La gata blanco y negro sobre el sofá rojo / The black and white cat on the red sofa

Saludos hivers. Los gatos siempre encuentran la manera de ofrecernos buenas fotos, a veces es una sola foto en el momento y el lugar perfecto y a veces nos regalan toda una serie de fotos, basta con estar atentos y tener una cámara o el celular a la mano.

Hello hivers. Cats always find a way to offer us good photos, sometimes it's a single photo at the perfect time and place and sometimes they give us a whole series of photos, just be attentive and have a camera or cell phone at hand.

Siempre estoy haciéndoles fotos a mi gata o a la de mi hermana, y hoy, revisando mi teléfono para ver qué publicación se me ocurría para compartir aquí en Hive, decidí seleccionar estas fotos que le hice a Guillermina, la gata de mi hermana, una tarde que se había acostado bien cómoda en una de las poltronas de la sala jejeje. Por lo general, digamos que en el 90% de los casos, tiene mal carácter 😬🥴🤭 pero ese día estaba de buen humor jajaja, así que aproveché y le hice estas fotos sobre ese llamativo fondo rojo que resalta su monocromático pelaje jejeje.

I'm always taking photos of my cat or my sister's cat, and today, checking my phone to see what post I could think of to share here on Hive, I decided to select these photos that I took of Guillermina, my sister's cat, one afternoon that she had lain down very comfortably in one of the armchairs in the living room hehehe. Usually, let's say that in 90% of the cases, she has a bad temper 😬🥴🤭, but that day she was in a good mood hahaha, so I took advantage and took these photos of her on that striking red background that highlights her monochromatic fur hehehe.



Guillermina es blanca y negra, es Ying y Yang, es dulce y es ácida, y creo que es bipolar jajaja, a veces te pide caricias y otras veces te quiere matar 😬🥴🤣. Sus ojos verdes le dan una mirada inocente pero sus dientes no tienen piedad 😈.

Guillermina is black and white, she is Ying and Yang, she is sweet and she is acidic, and I think she is bipolar hahaha, sometimes she asks for caresses and other times she wants to kill you 😬🥴🤣. Her green eyes give her an innocent look but her teeth are merciless 😈.




Guillermina me ve como lo que en realidad soy, un gato más 😼 jajaja, me busca para jugar, me persigue para atacarme y morderme como si me quisiera asesinar, nunca había conocido a un gato con semejante mordida, podría competir fácilmente con la de un Pitbull, un Rotweiler o un Pastor alemán 😬. No es broma, todos en la familia tenemos cicatrices y cuentos de horror que contar 🥴.

Guillermina sees me for what I really I am, just another cat 😼 hahaha, she looks for me to play, she chases me to attack me and bite me as if she wanted to kill me, I had never met a cat with such a bite, it could easily compete with that of a Pitbull, a Rotweiler or a German Shepherd 😬. No joke, everyone in the family has scars and horror stories to tell 🥴.


Guillermina antes era flaquita pero desde hace como dos años se ha puesto gordita 🤫🤭, yo le digo, "Ven para frotarte la pancita mi budita para que me llegue mucho dinero" 🤑🤭🤭, y después me muerde 🙄😒🤦🏻‍♀️ / Guillermina used to be skinny but in the last two years she has gotten chubby 🤫🤭, I tell her, "Come I want to rub your tummy my little Buddha so I can get a lot of money" 🤑🤭🤭, and then she bites me 🙄😒🤦🏻‍♀️


Guillermina tiene mal carácter, sí, es cierto ¿Qué le vamos a hacer? 🤷🏻‍♀️, pero cada vez que la veo ahí durmiendo disque angelicalmente 😴😇 siento una irresistible tentación de morderle las orejas 🤫, sí, amo esas grandes orejas 😻🤭.

Guillermina has a bad character, yes, it's true. What can we do? 🤷🏻‍♀️, but every time I see her sleeping there supposedly angelically 😴😇 I feel an irresistible temptation to bite her ears 🤫, yes, I love those big ears 😻🤭.


"Soy un angelito con alma de diablito" 😇😈 / "I am a little angel with the soul of a little devil"😇😈


Cuando mi hermana trajo a Guillermina a la casa era muy pequeñita y estaba fría, deshidratada y tenía una gusanera en su ano. Era tan linda, dulce y tranquilita y nunca maullaba ni siquiera para pedir comida, hasta llegué a pensar que era muda porque es muy raro que un gatito bebé no chille jajaja.

When my sister brought Guillermina home she was very small and cold, dehydrated and had a worm in her anus. She was so cute, sweet and calm and never meowed, not even to ask for food, I even thought she was mute because it's very rare for a baby kitten not to scream hahaha.




