Path to Champion - A MODERN Splinterlands Series - Rental and Strategy/Tactics Guide - Dragon Focus



Welcome to the most detailed guide on Splinterlands in Hive. Today we will be looking at the most complex focus there is and find out if it is still relevant in Modern Ranked. Drumrolls...Welcome to DRAGON FOCUS!


Let me start with who I am. A Splinterlands Champion Player who loves all focuses, I also happen to be the "Hand" of the Oneup-Cartel which provides CARTEL a dividend coin, and an avid Crypto Project dabbler...NFTs or Defi does not matter. I only have 20k Power in cards ownership and play only with rentals ... that monologue is over. So now to the good stuff.


Don't feel bad if splinterlands is too hard...It is not meant to be an easy let's be honest this game is becoming more and more unfriendly to new players....BUT FEAR NOT!!! I am here to show you that you can still make a decent profit by just renting and playing.

You can find my earlier WILD guides for FIRE and DEATH Below:

So let's start with what Dragon Focus is...

Dragon focus in Wild was the most destructive, tank-able formation. It was king of long mana matches and due to it being able to run other focuses, it was extremely strong in mid and low mana matches. The dragon focus can run so many different formations that 90% of the splinterlands players are confused about what works and what does not.

HOWEVER, in modern ranked our dear dragon focus has lost a lot of its tools that made it unbeatable in long mana matches. Is it still relevant in Modern? Frick Yes!! Because other focuses have also lost lots of their tools, there are fewer formations you need to worry about. (Example: Death Weaken/Redemption strategy)

But not only that dragon is super strong because of some formations that can only be run because of the most HATED and LOVED Numba 1 Feline summoner. But do take care, all strategies that are being run in modern so far are counterable. There is no sure-fire way to victory.

So let's begin with



Kretch Tallevor - What is even the use of this 3 mana summoner? it is superseded by Camila and in no circumstances do you get this. Not until Camila is rotated out of the system.

Camila Sungazer - Praise the sun...Get this Pole Dancing Waifu...she is extremely useable

Drake of Arnak - 4 mana summoner with 1 armor rust...pointless to get, to be honest. Since you are going to be running rust in most of your formations.

Quix the Devious - 4 mana Summoner who is a must to get...a lot of your formations will become speed battles more often than not.

Brighton Bloom- 4 mana which gives "winged" to your minions. Only get her for earthquake lineups if you can afford it. The winged while nice is easily neutralized by net.

Byzantine Kitty - The most annoying summoner there +2 speed, True strike and tank heal... which means you can run blind and your opponent cannot. How punishing is that.

Deciding which focus to select with Dragon

This is by far the most difficult decision you will have to take at the start of your match, and in the majority of the matches might be the main reason why you lost. To understand which focus to select, you need to pin down the strategies possible.

To simplify this I will only look at the main strategies that will get you wins against most lineups.

Strategy 1 (Opportunity + Scavenge + Protect + Inspire + Blind) [Low/Mid Mana]

This is the most disgusting lineup Dragon can produce with variations. Imagine 2 monsters with opportunity AND scavenge racking up health becomes downright depressing to your opponent because he is unable to clear the board because of blind, and you can't miss. You don't really need blind but it can really tune your win rate. This time I will also share match replays so you can identify how the matches really went.


This is a low mana match with a death variant. Just look at the health racking up, and the one of the ways to counter this is to use big monsters...which I will come to later.


Here you can see a mid mana match with a light focus variant...Even though my vigilator is useless due to the ranged debuff...the monsters with opportunity just clean up. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS COMBO.

Wow!! Spiritsurge this sounds which focus should I choose.

Let's go into details and then decide:
The opportunity provided within the focuses decides which focus you go for. And this decision will also be influenced by how much mana you have. Decisions like can I throw a "blind" in or maybe squeeze in a "protect" will make all the difference in the world playing at a high level.

a) Opportunity

i) Dragon + Neutal


You will have access to these opportunity monsters 90% of the time and all 3 of them are great.

