Brush and pencil organizer [ENG-ESP]

 Hello friends, I'm here again 😅. Today I bring you a tutorial for a pen and brush organizer, it is a practical and cute idea to organize makeup or school supplies. I think it is something useful since many times we leave either our pencils or brushes anywhere and we lose them.

 Holaa amigos, otra vez yo por aquĂ­ 😅. Hoy les traigo un tutorial de una lapicera y organizador de brochas, es una idea prĂĄctica y linda para organizar maquillaje o Ăștiles escolares. Pienso que es algo Ăștil ya que muchas veces dejamos en cualquier lado bien sea nuestros lĂĄpices o brochas y se nos pierden.

 To start making this cute organizer, we are going to need the following materials:

✅Wooden sticks (I used 27 sticks)
✅A cardboard tube (this was from an adhesive that I had run out of)
✅glue or silicone

 Para empezar a realizar este lindo organizador, vamos a necesitar los siguientes materiales:

✅Palitos de madera (yo usĂ© 27 palitos)
✅Un tubo de cartón (este era de un adhesivo que se me había acabado)
✅Pega o silicón

 First, I measured the wooden sticks around the cardboard tube to make sure they were not missing, in my case the outline of the tube required 27 sticks. Then align them, try to place them straight, to put an adhesive tape on top and fix them better, so that they do not move from place.

 Primero, medí los palitos de madera alrededor del tubo de cartón para asegurarme que no faltaran, en mi caso el contorno del tubo requirió de 27 palitos. Luego los alinee, trate de colocarlos derechos, para ponerle encima una cinta adhesiva y fijarlos mejor, con el fin de que no se movieran de lugar.

 Then, with a ruler I drew a line on the sticks, since I wanted the base to be straight and for the organizer not to be so high. Afterwards, I began to cut the excess off of each of the sticks, then I began to sand the end that I had cut to give it a better finish.

 Luego, con una regla tracé una línea sobre los palitos, ya que quería que la base fuera recta y que el organizador no me quedara tan alto. Después, empecé a cortar el sobrante de cada uno de los palitos, a continuación, comencé a lijar el extremo que había cortado para darle un mejor acabado.

 Once I finished the process with the sticks, I placed the cardboard tube on the cardboard, this in order to mark a circle on it, which I proceeded to cut with scissors, this circle would be the base of the organizer.

 Una vez terminé el proceso con los palitos, coloqué el tubo de cartón sobre la cartulina, esto con el fin de marcar un círculo sobre la misma, el cual procedí a cortar con las tijeras, este círculo sería la base del organizador.

 Then, I glued the base to the cardboard tube and began to glue the wooden sticks with great patience. Once they were all adhered to the cardboard tube, I decided to paint the organizer. I painted it purple and placed a ribbon on it to decorate it even more. This was the result, I hope you liked it. Until a next post!❀❀

 Luego, peguĂ© la base al tubo de cartĂłn y comencĂ© a pegar los palitos de madera con mucha paciencia, una vez todos estuvieron adheridos al tubo de cartĂłn decidĂ­ pintar el organizador, lo pintĂ© de color violeta y le coloquĂ© una cinta para adornarlo aun mĂĄs. Este fue el resultado, espero les haya gustado. ÂĄHasta un prĂłximo post!❀❀


Wow, how cute and creative. I precisely need an organizer of this size for my desk, I think I will be inspired by your process to make it with my own hands, I just hope I have your patience hahaha... Excellent work Fabiana!.


Thank you very much for appreciating my work. Don't worry, this organizer doesn't require so much patience hahaha 😅


Es un excelente idea para organizar cosas como nuestros cosmĂ©ticos o lĂĄpices y colores, me encantĂł quedĂł muy linda, gracias por compartir, saludos đŸ„°


Gracias por comentar, me alegra que te haya gustado ❀


Very creative, and it is very useful.

Sending love and curation Ecency vote. keep giving the best♄


Simple, beautiful and very useful. Thank you very much for sharing the step by step of this organizer, we are sure it will be of great benefit to many.
