Changes All Around


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how things are always changing in the professional landscape.


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Changes All Around

"For things to stay the same, everything must change" Don Fabrizio Corbera, The Leopard

Change is definitely one of the constants in life - everything changes. Sadly, that also means that the workplace is constantly changing as well.


There are always times where you feel like you've had the best run and team in a long time. I've been incredibly lucky in that I've had that a few times. Early in my career I worked with an incredibly close, tight knit group of people who worked really well together. I came in late to the game and kind-of fit in with the group, but I was still an outsider. They made me feel welcome though, and we all were really close which was great. As time went on though, people left, moved on and all that. It's unfortunate to see it happen.

Recently, my job now there have been a number of changes, and some of them sad. I wasn't super close with one of my senior leaders, but I did get to know him and met him personally. It was good to be able to sit down and chat with people at that level, as they have a lot of wisdom and things to teach me. I don't mind spending time like that because it benefits me in the long run, even having a solid acquaintance in those terms. I think I have that with him.

Sadly we found out that there were structural changes, and his job was no longer there. That was tough, because I liked and respected him. He fought the good fight, got into the trenches with us a lot and really commanded a good working relationship with the people who reported to him in one form or another. There are probably more things involved there than meets the eye, but I don't really care to know those details. I'm not one for gossip on stupid shit like that.


I then found out just today that I'm writing this that one of the managers I work with is also leaving, voluntarily. I was really saddened to hear that because she was an excellent manager. She was organized, compassionate and really stuck her neck out there for her team and did a great job running her stuff. Ultimately though, things got to her and she got sick of the BS. I haven't spoken to her directly yet about it, as this is new news but I'm definitely going to make it a point to do so before she leaves in the next few weeks.

I think as sad as it is to see these changes, the important thing is that we experience the good times. When you are able to experience and benefit the good times, then it definitely helps you weather the storm if the bad times come rolling around. I certainly hope there are no bad times ahead, but you never know what tomorrow will bring.

I don't know what will end up happening with these structural changes, and I don't know if I would or should want to add my hat into the ring of candidates for a management job, but sometimes we feel that things happen for a reason and they will do what they will. I am not trying to get ahead of myself in terms of choices, but the important thing is to keep our options open, just like my colleagues years ago did even though we had an excellent team, you have to do what's best for you.


What about you, do you have things going on in your work life such as numerous changes? How are you dealing with them? Let me know in the comments!

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It's always a bit scary that uncertainty when someone you are comfortable with leaves. I dread those big changes like that.


Yeah they aren't easy to deal with but we should try to see how it shakes out. I really enjoyed working with the people but maybe these changes are better long term, you never know.


My work hasn't changed much yet, but it seems like changes are coming. As a Special Education teacher, I’ve heard that our district is moving toward full inclusion. The problem is, they’re planning to do this without adding the staff we need to properly support all the students...


Ugh yeah that's not a good thing for sure.

Since you're a special education teacher can I recommend two different podcast hosts to you? I'm not trying to step on your toes but holy shit this one doctor in your state completely changed our life!

His name is Dr. Doug Stephey and his focus on vision being the core of many special educational issues like dyslexia and others is unreal! The podcast is "move, look and listen" and I cannot recommend it highly enough! Give him a listen for 4-5 episodes especially the nutrition one, Magnocellular, retained primitive reflexes and the metronome one.


I work for myself now so no thing if such but my dad gives different examples all the time about people who got tired of the job and decided to resign basically for the huge amount of money they will be given
If you check them two years later, you will be sad
Their life will be totally different from what it used to be


The best approach is usually to flow with the changes that are happening all around. Sometimes, I do think there's a logic to it that isn't readily apparent to us and the best we can do is keep our eyes open and watch.


Yeah for sure I agree with you there man. Some things happen for a reason and they aren't apparent until months or years later.


I am not the kind that would talk about work struggles on Hive, but my work life hasn't been easy over the past year as well. Thankfully I had people/friends/loved ones that could lend me a listening ear and provide the emotional support. And I think I am in a better state now. All the best!


Yeah I hear you on that man, I keep it vague but informative to get the point across. There’s plenty of stupid shit I could post but that’s not worth my time lol so I focus on the big things on the work side.

I’m glad you have people to provide you with some mental support in times like that! It’s really important to have that for sure.


Ah sounds bad.. Hope things get better with time! 💪