Dragon Jumper - 7 mana with 5 speed too many utility...he is a must in your mid/high mana matches. His stun counters all healing big monsters.

Battering Ram - Finally this 2 mana monster with shatter gets the spot light....his shatter coupled with his high speed will destroy the armor especially on a taunt monster. Get it

Parasitic Growth - 4 mana with 3 speed and scavenge....he is the key monster in this strategy and you need to get it.

ii) Fire


These monsters should only be used if you are looking to end the game fast...but personally these are not that good for this strategy.

iii) Water


This is an awesome combination, as the speed is higher and I highly recommend getting both the opportunity monsters to run this strat. Deciding between jumper or lurker should always prioritize the jumper.

iv) Nature



v) Life


Extremely powerful!! Get both...whether small mana or mid mana this will perform awesomely.

vi) Death


My Personal Favorite!! Because death has so many scavenge monsters this is a perfect fit for this strategy. DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS FOCUS.

Strategy 2 (Protect + Protect + Protect + Double Strike + Double Strike) [Mid/High Mana]


What in tarnation is this? This people is the most twisted and sickest combo that you can produce in this game. Ranged or melee your opponent is going to cry. The only counter is magic, which to be honest not many people play.

When you play this...DO NOT SKIP THE will enjoy the trashing your opponent will get.

So let's go into details

b) Protect and Double Strike

i) Dragon + Neutal


You will have access to these monsters 90% of the time and both of them are great.

Gloridax Guardian - 6 mana with 7 health and 3 armor + Protect + Shield. This guy was overshadowed in wild but in modern this guy is absolutely mandatory. He is good in mid/high mana matchups

Tower Griffin - a 4 mana monster with flying. This card is awesome...get it. The mana cost will allow you to fit it in so many matches it is ridiculous.


Dhampir Infiltrator - 4 mana with 2 attack and sneak. Oh if only this card had opportunity this would be a sure buy. But unfortunately not.

The Vigilator - Splinterlands devs made a mistake creating this card. 9 mana monster with 2 range/3 melee and poison. This card is insane and in certain rulesets...UNBEATABLE. with 6 armor on top of it stats....even retailiate will do nothing. GET THIS CARD.

Carnage Titan - Another OP cannot be bursted down as it has shield and if you add 6 armor on top of that...let's say this guy is going to have a field day smashing stuff. MUST GET.

ii) Fire

No Protect Monsteror Double strike monster...this focus is NOT made for this strategy.

iii) Water


Vernari Wavesmith - Seems strong right? At high level not really...4 health for 5 mana?? this thing will die off to magic reflect...Honestly speaking not worth getting.


Axemaster - Maybe axemaster is the saving grace? at 7 mana and 7 health? This can only be used in later game matches and not with this strategy...he is better suited to the ranged strat that we have, which will be discussed later.

iv) Nature


Queen Mycelia - 4 mana protect...with a heal and the name says it...this card is QUEEN..get it.


Grund - 10 mana 13 health double strike lwt's imagine you put it with carnage titan at number 2 and then put a taunt monster at number much damage will you end up doing? This is an effective cheese strat and works more time than you would expect.

v) Life


With can run 4 protects...but careful you may run short on damage so decide on which rulesets to use this.

Truthspeaker - Best Protect monster in modern...3 mana with cleanse, heal and protect. GET HER AT ALL COSTS. She is extremely flexible and can be used in many strats.

Silvershield Sheriff - a 9 mana monster with 5 attack and 9 health and snipe. This card sounds really cool on paper...but i can put a vigilator in which is a more superior card. The mana cost for this card is too much for it to be justified. But running 4 protects is just sick.


Pelacor Arbalest - 6 mana monster with 3 attack..Superior to axeemaster...get this card...don't worry about it dying to return fire...remember you are running 3 protects.

vi) Death

No Protect Monster or Double strike monster...this focus is NOT made for this strategy.

