Cat acne | Something I never imagined existed



Hay temporadas buenas y otras MALAS y a mi y a mi familia nos ha tocado vivir muchas situaciones difíciles una tras otras durante estas ultimas 3 semanas, y esta racha de mala suerte tambien alcanzo a nuestro gatito, un día común y corriente note algo extraño debajo de su barbilla, en ese momento no le preste demasiada atención porque creí que se había ensuciado con algo, sin embargo, al día siguiente note que esa mancha se veía más pronunciada, decidí echar un vistazo con ayuda del flash de mi teléfono y casi muero cuando vi un montón de puntos negros en su barbilla y tambien tenia esa parte con muy poco pelo.

There are good and BAD seasons and me and my family have had to live many difficult situations one after another during these last 3 weeks, and this streak of bad luck also reached our kitten, one ordinary day I noticed something strange under his chin, at that moment I didn't pay too much attention to it because I thought it had gotten dirty with something, however, the next day I noticed that the spot looked more pronounced, I decided to take a look with the help of the flash of my phone and I almost died when I saw a lot of black spots on his chin and he also had that part with very little hair.


Esto lo noté de noche, asi que realmente no tenia donde ir para pedir ayuda, asi que decidí hacer una búsqueda en Google Images usando esta misma foto para obtener una respuesta al menos y saber si era algo realmente grave o no, lo primero que me salió fue “Acné de gato” yo pensé: ¿¡Qué!? No entendía esa definición y ahí me puse a leer mucha información sobre el Acné de gato.

I noticed this at night, so I didn't really have anywhere to go for help, so I decided to do a search on Google Images using this same picture to get an answer at least to know if it was something really serious or not, the first thing that came up was “Cat Acne” I thought: “What? I didn't understand that definition and then I started reading a lot of information about cat acne.

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Acné de gato

Cat acne

Según lo que leí, esto es un problema dermatológico que suele pasarle a los gatos por alergias que quizás le producen los envases de plástico y muchas otras razones incluyendo estrés, este acné se presenta en forma de puntos negros, algo que me tranquilizo fue leer que no es un problema demasiado grave si se atiende a tiempo, por eso decidimos acudir con un veterinario para empezar un tratamiento.

According to what I read, this is a dermatological problem that usually happens to cats due to allergies that may be caused by plastic containers and many other reasons including stress, this acne appears in the form of black spots, something that reassured me was to read that it is not a very serious problem if it is treated in time, so we decided to go to a veterinarian to start a treatment.

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Sin embargo, algo que me ha pasado mucho es que termino en las manos equivocadas, tanto en doctores como veterinarios, el servicio de salud tanto para animales como para las personas es bastante malo en la mayoría de lugares de Venezuela, a pesar de estar pagando por el servicio, eso no te garantiza que estes recibiendo la mejor atención ni el mejor diagnóstico, efectivamente era Acné de gato, pero… el tratamiento recetado no funciono. Este doctor envió limpiarlo dos veces al día con Betadine y tambien aplicarle una crema cicatrizante, estuve haciendo todo lo que me dijo diariamente y no vi mejoría.

However, something that has happened to me a lot is that I end up in the wrong hands, both in doctors and veterinarians, the health service for both animals and people is pretty bad in most places in Venezuela, even though you are paying for the service, that does not guarantee that you are getting the best care or the best diagnosis, indeed it was cat acne, but ... the prescribed treatment did not work.
This doctor sent to clean it twice a day with Betadine and also apply a healing cream, I was doing everything he told me daily and I saw no improvement.

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Finalmente me rendí y decidí seguir consejos que vi en internet (Sé que no es la mejor opción pero si no logre nada con el tratamiento del veterinario al menos debía intentarlo) Cambie sus envases de comida de plástico por platos de vidrio, además empecé a limpiarle los puntos negros usando una gaza y un antiséptico y a pesar de que ha sido un proceso largo, veo muchísima mejoría, cada día se ve la zona un poco mejor.

Finally I gave up and decided to follow some advice I saw on the internet (I know it's not the best option but if I didn't achieve anything with the vet's treatment at least I had to try) I changed his plastic food containers for glass dishes, I also started to clean his black spots using a gauze and an antiseptic and even though it has been a long process, I see a lot of improvement, every day the area looks a little better.

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Esta foto es de hace un rato, la ultima que le tome y se ve muchísimo mejor, ya tiene pelo en esa zona y se ven menos puntos negros, aun tiene pero veo mejoría y se nota que es un proceso bastante largo.

This picture is from a while ago, the last one I took and he looks much better, he already has hair in that area and there are less black spots, he still has but I see improvement and I can see that it is a very long process.


Creo que el cambio de envases de comida por unos de vidrio aporto mucho a su recuperación, me parece bastante loco eso, hasta ahora no tenia ni idea de que solo unos envases de plástico podían causar esa irritación en la piel tan horrible, me asuste demasiado pero ahora me siento un poco mas tranquila viendo como mejora cada día.

I think that the change of food containers for glass ones contributed a lot to his recovery, I think that's pretty crazy, until now I had no idea that only plastic containers could cause such a horrible skin irritation, I was too scared but now I feel a little calmer seeing how he improves every day.



La salud de nuestras mascotas es muy importante y siempre debemos estar pendiente de cualquier cosa extraña que podamos observar, ellos no pueden comunicarse ni decir si algo les duele o les molesta, tienen maneras de expresarlo, pero a veces no nos damos cuenta al momento.

The health of our pets is very important and we must always be aware of anything strange that we can observe, they can not communicate or say if something hurts or bothers them, they have ways to express it but sometimes we do not realize it at the time.




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I'm glad he's improving! I changed all my cat bowls to stainless steel and that worked for me; the bowls should also be washed regularly for best results.
Metal bowls are better for me because I break everything glass 😁


Hahahaha I must confess that I was afraid to use glass bowls because I was afraid of breaking them or that my cat would trip over them in one of his euphoric moments where he runs all over the house, but it was what I had at hand and it has worked well 😂
and yes! I am also washing him bowls 2 or 3 times a day
Thank you @nikv 🤗 have a nice day


no sabia mucho de ello, está interesante saberlo y aplicarlo para ayudar a nuestras mascotas.

I didn't know much about it, it is interesting to know and apply it to help our pets.


I definitely agree with you, sometimes you have to look for help on the internet because here in our country even the veterinarians are making mistakes, I tell you this because some time ago I lived a very unpleasant experience with my furry, but well that is already solved.
I had heard about the plates to pour food or water and many recommend not to use plastic, well you have to see the positive side of what you lived, you have learned something new.
Greetings, I hope your beautiful kitty recovers completely.🤗


That's right, health is quite delicate and we must look for other ways to help, we always learn something new and this will not happen again, thank you very much for your comment, happy night!


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