A veces una flor imperfecta hace una gran fotografía. Ese parece ser el caso de esta flor. A primera vista esto parece ser una Zinnia, pero no estoy seguro. Las pequeñas flores en el centro de la flor no están colocadas correctamente. Entonces los pétalos de la flor no parecen estar bien. En general, todavía disfruto viendo esta flor. Los colores son maravillosos.
@r2cornell's Discord Community has grown to 468 members. I am sure as is the case for followers, not all are active. I do see a continuous flow of new members, and those using the post-promotion channels continue to grow.
Periodically, I am notified when someone plagiarizes, and/or steals someone else's work. This happened recently after one of the curators had already curated the post. When this happens I delete the post, remove the up-vote. On addition I go to my regular account and down-vote the publication. This is a very low percent of members, and seldom do I need to take such action.
I have worked hard to clean-up my blog and I do not hesitate to mute someone who is abusing the system. I am doing the same with my Discord Community. Even if I take the vote away, I do not believe I get back the amount of the up-vote. So besides taking away from the community, it is less voting power for the majority who's publications deserve the vote.
I do not like to bring up such negativity, yet I believe everyone should be aware. In the even you use work other than your own please quote the source. In addition to this much of the publication should be your own work/words. For those who are newer to the platform there are many articles of what not to do in this regard. A little effort will get you all the information you need.
I am just very grateful for all the members of the community who do excellent work. I only wish I they could get the positive attention they deserve. I remember my start on Steemit and how long it took to build a presence that attracted viewers. Seek to constantly improve on the work you do, even if it means doing a few less posts. That is why I focus on one longer post per week. Also I do not want to run out of photographs before Spring arrives.
Also for community members be sure and support other community members. I have said this before, but it is worth repeating: "We are all in this together", and we can help each other grow with our blogs.
La comunidad de Discordia de @r2cornell ha crecido a 468 miembros. Estoy seguro de que, como en el caso de los seguidores, no todos son activos. Veo un flujo continuo de nuevos miembros, y los que usan los canales de post-promoción continúan creciendo.
Periódicamente, se me notifica cuando alguien plagia y/o roba el trabajo de otra persona. Esto sucedió recientemente después de que uno de los curadores ya había curado el puesto. Cuando esto sucede, borro el mensaje, elimino el voto ascendente. Además, voy a mi cuenta regular y voto en contra de la publicación. Este es un porcentaje muy bajo de miembros, y rara vez necesito tomar tal acción.
He trabajado duro para limpiar mi blog y no dudo en silenciar a alguien que está abusando del sistema. Estoy haciendo lo mismo con mi comunidad de Discordia. Incluso si me quito el voto, no creo que recupere el importe del voto positivo. Así que además de quitarle a la comunidad, es menos poder de voto para la mayoría de las publicaciones que merecen el voto.
No me gusta sacar a relucir esa negatividad, pero creo que todo el mundo debería ser consciente de ello. En el caso de que usted utilice un trabajo que no sea el suyo propio, por favor cite la fuente. Además de esto, gran parte de la publicación debe ser su propio trabajo/palabras. Para aquellos que son más nuevos en la plataforma hay muchos artículos de lo que no hay que hacer en este sentido. Un pequeño esfuerzo le dará toda la información que necesita.
Simplemente estoy muy agradecido por todos los miembros de la comunidad que hacen un trabajo excelente. Ojalá pudieran recibir la atención positiva que se merecen. Recuerdo mi comienzo en Steemit y el tiempo que me llevó construir una presencia que atrajo a los espectadores. Busca mejorar constantemente el trabajo que haces, aunque eso signifique hacer menos publicaciones. Es por eso que me concentro en un post más largo por semana. Además no quiero quedarme sin fotografías antes de que llegue la primavera.
También para los miembros de la comunidad, asegúrese de apoyar a otros miembros de la comunidad. Ya lo he dicho antes, pero vale la pena repetirlo: "Estamos todos juntos en esto", y podemos ayudarnos mutuamente a crecer con nuestros blogs.
Now let us move onto some photography. High found another Macro-photo of a rose. I debated which photo to place first and this one was close to getting the spot, but I really like the one I chose. This rose has a wonderful pink blush, and the water droplets are great.