Guillermina es enojona, puedes verla durmiendo plácidamente con esa carita dulce que engaña sólo a los que no la conocen y apenas te acercas para acariciarla te lanza una mordida 😬🥴🤦🏻‍♀️🤣, es increíble, siempre está lista para el ataque jajaja, no puedes distraerte con ella porque cuando menos te lo esperes te muerde. Muerde hasta dormida jajaja.

Guillermina is angry, you can see her sleeping peacefully with that sweet face that deceives only those who don't know her and as soon as you get close to caress her she bites you 😬🥴🤦🏻‍♀️🤣, it's incredible, she's always ready to attack hahaha, You can't be distracted by her because when you least expect it she will bite you. She bites even in her sleep hahaha.


Guillermina es una linda gatita, a pesar de su mal carácter y de que he sido muchas veces víctima de sus locos ataques de furia, yo la quiero mucho jejeje, reconozco que en ocasiones me divierte provocarla para ver cómo empieza a soplar y se enfurece 🤣🤣🤣🤣, nadie puede creer que ella sea así porque a simple vista parece un inocente algodoncito 😇 pero las apariencias engañan jajaja 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Guillermina is a cute kitten, despite her bad character and the fact that I have been a victim of her crazy attacks of fury many times, I love her very much hehehe, I admit that sometimes it amuses me to provoke her to see how she starts to blow and gets angry 🤣 🤣🤣🤣, no one can believe that she is like that because at first glance she looks like an innocent little cotton 😇 but appearances can be deceiving hahaha 🤷🏻‍♀️.



Qué ironía, cuando mi hermana la rescató de la calle y la trajo a la casa, mi mamá no la quería y resulta que Guillermina a la persona que más ama es a mi mamá 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️, la mira directamente a los ojos, la persigue por toda la casa y cuando mi mamá la llama por su nombre sale corriendo como un rayo y hasta se resbala de la emoción jajaja. ¿Quién entiende a los gatos? Ni siquiera yo que soy Gatubela jajaja.

What irony, when my sister rescued her from the street and brought her home, my mom didn't want her and it turns out that Guillermina, the person she loves the most is my mom 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️, she looks directly at her eyes, chases her throughout the house and when my mom calls her name she runs like lightning and even slips from excitement hahaha. Who understands cats? Not even I who am Catwoman hahaha.


Bueno amigos, ha sido un placer compartir con ustedes estas líneas y estas fotos de Guillermina, la gata vaquita, que es dulce como un caramelito, suave como un algodoncito pero cascarrabias como uno de esos perros Pincher jajaja 🥴😬. Espero que les haya gustado. Gracias por su tiempo. Salud y felicidad infinitas para todos 🌞🍀.

Well friends, it has been a pleasure to share with you these lines and these photos of Guillermina, the cow cat, who is sweet as a candy, soft as a cotton ball but grumpy like one of those Pincher dogs hahaha 😬. I hope you liked it. Thanks for your time. Infinite health and happiness for everyone 🌞🍀.

Todas las fotos fueron hechas y editadas por mi con mi celular Redmi 9T y me pertenecen / All photos were taken and edited by me with my Redmi 9T cellphone and they belong to me

Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.
Hasta la próxima.


Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.

Until next post.



I like the last photo, because of the way Guillermina's eyes look. It's a nice photo session, Guillermina looks beautiful on that red sofa. It makes me laugh when you say that she is like yin and yang, that she is bipolar and all that and I think many cats have a touch of that, but still, with their craziness and stuff, we love cats 💚.


Thank you, yes, Guillermina's eyes are beautiful 💚.

Hahaha, that's right, cats have strong characters and although they do what they want we love them madly 🥰.
Thanks for your support, I'm glad you liked it.


"...she chases me to attack me and bite me as if she wanted to kill me, I had never met a cat with such a bite, it could easily compete with that of a Pitbull, a Rotweiler or a German Shepherd 😬. No joke, everyone in the family has scars and horror stories to tell..."

Wow! I didn´t know that you live with a little furry terrorist! :D My mum has two cats (they are actually twins, I cannot tell them apart) and they never bite anyone :) But cats are known to have very unique characters so every one is different I guess :)

@tipu curate


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, that's right, she's even worse than a terrorist 😬🥴 🤷🏻‍♀️ , cats are mostly known for scratching but Guillermina has a dog complex so what she does is bite 😬😩, we haven't been able to get rid of that bad habit from her with anything 😕🤷🏻‍♀️.

Oh, your mom has cats 😃, what are their names?

Yes, cats have very particular characters 🐱🤭🤭


Roza and Liza :) I even wrote a post about them a few years ago but I cannot find it now :/



😻 oh! What a pair of beauties 🥰🤗


Jajajajajajaja 🤣🤣🤣, ¡de todas formas la amo! ❤️😆