Strategy 3 (BIG MONSTERS) [Low/Mid Mana]

Remember when Llama/Kron was a thing? well it is back with even worse combinations. Why? Because counters have decreased...your only option as dragon is to rely on your jumper's stun to keep proccing or fight "fire with fire" and go for big monsters yourself...


As you can see in the top match, it didn't take much time for my Diamond Dragon to clean up.


An even more disgusting combo is using kralus because he has immunity...He cannot be stunned, poisoned or affliction and heals 8 health per turn...

So let's go into details. The selection for the monsters in this strategy in completely dependent on the combination of abilities of the monster and what your opponent can play against it.


i) Dragon + Neutal



Dragons with Byzantine kitty are a force to be reckoned with.

Diamond Dragon - 10 mana with last stand and Cleanse...he is very good against many little monsters, so you can use him sparingly...just keep in mind he loses to Llama + Kron...

Desert Dragon - A 7 mana Counter to big monsters...this guy with the Kitty does a whopping 12 damage..he has pierce so he counters Chanseus + Kralus...don't sleep on this sleeping dragon...

ii) Fire



Fire is just perfect for this strategy...both Grum and Magnor are extremely powerful

Magnor - 10 mana with trample and enrage...he is very good against small monster and cleaning house...but weak against a chanseus + Kralus....

Grum Fireblade - A Giant Monster with Giant killer....He destroys dragon you should not play big monsters against grum.

iii) Water


Torhilo the Frozen - Amazing Water beast...He dodges giant killer....AND has last stand...get him..

iv) Nature



Kron the Undying - The guy who started formation...Welcome Kron...Good against the little guys...dies to big guys..

Mycelic Infantry - A big Monster with Giant killer....Very good counter to kralus...but do not play against chanseus.

v) Life


Kralus - This winged tiger will cost you a lot of matches...but will also get you a lot of wins...he heals for a total of 8 HEALTH every turn with Kitty.

vi) Death

Unfortunately neither Djinn Murat or Cursed Windeku can do anything...So death is not suited for this strategy at all...

Strategy 4 (Ranged + Blind + Protect) [Low/Mid/High Mana]


Ok so this strat is completely based on you seeing someone play mylor or thorn monsters repeatedly. You cannot play melee against mylor, so your option is to either play magic or ranged. Magic unfortunately is very slow, so you have to go for ranged. Since you already have kitty, you are not going to miss when you attack.

d) Blind + Ranged

i) Dragon + Neutal


Gloridax Magus - A 6 mana with Shatter and blast...but with only 6 health and an abysmal 2 attack..Only use this if you are going to run a magic lineup.

Chaos Dragon - A 14 mana Beast with scattershot and can only use it in High mana matches so don't bother with any other strategy.

Spirit Hoarder - Only use this if you have no other option. A 3 mana 3 health monster is stupid. Not even sure why it is a legendary when it can die in one shot.


Zyvax Vuul - I am sorry...but this is not a good is has limited utility. DO not use

Naga Assassin - This Babe will get you so many wins. Get her, she complements very well with blind.

Gargoya Devil - Worse than not get

Scale Doctor - Ok hear me out...this in my book is the best card in the game...5 mana + 7 Health + Rust + Strengthen + Triage + Repair...You need to be running this All-Start Card in almost every formation.

The Vigilator - Mentioning a second time...therefore get it.

Goblin Chariot - I feel this is a good card...but it is outshadowed by Gem Meteor which is clearly a superior card.

Gem Meteor - Speaking of the devil a 5 mana with Pierce and Scattershot...this is an amazing card and should be used effectively with Rust. GET IT

War Chaang - An inferior form of the vigilator...Don't bother getting.

Spirit Hoarder - Only use this if you have no other option. A 3 mana 3 health monster is stupid. Not even sure why it is legendary when it can die in one shot.

Gem Meteor - Speaking of the devil a 5 mana with Pierce and Scattershot...this is an amazing card and should be used effectively with Rust. GET IT

War Chaang - An inferior form of the vigilator...Don't bother getting.