Ahora pasemos a la fotografía. High encontró otra Macrofoto de una rosa. Debatí qué foto colocar primero y ésta estaba cerca de conseguir el lugar, pero me gustó mucho la que elegí. Esta rosa tiene un maravilloso rubor rosado, y las gotas de agua son geniales.
This next photo is a macro view of a cactus. I loved the designs found in it.
La siguiente foto es una vista macro de un cactus. Me encantaron los diseños que se encuentran en ella.
I believe this next flower is honeysuckle, although no guarantees.
Creo que la siguiente flor es madreselva, aunque no hay garantías.
This photograph is of a fruit blossom from last Spring. I believe it is of one of my apples.
Esta fotografía es de una flor de fruto de la pasada primavera. Creo que es de una de mis manzanas.
As I was going through my many folders of photographs I came across this lily. Like the Honeysuckle I the yellow cheerfulness the flower offers.
Mientras revisaba mis muchas carpetas de fotografías, me encontré con este lirio. Como la madreselva, me encanta la alegría amarilla que ofrece la flor.
As I many times try to do I am ending with a photograph of this young doe.
Como muchas veces intento hacer, termino con una fotografía de esta joven cierva.
I use a Canon EOS Rebel 5 for most photographs. The deer photographs are usually from my trail cameras, which are attached to a tree and automatically take photographs based on movement or heat (at night).
Utilizo un Canon EOS Rebel 5 para la mayoría de las fotografías. Las fotografías de los ciervos suelen ser de mis cámaras de seguimiento, que están conectadas a un árbol y toman fotografías automáticamente basadas en el movimiento o el calor (por la noche).
This brings to the end of this weeks post. As always I hope each of you find one thing in my publication that you enjoy. I have been working on my publication throughout the week when I have a few minutes to spare. I like it done early so I can begin working on the Curation Report for the community. I trust you are checking out this report published by @dsc-r2cornell. There are many wonderful publications listed in it. This report is uploaded on Sunday (usually). Thank you very much for your support.
Esto nos lleva al final de esta semana post. Como siempre, espero que cada uno de ustedes encuentre algo en mi publicación que les guste. He estado trabajando en mi publicación durante toda la semana, cuando tengo unos minutos libres. Me gusta hacerlo temprano para poder empezar a trabajar en el Informe de Curaduría para la comunidad. Confío en que estéis viendo este informe publicado por @dsc-r2cornell. Hay muchas publicaciones maravillosas listadas en él. Este informe se carga el domingo (normalmente). Muchas gracias por su apoyo.

Very Nice. Thanks for sharing
I find it amazing that there are as many cowards out their who create fake user names to hide their identity just so they can down vote people. They do not post in their fake accounts because they would probably be down-voted themselves.
Great post grandpa!
Thank you hon.
Stunning flower shots as always! Let me also share one with you :) Hortensia, the flower symbol of the Azore Islands :) Captured on the Sao Miguel Island. Have a great weekend!
Thank you very much. I appreciate you sharing this beautiful flower.
the water droplets make even small things more beautiful :D
Thank you very much.
Amazing collection of photographs i love to see them. Your photography skills are really incredible. Thanks for sharing this stuff
Thank you very much.
very nice photography my dear friend
Thank you very much.
All the flowers are beautiful as always, but for me the first one is special. The colors are combined so correctly that they unwittingly rejoice that nature on our planet is very talented.
Thank you very much. I am happy you appreciate the photos
Taking the right photos and right light can make an object look more attractive, sir.
Thank you very much. Great point.
I believe imperfection makes things perfect on some points, it's just my thought, by the way, great photographs like always...
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Interesante la observación que haces corniel en cuanto al plagio, y, tu proceder respecto al mismo es el mas lógico, porque la originalidad tiene un sello personal y no debe ser usurpado. Cada quien obtiene lo que merece según su proceder, sea bueno o malo (causa y efecto).
En otro orden de ideas, la naturaleza no deja de sorprender.Me refiero ahora a la exposición de tus fotos donde se aprecian diferentes tipos de flores que dan testimonio de la variedad en el ambiente, no dejando de estar presente en el entorno el imponente y hermoso ciervo. Felicitaciones, bendiciones.
Muchísimas gracias.
