Back to Trading! Time to make some "MOAR"cryptos! 😱😱😱


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Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 9.51.17 PM.png This is supposed to be the Cheshire Cat smile! lol

Time to start trading the "hottest" coins again!

I have been getting back into day & swing trading again lately, and just decided to expand into the STEEM market on Binance too!
Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 9.07.39 PM.png SWEET just got this order filled, got 200 more STEEM than I would have on Blocktrades. Now it's just time to wait for the next spike so I can rinse & repeat!! lol

I plan on doing some STEEM trading among other coins to generate more STEEM and BTC!

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I'm really beginning to see the unbridled potential right here in Steem-Engine.

Lately I have been using it to make some quick STEEM gains, & with a lot of work and some luck with sick tokens like Cloud Token, the Sky is the limit! Cloud Token went up 1714% overnight, way faster than STEEM!

Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 9.30.33 PM.png Time to take charge of my financial future, wish me luck because the more I make, the more you will too!!!

Follow @coininstant for more!



How long do you typically hold a trade? Days or maybe 2-3 weeks?

Posted using Partiko Android


I usually hold a trade until I get a sale! Usually two weeks is a good amount of time. The best way is not to go by time but price and just have your bail out price and profit target price! On steem-engine trades I will just leave orders in indefinately!
