Reflecting On Your Life's Journey
It is true that we are supposed to keep moving and making progress, but there are times that you need to reflect on the past, not to dwell on it but to see how far you have come and this will help you to know where you are going too. It is when you take a moment to reflect on how far you have gone, what you have been true, what you have survived, and how you have arrived at the place you are now that you will feel encouraged to keep putting in your best. You may not have achieved everything that you have initially planned to, but if you reflect well on your life, you will see that you are doing well.

If you think that you are not making progress, just take a look at your life from five or more years back and then compare it to this present moment, you will have your answers. If you are not still convinced, then consider the fact that there are many people that you started the journey with that have died but your life is still sustained. If this is not a blessing, then I wonder what it is. Many people have overlooked the many blessings they have enjoyed and are the ones they are currently enjoying and focusing on their needs that are not yet met. It is when you reflect and show appreciation for the past blessings that you will qualify for the next.
There are many things that people often do not count as blessings but they are massive blessings. The gift of life for example, health, sound mind, etc. As a matter of fact, if you can provide the basic necessities of life, then you are blessed already and you occupy a place among the top elites. Contentment is a very vital requirement for appreciation and gratitude. Contentment does not mean that you should not work to get more out of life, it only removes desperation from you. While you want more from life, also take out time to reflect and be appreciative of the ones you already have.
Many people may not know the value and blessedness of good health until their health is challenged. I read a story of a particular rich and influential man that suddenly developed an ill health. It quickly got so bad that the man was referred from one specialist hospital to another both within and outside the country. Money was spent in excess, but all to no avail. If money was to buy life, with the kind of money he had, it would not be a problem to buy spare life, but there are things that money cannot buy. During his last days, he came to the realisation that his money has failed him even after he thought money was everything, then he said this on his dying bed:
"Shame on money"
You see, there are things that you have which you did not do anything special to qualify for, neither did you pay for them, but you have them nonetheless. It is by taking time to reflect on life that you will learn to appreciate all these things. You will be surprised that the point you are is being envied by many people but you are not even appreciative of it. Just to let you know; what you called problems may be what someone else may call solution. What you complain about may be what someone else is praying for. What you look down on may be what someone else is looking up for. So learn to stay grateful and appreciative of even the little things of life.

The path you took to your destination, many others plied that route and never returned, now don't you also consider that a blessing? Even if you are too careful about what you do, are you also careful about what others do? Or don't you know that you could have been a victim of other people's actions? Take this instance; when you entered a bus or an airplane, what extra thing did you do to ensure that you arrive at your destination apart from trusting the driver or pilot? Yet you arrived safely at your destination. You see, if you can reflect well on your life, you will not have reasons to complain about anything.
Thanks for reading
A friend of mine used to tell me that regardless of what anyone thinks, they are never the same person as yesterday. The fact that we humans have unending needs; we tend to forget that many things have been working for us faster than what we deserved, but yet the one we mostly look towards and is not giving the wished result, we will be saying all sorts of things.
Instead of dwelling in the past, looking forward to the future and living in the present should be paramount.
If there is anything to consider about the past, it should be things to do to improve the present and not to repeat any mistakes of the past.
See you next time,
Such an awesome and insightful comment here. Thanks for your presence bro