Walking and shooting

Wednesdays are not the same without @tattoodjay around but that's no reason to stop posting our walking stories! Anyway initiatives like #wednesdaywalk are not about the rewards, they are about the fun of participation!

So today I am remembering a memorable walk at Tilos, one of my most beloved Greek islands. I have spent several weeks there and I appreciated to the maximum the harsh but absolutely beautiful and relaxing scenery!


Our walk is starting from Livadia the main port of the island, follows the coastline and ends at Lethra, an isolated, gorgeous beach! Google maps says that it is a 43' hike but the metadata on my pictures says 1.5 hours. I guess it has to do with me stopping every 2 minutes to take pictures :)


But please take a look at those images and tell me, could you ignore that landscape and just walk without giving to yourself time to appreciate it?

I couldn't!





Thanks God that the path was so well paved because I could hardly keep my eyes on the road. Wherever I was turning my eyes (and my camera) there was nothing but pure beauty!



The beach in the picture above, is called the red beach and I think that it's not hard to understand why! Very beautiful indeed but the one I am heading to, has a huge advantage. A big tree that provides an abundance of shade to the sunburned hikers! You can see it in the middle of the picture below :)





This used to be farm land but now there are no farmers left on the island, just goats that dominate and rule the place! So after taking permission to proceed and under the vigilant look of the goat patrol, I arrived to the longed-for tree and rushed into the sea. But my camera was already in it's bag:)



All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

Commenting, upvoting and rebloging are highly appreciated!

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I guess I could live there my entire life.


If you are ready to live as a eremite it is wonderful, not to mention that it is a great place for fishing :)


Ah, wow, these are my kind of landscapes! I can't walk on these kinds of rocky undergrounds so I'll just have to enjoy them from your pictures. Amazing to see the warmth of the rocks against the blue of the ocean. Epic scenery for a photographer :D


Mine too! It is so beautiful and pretty much unspoiled :)


I'm jealous that you have that so nearby! (At least, it's closer to you than it is to me). Just beautiful!

Yes, it would have taken me just as long to make that walk, if not longer. 😃 That's precisely the reason I don't bring my camera when I go cycling; I'd be stopping all the time to keep taking pictures, too.


Ha ha, closer than you indeed, but not so close at all!