Xenith Archer - Another amazing 2 mana card. Get her..

Halfling Alchemist - I like this card...but the cost is simply too high to get.

Mantoid - 6 mana with snipe...Only use with Blast Ruleset..

Grenadier - I am split on this card...It's low health and low speed doesn't justify it to be used...but I can see it being used with protect and blind...use it cautiously and always have another low health creature on board.


Tower Griffin - 4 mana...has protect...get it..

Supply Runner - 6 mana with Swiftness + Strengthen....Enough good things cannot be said about this card...Get it no matter what..

ii) Fire


Goblin Fire mage - You will be using this in several low mana - mid mana matches, as a 4 mana beast that does magic damage you will be flipping matches that you know you were sure to lose. Look at that dirt-cheap rent, you will love this card.


Blood Maker - A scattershot....Use with Gem meteor and chaos dragon to wipe the backline...Remember: SCATTERSHOTS GO THROUGH TAUNTS...

Lava Launcher - Good Ranged Frontliner...this can be used quite effecctively.

Molten Ash Golem - 6 mana 10 health...This is massively underestimated...this is really strong in modern

Scavo Firebolt - 4 mana 4 attack (Pure efficiency monster) and 6 health...Awesome card...get it..

Pyromaniac - High attack...low health and sneak...easily counterable and will die to return fire easily...not worth it...

Lava Spider - 3 mana with snipe and poison...great utility can be effectively used in the formation...

Ferexia General - Another snipe this time with shatter and 4 attack....Really strong..

Fire Elemental - Looks amazing right? Not really 3 health means it dies to return fire in one hit...not worth the cost...can be used with protect..

Flamesmith - This guy is amazing in modern not so much...A lot of the tools that made this card strong is no longer available.

Spark Pixies - Has to be used with protect so it doesn't die to return fire...but dodge and winged with downright Bonkers...

Goblin Fireballer - Another pure efficiency card with STUN...get it

Countess Sinash - Our Favorite waifu...she is a must get for this formation...use with protect..

iii) Water


Giant Squid - A 5 mana Ranged Blinder with Weaken?? YES GET IT...

Flying Squid - Another squid with blind...but this doesn't really fit our is a melee with reach...


Merdhampir - A 4 mana with life leech...This is a good card to get..just remember life leech will happen when you hit health not armor..

Kulu Swimhunter - Good Ranged Frontliner...this can be used quite effectively.

Sniping Narwhal - 5 mana snipe, stun and pierce...Crazy combination and has seven health.

Giant Squid - If I mention a card more than one time...always get it.

Azmare Harpoonist - Glass cannon...this is such a clutch card that will get you so many wins trust me..

Angelic Mandarin - 3 mana with 7 health and triage + Silence...This is a good support utility card...

Igor Darkspear - A 2 mana Stun card...This card is ridiculously good. You really need it.

Two Gun Pete- 1 mana stun card...even more amazing...except it is rarely present in the market...

Wave Brood - With the Kraken not available in Modern...this is our next is an amazing card that we can use with heals and cleanse to really anooy the enemy.

Poseidon - Enter Poseidon...A blast monster with immunity...This guy will knock the socks out of many formations and is a really card worth getting

Axemaster - I really don't like this card because of all the return fires...It is better to use with protect if you really want to use it.

iv) Nature


Barking Spider - A 3 mana blind card with 8 Health...What's not there to like? Get it if you want to play the nature variant.


Barking Spider - Get him...

Iza the Fanged - You can make a good sneak formation with this ranged card...just be careful as there is a lot of return fires in the meta.

Vernari Seedsmith - 4 Health for 5 mana is really low...even if it is coupled with scavenge...

Acid Shooter - 2 mana Scattershot with poison...this is a really good card and can swing matches with the right hits.

Hunter Jax - True Stike + Snipe...Just perfect...for 6 mana and 8 health.

