If we will be able to subscribe to communities like subreddits, that will be a total game changer for the steem blockchain, and make manual curation even more easy and fun!


Love the hot section as well mate. Hadn’t hit the trending button for over a year now. I felt sick, really. Lately things look really different and that’s a huge step forward if we want to make this place attractive.

I'm most excited for the coming release of SMTs (finally...?!) and COMMUNITIES.

I think everyone does. But SMTs and such come along with HF’s...and I feel my neck skin crawl when it comes to HF’s


No more money. I guess


I know that not everyone can afford to buy, so you’ll have to go the hard way. Persistence...quality...effort...and repeat


I’ve yet to buy steem but I appreciate your enthusiasm and perspectives... For me the secret sauce was and still is simply having an entertaining means to learn about crypto and blockchain...


That’s also a plan my friend!


Indeed it is.. I'm invested with time, energy and a passion to see steem succeed!


There is nothing like steem and plus we meet friends here too that we can have a lasting relationship as well @mintrap and it is worth it.


Today I was talking to my partner about all the time I'm spending here.
It's gotten really complicated on that side. But I know Steem is the solution to many of our financial problems. I expect those signs sooner rather than later.


You think? Well I am here for the long run so I wouldn’t mind getting there slowly too


I'm calm. I'm just saying that some sign would be good. It would fill us with much more confidence.


Buying every month since $3.90! While it has been painful, I am happy and encouraged to see my average cost below $0.70 today!

Posted using Partiko iOS


I know the drill man. You are here for the long haul too as far as I can tell so we’ll both get where we dreamt of at some point!


μακαρι να βγουν αληθινες οι προσδοκιες σου....τοτε σιγουρα θα εισαι εκατομμυριουχος με τοσο πραμα που εχεις μαζεψει...μια ερωτηση να σου κανω ...που κρατας ολα αυτα τα steem Που εχεις...


Σε πορτοφολι! :)

Αν δεν κυνηγησεις αυτο που πιστευεις σε αυτη τη ζωη -ανεξαρτητως steem- δεν εχεις ελπιδα σε τιποτα. Μπορει να πεφτω εξω αλλα κατι μου λεει πως μια μερα θα δικαιωθω


Well, I havent invested any real money on steem, at least not from my pocket . Most of my sp comes from posting and around 30 % of it by swinging between steem and other coins. When I started here my first dream (lol) was to make 500 sp to get the voting bar . Then I said if I reach 5k I will be happy. And then I said 10k and I recently hit that milestone too. I would probably invest at these low prices if I hadn't hit all my goals but now that I have I really don't care much. I will just keep posting and growing, little by little and have fun. :D

Maybe I will buy some extra Leos... Almost to one thousand


There are still way too many targets to reach, as long as you set them first.

Leo huh? Well I have the same feelings about it. Great potential there too.


Nothing baby I’m stacking the STEEM at these favorable prices 💪🏻💪🏻🚀🚀🙏🏼

Posted using Partiko iOS


Same here, but in another “scale” I bought also at the levels you mentioned, I #spud also on September the 1st... and I will do it again and again...


On the long run I have a feeling that you won’t regret that choice of yours


Steem has something unique and special. I love to accumulate each steem like a precious gem. ;)

Posted using Partiko Android


Maybe because they are indeed little precious gems.


Hello dear friend @mindtrap.

Do you really think that there is another platform out there that would pay you more than Steem does? Then why are you still posting here and not just there?

This exact thought has come to mind many times when I read comments from people who do not contribute valuable content to the platform, but do have time to make empty criticisms. Simply if you don't like where you are, then you should go somewhere else.

Those same people were the ones who did not waste time to criticize STEEM when difficulties arose during the implementation of HF21.

I've also been in Steemit for months and I value every day I've invested here.I would never consider that I wasted a single one of my minutes.

All best, Piotr.


Thanks for being around mate. You are not afraid ti raise awareness in various topics and thumbs up for that.

Haters gonna hate


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