Requires Steemit Inc.
How many steems do you have at Steemit Inc.?
What is your account?
Steemit Inc. is in the condition that it was acquired by the tron.
The Steemit Inc. must notify you of the number of steems and accounts handed over to the Tron through this sales contract.
So the steem community can judge for itself.
스팀잇 inc 에 요구합니다.
스팀잇 inc 에서 보유하고 있는 스팀은 몇개인가요?
계정은 무엇입니까?
스팀잇 inc가 트론에 피인수된 상태입니다.
스팀잇 inc 는 이번 매도 계약을 통해 트론에 넘겨준 스팀 숫자와 계정을 공지해 주어야 합니다.
그래야만 스팀 커뮤니티는 스스로 판단할 수 있습니다.
Nice post.follow for follow sir?
wtf is this
your lovely dear
any comments? Justin
My reaction to his reaction, lol.
한국어를 사용하십시오
Really? You decided to downvote 7 of my posts because I downvoted this garbage from trending?
It's around 70m SP that Tron bought, wouldn't have taken you long to figure it out if you had checked the rest of trending nor would it need this post to reward yourself $46 for to ask and still not get a fucking answer.
$46 for 48 words translated and no engagement?!
Can I be famous and get downvotes and a post about me too?
비슷한 맥락의 글이 있는데 참고하시고 좀 더 다듬고 발전시키셔서 멋진 글로 재탄생시키시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 문법도 그렇지만 steeem을 steam이라 쓴다든지 하는건 스팀 보유자들 입장에서도 껄끄러울 법하다고 느껴집니다.
According to the Bible, Charity Means Love (4 of 5)
(Sorry for sending this comment. We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible.)
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