Goblin Tower - Very good in reverse speed matchups...good to get

Vampiric Blossom - Has immunity and is a key card for poison helps that it has oppress and deathblow as well...must get

Beatrix Ironhand - Not sure why people like this card...for 6 mana it is very underwhelming...

Goblin Darting- You only use him for the shatter...though to be honest battering ram is a better card.

Child of the Forest - 3 mana with snipe and snare...there are some really good combos that can be done with snipe and opportunity together.

Mitica Headhunter - Enter the most damage combo of any ranged card...8 mana with 6 dmg...snare + Shatter and pierce...OOF..what a card..

v) Life


3 Low mana blinds...this focus was made for this formation...

Blinding Reflector- One of the most underrated frontliners...has blind a lot of health and armor...he does really well with Dragon.

Lensmaster - has 2 health...not worth it

Light Elemental - Doesn't really fit in with dragon...reflector IMO is the superior card...


Venari Crystalsmith - Tank healer with good health and ok dmg...I like her because with triage she can survive for a long time...

Evangelist - Has inspire AND rust...this card can be used in almost every combo there is...Get it..

Portal Spinner - Another scattershot with snare...Because it has 5 health and 2 armor it is a better choice then Gem Meteor..Just imagine using both of them together...

Prismologist - 8 mana (uh oh) with 5 health + 2 armor and blast + Forcefield...I don't like this card at all...Her health is way too low and cost way too high...She is only good in certain rule sets...

Thunderbird - 3 mana with 4 health and winged + stun...Never ever go past low mana stun monsters they are so good against when your opponent is relying on a last stand monster to carry the match.

Hero of Beyond - 7 mana with 9 health and 2 armor. Because it has shield it is good against sneak...though to be honest there are better backline monsters. I see merit in using this card, but only get it if you can afford it.

Pelacor Arbalest - 6 mana DOUBLE STRKE monster...but it has only 5 health...You have to use it with protect...otherwise this will dissolve to return fire..

Herbalist - 2 mana card with 4 health and Triage + Cleanse...this is an amazing card and will often pull of clutch wins. Get it..

Lensmaster- Health is too low not worth getting.

Lone Boatman - 5 mana with repair and shatter...Another clutch card for Life...I swear Life has too many clutch cards...

Silvershield Sheriff - 9 mana with Protect and Pierce...This is one of the cards you use in very high mana matches...The pierce is nice with the 5 dmg...

vi) Death


Dark Astronomer - a 4 mana blind with shatter...Personally with so many better and low cost blind monster in other focuses..this might not be worth it...but it is better than nothin.

Insidious Warlock - 5 mana blind?? Ughh...the recharge with 9 dmg is kind of neat..


Dark Astronomer - Has 3 dmg with 5 health for just 4 mana...for what it brings to the table as a ranged monster it is good.

Dark Ferryman - 3 mana 6 health and 3 dmg...This is a good card to get...only wish it had poison on it instead of cripple..

Soul Strangler - 3 mana with 4 health and 4 Dmg and POISON. Get it...

Dhampir Stalker - 7 mana 5 dmg with true strike and deathblow...I like this but my only qualm is it's health...always use with protect...

Weirding Warrior - 2 mana and has rust...that is the only thing you will want to use it for...

Lira the Dark - Our 7 mana Gothic Waifu...who has opportunity, snare and swiftness...she fits in so many formations that it is a must to get her..

Grim Reaper - 6 mana 6 health 4 attack with pierce...Honestly this card is not that good, but if you must use it...use it with protect..

Soulstorm - 5 mana glass cannon...if you "protect" it properly you can get off so many not sleep on the sheer amount of utility brough on by this card...

Final Questions

Where is my Magic formations?

No Delywyn Dragonscale in therefore no magic formation.

Is this the only formation there are?

Well to be honest, this is not it but modern is relatively new and it is going to take time for things to be discovered...For example: I am seeing some good amplify builds with Dragon...but again it will take time

How hard is Dragon?

