Luna's Spaying Appointment- As If Nothing Happened



Yesterday Luna had her spaying appointment

We used yesterday morning to drop of Luna and then get the health insurance stuff sorted, which I wrote about yesterday. Both of us thought Luna would feel miserable and feel very bad as she seemed to be the less tough one of the two and Maesi also took a few days to rest a lot. Maybe Maesi was just the smarter one because something totally opposite seems to happen the day after.

Picking her up

I took my daughter to pick up Luna because she always says Luna is her cat so she might as well go with me. It was the first time when I had to carry something heavy again myself and thankfully, I had no issues. My boyfriend was out from work all morning, I could not ask him to go with me again and as I felt great yesterday, I never asked him to go with me. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a very happy Luna, as if nothing happened. I was surprised to see her totally relaxed, good eyes and 0 stress visible.

Sadly this changed when the assistant put on the collar we brought, I wanted to avoid another situation of them putting on a collar which is too big and then stressing out the cat by putting it back on multiple times. So this time we came prepared and took it with us. This collar was a good fit and it was until the very last button that Luna started to stress a bit.

Cleaning the wound

The assistant asked me to gently hold her down a bit as she will stress and jump up when she does this. I thought it was a spray to clean the wound but afterwards I saw it was silver-ish of colour so I'm not sure what it was exactly. Anyway, one spray and Luna jumped up, thankfully we had her and then she sprayed again, Luna peed from the nerves. Poor thing. Thankfully, she still had a wee pad so it was a quick clean of the carrier.


Doctors instructions

After this the vet came in and she said everything went well, and that she stitched internally so the wound is small. It looks like a very clean wound, just a cm tops where Maesi's wound was much bigger (done by another vet). She gave me antibiotics and instructions for the pain meds I still had from Maesi's surgery and then we were good to go. Her last note was if anything weird happens with the stitch, you can come in so I take care of it. I told her that Maesi took out her own stitches and when they were hanging there as loose threads, I just carefully cut them short. She said "Oh, even better, some people freak out and call me to come in, but if you can save me some work, even better".

How will Maesi respond to Luna?

This was my biggest question because Luna has been an absolute pain in the ass to Maesi and didn't let her alone or rest for a minute if it were up to her. That's why we separated them for a few days until they calmed down. Maesi was more gentle and even though we heard growls and hissing, I think it's mostly because Luna is scared Maesi will hurt her, lol. She probably knows she could aim for payback.

We tried to separate them during the night but it was not doable because Maesi kept meowing loud that she wanted to get in the bedroom, haha. We all went nuts so we put them together and hoped for the best. Everyone survived the night :) and Luna acts as if nothing happened.

Happy kitten

She had her tail up all the time (even yesterday afternoon) happy being cuddled. Just a few times where she was shaking a bit, I think because of the stress when Maesi growled and hissed but I have not detected any fever or inflammation around the wound. I'm very happy that our prediction didn't seem right (at least so far) and we cross our fingers it stays this way for a quick recovery.


The end of an era

With Luna being spayed, we close the fostering chapter at this organization because we are so fed up on how the so called manager treats the volunteers. Honestly, I was don with this within the first 2 weeks but we stayed for the love of the kittens. The pressure and the tone she puts on the volunteers, she should be ashamed of herself. I'm not into giving this type of people my time anymore and as my friend already works with another association she trusts, we will just follow her there once we find a bigger home and are ready to foster again. Not anytime soon though, we want to make sure our two ladies are the happiest they can be and know this is their house with their hoomans!

Have a great weekend!

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I'm glad things went so well! At least it's all done for now and no more surgery in the imminent future! She pulled through like a champ!

How are you holding up?

0.059 NEOXAG

As if nothing happened, seriously, she's a champ :)

I sent you a peakd message a few days ago, but update today is that I'm only taking 1 out of 2 tablets daily and if things continue as they are, I foresee stopping them completely really soon.


0.000 NEOXAG

Cats are truly wonderful creatures

0.059 NEOXAG

I hope , the litte kitten gets well soon.

0.060 NEOXAG

I’m glad the appointment went well and she feels better in no time.

0.059 NEOXAG

She does, she's playing like crazy :)

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