Bugfix & Changes: Bro Bang 0.8.38 | Level Distribution & Security


I published the new Bro Bang version 0.8.38. 2 areas are affected by this: on the one hand, the level distribution is now calculated differently and, in addition, I have made a few security aspects to make cheating more difficult.

Level Distribution

It has become apparent that some players have reached an irregularly high (or low) number of levels during a game. I have therefore rewritten the way in which the levels are calculated. The amount of levels is still the same - only the calculation has changed. So there is a certain checking factor integrated and it should not happen that players get into a level range where they should not be yet according to the number of strokes made so far.

This is how it should work: 10 hits (clicks with the mouse) increase the level by +1. Hits in the fast spawn waves are not counted to increase the level - as in the past.

Security Aspects

For understandable reasons, I don't want to say too much about the now extended safety aspects. What I can say, however, is that stronger control mechanisms have been implemented. Both mechanisms that the game uses internally, but also those that it sends to me in the administration. Furthermore, the handling of some data that the game processes internally has been changed.

Further observation

My own tests have been successfully completed. But of course I will - as always - observe the effects of the changes in practical use. Should you observe any maybe weird behavior, I am looking forward to you your feedback, which I - of course - reward accordingly.

Do you have any questions? Have you discovered any bug or sub-prime behavior? Report it - and I'll reward your report. As well as constructive criticism.

Greetings from Paraguay!

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