Between friends and macaws 🐦 Entre amigas y guacamayas




Recently I went to visit a friend I hadn't seen for some time in the southeast of the city of Caracas. It was an afternoon of reunions, pizzas and desserts, the closing was definitely with a flourish. We were already coordinating the next meetings and having a last coffee in her living room, when suddenly we heard a commotion in the trees near her terrace. At first I didn't think much of it, but the noise got louder. My friend got up excitedly, went to the kitchen for a container of seeds (sunflowers) and headed to the terrace where these beautiful and exuberant birds were beginning to arrive, although they are found in many tropical forests of Central and South America, they have become a reference in the skies of Caracas.

In a matter of seconds, majestic macaws landed on the fence of her terrace, right in front of us. There were about 4 of them initially, with their vibrant plumage in shades of blue and yellow. Beautiful!


My friend told me that since the pandemic they started to arrive, then they placed feeders on the railings and they usually arrive in the mornings and in the afternoon after 5 o'clock. I am not clear why, but although in Caracas there have always been several species even, the approach to people as seen now is a few years ago. She also commented that she gives them only sunflowers and that human food does not lend them, I told her that she was very blessed to have such exotic pets in freedom, and she replied that yes but they were expensive pets because they ate a lot and sometimes large groups of more than 15 😅


I love parrots, parakeets and related, once I had parakeets in captivity, although they were not in cages, they were not in their habitat, I rescued them from some street vendors on the road in the east of the country, they are beautiful animals, very intelligent and their peculiarity makes them unfortunately very sought after for pets and endanger the species.

Being able to see them up close, contemplate how vibrant their colors are, their velvet-like feathers was a real treat, as I have always loved them and every time I drive back home I can see them at the height of the highway . . The most common species is the yellow with blue (Ara araurana) but you can also see the red with blue and yellow feathers and the red with green. Parrots, parrots and other related species also fly in the sky over Caracas.

The sound that macaws make is called squawking, although they can also emit other sounds such as whistling, the evening commotion they make rivals the bugles of cars stuck in traffic. However their presence is a constant reminder of the natural beauty that still resides in the Caracas valley, in my case they are a visual oasis whenever I see them, they usually fly in pairs, but can also be seen in large groups.

The macaws are much more than birds, they are symbols of identity, emblems of a Caracas that resists to lose its essence and it was truly a magical experience to see them so closely After a while more arrived, but with the excitement I only managed to record a video and ran to try to touch them, but I couldn't, maybe next time they will let themselves be caressed 💖.

This capture I made from the video I took at the end, look at the amount 😍


Thanks for the visit, wasn't it a magical evening worthy of a post? 🎉

All photos are from my personal album
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Original content for Hive
© 2025, @astrea. All rights reserved





Hace poco fui a visitar a una amiga que tenía algún tiempo sin ver al sureste de la Ciudad de Caracas. Fue una tarde de reencuentros, pizzas y postres, el cierre fue definitivamente con broche de oro. Estábamos ya coordinando los próximos encuentros y tomando un último café en su sala, cuando de repente escuchamos un alboroto en los árboles cercanos a su terraza. Al principio no le di mucha importancia, pero el ruido se hizo más fuerte. Mi amiga se levantó con entusiasmo, fue a la cocina por un recipiente con semillas (girasoles) y se dirigió a la terraza donde estaban comenzado a llegar estas bellas y exuberantes aves que aunque se encuentran en muchas selvas tropicales de América central y del sur, se han vuelto referencia en los cielos Caraqueños.

En cuestión de segundos, unas guacamayas majestuosas aterrizaron en la reja de su terraza, justo frente a nosotras. Eran como 4 inicialmente, con sus plumajes vibrantes en tonos de azul y amarillo. ¡Bellas!


Mi amiga me contó que desde la pandemia empezaron a llegar, entonces les colocaron comederos en las barandas y suelen llegar en las mañanas y en la tarde después de las 5. No tengo clara la razón, pero aunque en Caracas siempre han existido varias especies incluso, el acercamiento a las personas como se ve ahora es de pocos años hacia acá. También comentó que les da solo girasoles y que la comida de humanos no les presta, le dije que era muy bendecida por tener esas mascotas tan exóticas y en libertad, y ella me respondió que sí pero que eran unas mascotas costosas porque comían muchísimo y a veces llegaban grupos grandes de más de 15 😅


Me encantan los loros, pericos y afines, una vez tuve periquitos en cautiverio, aunque no estaban en jaulas, igualo no estaban en su habitad, los rescaté de unos vendedores ambulantes en la carretera del oriente del país, son animales hermosos, muy inteligentes y su peculiaridad los hace lamentablemente muy buscados para mascotas y ponen en peligro la especie.

Poder verlas de cerca, contemplar lo vibrante de sus colores, sus plumas que parecían terciopelo fue un verdadero regalo, pues me encantan desde siempre y cada vez que manejo de regreso a mi casa las puedo ver a la altura de la autopista. . La especie más común es la amarilla con azul (Ara araurana) pero también se ven mucho las rojas con plumas azules y amarillas y la roja con verde. También surcan el cielo caraqueño las cotorras, loros y otras especies afines.

El sonido que hacen las guacamayas se llama graznido, aunque también pueden emitir otros sonidos como silbidos, el alboroto vespertino que hacen compite con las cornetas de los autos atascados en el tráfico. Sin embargo su presencia es un recordatorio constante de la belleza natural que aún reside en el valle caraqueño, en mi caso son un oasis visual siempre que las veo, normalmente vuelan en parejas, pero también se ven en grupos grandes.

Las guacamayas son mucho más que aves, son símbolos de identidad, emblemas de una Caracas que se resiste a perder su esencia y de verdad que fue una experiencia mágica poder verlas tan de cerca Al cabo de un rato llegaron más, pero con la emoción solo alcancé a grabar un video y corrí a tratar de tocarlas, pero no pude, quizás una próxima ocasión se dejen acariciar 💖

Esta captura la hice del video que tomé al final, miren la cantidad 😍


Gracias por la visita, ¿A poco no fue una mágica velada digna de un post? 🎉

All photos are from my personal album
separadores aquí
Original content for Hive
© 2025, @astrea. All rights reserved

0.000 NEOXAG


Every day something is lit. Today I learned that macaws are emblems of the city of Cracas. And every day you corroborate facts: you are a great person.

A big hug, @astrea.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes, in the afternoons after 5, 5:30 it is common to see them flying back to their nests, they stop in the trees, on the electric wires, besides being picturesque they make a lot of noise. Where I live they don't come, but I see them coming back when I'm in Caracas, I love them. The bad thing is that they are getting used to humans and some take advantage to catch them and sell them, there are awareness campaigns in this regard.

A big hug for you @enraizar nice night and a better awakening! 🤗

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Thank you very much @, now it's my turn to wish you a nice awakening.
A big hug, @astrea.

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A marvellous spectacle you were able to witness. And your friend, I imagined her joyfully going to meet her visitors, the macaws. I can see you in the photos, surprised and enjoying that beautiful moment. I love it when I see such an understanding between humans and the other beings that inhabit this earth. It is respect, it is harmony, it is care and joy of sharing what mother nature gives us.

Thank you for sharing this experience.


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¡Qué maravilla recargar energías de esa manera!


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