Esperamos que la gente aprenda a usar su propio trabajo. Desafortunadamente veo más gente siendo acosada por usar etiquetas equivocadas que por plagio. Steemcleaners sin embargo hace un buen trabajo de mantener un ojo hacia fuera para el plagio.
Wow nice flowers photography
Thank you very much.
It is unfortunate that there are people who plagiarize the work of others, once someone plagiarized one of my Christian preaching and that really bothered me, I do not understand why these people do not use their time to think about productive things, such as making an original publication, They prefer to use their time copying what is not theirs.
The first picture is beautiful, I love the color, you chose the main photo well, the lily, I like it, I had never seen it.
There are less of this issue showing on my blog. I am greatful steemcleaners lets me know so I can deal with things right away.
Glad you enjoyed flower photos
Really mind blowing flowers photography. I always enjoy your photographic magic. Have a nice day sir, God bless you.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Beautiful photography, to turn it into a watercolor.
Thank you very much. You are welcome to use any photo as a model for a Watercolor painting
Hi, @r2cornell!
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Sean perfectas o no, para mí siguen siendo hermosas. Excelentes fotos estimado, gracias por compartirlas.
Posted using Partiko Android
Muchísimas gracias! Aprecio sus palabras.
You have been curated by @hafizullah on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.
Thank you very much.
So cool, Sir. Really extraordinary shooting technique. ❤
Thank you very much.
I liked all of your photos, especially the last one, since it is more difficult to capture something that moves, rather than a "static" flower.
I would like to add that perfection can also be found in asymmetry, too.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
This post is upvoted by @dblog.supporter.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
one's expertise when photographing is to focus on objects. Although the object is ugly, but when shooting right, it will look beautiful when we look.
this is an example. this picture is a wild plant that lives on the edge of an old well, but I do not know the name of this type of plant
Thank you. Well said!
Nice photography , sir what is your discord id link ? I want to talk you on a matter .
Thank you.
But, you can send me a private message on discord (r2cornell#5314)
I am heading off to sleep but can respond when I get up
Bunga Yang sangat cantik, Dan juga memiliki warna Yang cukup cerah, ini benar-benar terlihat sangat indah, saya sangat suka dengan bunga ini, terimakasih MR. @r2cornell
Terima kasih. Saya senang Anda menikmatinya.
Amazing post sir
Thank you.
@r2cornell, In my opinion sometimes we need to see the nature's aspects more detailed way and then we will see beautiful art in it.
Keep up with your beautiful series brother. Stay blessed.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much. I appreciate it
Welcome and thank you.
Excellent flowers collection sir
Thank you.
1st time see this 1st flowers. very beautiful
Thank you very much.

Sir fantastic photography and great post.
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Thank you very much. Also thank you for the trend token
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The two flowers can be of the same species.
They do look very similar. A macro-view of the purple would be great to see.
I love deer picture
Sometime I get lucky and get good pics. They are beautiful animals.

Beautiful view
First time I am chaking your posting and your tag neoxian excellent working on steemit I am using your tag every posting my good thinking for you and your family
Thank you very much. Welcome to my blog post. I post here on Saturday, and @dsc-r2cornell curation report on Sunday
I am very thankful for you for your response
Sir I request to you plz chak my blog and tell me how can I bitter working on steemit platform
Send me private message through Discord, and I can try to offer suggestions. You can also join our Discord Community ( and drop links to posts in the post promotion channel for curation. We try to get to as many posts as we can each week.
So beautiful view
I love flower
Nice rose

Thank you. She is a beauty!
You are a talented photographer sir. I am of the view that with macro photography you really make a flower meaningful and beautiful which normally does not look appealing. The photographic skill has many ways to bring the essence of beauty out of nowhere. The close up look of cactus is just one example.
Thank you very much. And thank you for your kind words.
Wonderful photo shoot sir
Great and beautiful floral collection.
Thank you very much
@jazcash: It is great you shared a photo, although without some words about post just a photo can be considered spam
Beautiful photographs
Amazing Idea of the posting sir
you should get things worked out with steemcleaners to see if you can change how you do things so the down-voting goes away. Contact them on Discord. They are reasonable people if you are polite and sincerely try to do things correctly on steemit.