Wrong choice of words, Dragon is not is expensive. My Average rent for Dragon is 9k DEC. Of course I get decent returns

Can you show some matchups?

Well this time not so many, but hit me up if you want more.



and so on and on


I spent a total of 9k DEC in rentals for Dragon and look below the amazing stuff I got..



Thank you all for reading.

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CREDIT: Reward Images are from, Search Images from Peakmonsters and DEC/profile image from Splinterlands.

43.812 NEOXAG


Great #Splinterlands resource. You should turn this series into a Collection 🏆


@THGAMING Curate please 🚀

0.005 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you Good Sir!! At this point I feel I am writing these guides for myself xD as I keep coming back to it when I look at renting..

0.000 NEOXAG

Great guide. I like Splinterlands and I play it many times, but even if I have been playing for a long time this guide has been useful to me

0.007 NEOXAG

Absolutely awesome strategy guide for dragon!

How much time would you play to make the 9000 Dec investment worth it?

0.007 NEOXAG

About 70 matches maximum...maybe 2-3 hours...also with the new rules you can divide your matches over 2 days to maximise rewards

0.003 NEOXAG

Oh that’s a really good point. I thought the 2day rental period would be a disadvantage, but it doesn’t have to be.

Do you rent for multiple splinters at the same time, or do you really focus on one splinter?

Now that the focus system has changed you can easily have several battles in a row where you can’t play a certain splinter

By the way, I’ve started to combine my serpentine spy with battering ram and it’s indeed a great combination.

I’m playing in gold league, but have been able to use several of your tips to win more battles in gold league.

0.007 NEOXAG

Perfect this is exactly why I made the guide...I am so happy that it has helped for the new meta...multiple splinters is the way to go...I am making a guide about that..should be out in a day or two...

0.004 NEOXAG

Oh I’ll look out for that!

0.000 NEOXAG

Any chance you will be able to make that post about renting multiple splinters soon?

I guess life got in the way of creating this new strategy guide post?

0.007 NEOXAG

In a big way unfortunately!! I haven't played in the last 13 days...

0.007 NEOXAG

I hope you’re ok. All the best with what is taking your time and attention.

I hope you will be able to get back into it soon.

0.000 NEOXAG

Holy hannah this is very detailed upon which splinter to use in with the dragon type cards as well. Could not pull off a masterpiece like this so well done sir

0.006 NEOXAG

Another great and detailed strategy post on Splinterlands!
Great job!
!discovery 40
@tipu curate

0.000 NEOXAG

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5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you Sir!! The post writing took more time than the playing xd...

0.000 NEOXAG

Excellent post as always @spiritsurge! Dragon summoners were always a strange one for me to rent because I would get a mix of everything to come up with lineups on the fly. I like your approach of having a few key strategies and renting cards that go well with those lineups (while of course having a wide range of cards).

0.006 NEOXAG

Modern has made dragon summoners more weird...we went from 10 strats to just 5..

0.000 NEOXAG

Great info about the various Dragons around. We have come a long way since there were just a handful of them in the game. My favorite is the Carnage Titan.

!1UP 🍄!PIZZA 🍕!BEER 🍺And expect the @curation-cartel soontm


0.006 NEOXAG


0.006 NEOXAG

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5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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0.000 NEOXAG

Excellent! scoring scoring !PGM !LOL !LUV

0.006 NEOXAG

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5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

0.000 NEOXAG

Amazing post!!!!!

! hope you have reached all your goals in splinterlands.

Posted using Splintertalk

0.005 NEOXAG

I am making a profit yes...but my goal would be to get a GFL for starts have yet to get one :)

Thanks for the comment !PIZZA !LOLZ

0.000 NEOXAG

Nice well I'll send all the good luck I can your way!!!!

0.000 NEOXAG

i may or may not use this the soonest still an interesting read

0.000 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

Upvoted as part of our "OMG what a great post!" Series 😂 Excellent strategies employed there!

#Splinterlands #play2earn #gaming #Steemonsters


0.000 NEOXAG

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