Fallout 4 - Leaving Santuary to explore and a tough Federal Rations Stockpile location


Leaving Sanctuary to explore

I wanted to start trying some different effects. So besides some more brightness and some contrast to make footage more visible, I added some soft white glow with almost half the intensity so it looks nicer. I wanted half saturation on the colours but that made video rendering jump to over 2 hours!

I start this episode off by pondering around Sanctuary a little bit as I quickly decide on what I will do, which is followed by leaving to go exploring, out in a random direction and seeing what I come across to loot and clear out. There are some typical little places, some with some enemies and some with low loot, but all shall be explored as I come across it, unless it is too hard and I come back to that location.

One of the settlements you can normally use without mods as a suitable location to build, is something I come across which has some enemies, all be it not too hard to kill though.

Federal Rations Stockpile

The Federal Rations Stockpile was a place along my traveled path and it was a tough one. Not only was it full of tough enemies for my low level and supplies, but it resulted in numerous deaths as I attempted to clear it out, ultimately realising I will come back and do so at a later time when I have become much stronger, enabling me to be successful.

Enjoy watching me get wrecked by my enemies in my failed attempts and see what happens when you travel the less known path instead of the usual mission path of the storyline.

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Love this game. Wish I could play it more. Definitely fun. Love thumping people from a distance and working them down until I can score the goods without a pitched battle.

Hit and run.

Okay that game!

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian


Yeah I love the Fallout games. Having a variety of weapons and smashing the enemies with them is so good!


I really like all of the upgrades for the weapons that's pretty cool!

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
