(ESP-ENG) Los fantasmas del pasado! [Opinión]
Hello friends, good vibes to all.
Days after that date of the qualifiers, I appear here to give my comments on the matter. On Thursday, after a break of almost 10 months, the dates here in Conmebol to qualify for the 2026 World Cup returned. We are currently in fifth place, we dropped one position with respect to November, but what is serious is not that but the way, the way we dropped. The boom and the euphoria that was being breathed around the national team was massive, we had come from a good first half in the qualifiers last year and the performance of the Copa America, with its failures, allowed us to say goodbye to it undefeated. I don't know if all this played in our favor or against us but what we saw on Thursday evidences that something happened, that synergy that we had been seeing was not there, the Vinotinto was not the same.
When the matches were played in Bolivia they were played in La Paz, a city that is 3600 meters above sea level, in itself it is complicated to play there but more or less it was possible to do the job. What happened? - Well, Conmebol, at the request of Bolivia if I remember correctly, accepted that now the matches will be played in El Alto which for me represents a real madness because this city is almost 4200 mts. I told someone here but playing in these conditions is inhuman and even dangerous for the physical integrity of someone who is not used to this. I don't understand what Conmebol's decision was based on to accept something like this but without a doubt it represents a step backwards and without mentioning the conditions in which that stadium was in where the seats in the stands were made of anime, a total nonsense.

I don't know if a better preparation was possible due to time constraints but it was clear that with hyperbaric chambers the results were not going to be good, I understand that the Vinotinto was in that city for at most one day so it was impossible to adapt the body to such a change of pressure. Evidently, the Bolivians were all over us from the first minute and already in the fifth minute some of them were already showing obvious breathing problems. Was this the reason why they scored 4 goals against us? - It was one of them, undoubtedly the most important one, but there were other things. As I said the lack of preparation also had an influence, I feel that we underestimated the height, maybe with a better schedule or perhaps having arrived earlier, if it was possible, the damage would not have been so clear and notorious.
Injuries. There are many selected players who are out of the call-up list, key pieces in the performance of this team. This caused Bocha Batista to resort to names that are not usual in the starting eleven to face this size commitment; unfortunately it did not work. Daniel Pereira, Jhon Murillo and Telasco Segovia himself, who works best as a substitute, I feel they did not perform at 100%. The approach I saw was to give them the ball and look for opportunities through a quick start. Defending always involves running after the ball non-stop, that wears you out, despite that, for me the best players, for example, were Aramburu and Ferraresi. They scored four goals, yes, but the running and covering of these two players was monumental.
Even so, I saw a team without soul, without ideas, very different from what we were used to, a non-existent midfield and without connections with their forwards, always Salomón going down to help as a pivot but sometimes it is not enough, there were many elements that tell us that it was a match to forget, one of the worst I have seen the Vinotinto under Bocha Batista, not to say it was the worst. And I think there is a third element. Mixing one thing with another is not the intention of this but it is well known what is happening here in our country, this has led to a disconnection of the fan, very respectable by the way, and that is something that may affect these players a little. I don't know if my friends who read me and are not Venezuelan know this, but the father of our central defender Jhon Chancellor is under arrest, he has been in prison for a few weeks and whether they like it or not, this has to affect the atmosphere inside.
The low morale can be an element that many do not mention but that for me can influence the way in which they face the games, at the end these players have families here in the country that in one way or another can be vulnerable to anything. Tomorrow they will play here in Venezuela against Uruguay, a group of Charrúas who come with many important absentees, some suspended for the events of the Copa América and the last one, Valverde, for accumulating yellow cards. If the Vinotinto wants to stay in the fight it is imperative that they score, winning has to be the goal, those casualties must be taken advantage of. The ghosts of the past haunted Bolivia and did a lot of damage, both in terms of play and attitude, many mistakes and failures on the field that cannot be repeated. We have to reset and try to do our best tomorrow.
¡Un abrazo a todos, nos leemos en la próxima!
Well my people that's all for today, I hope you liked it.
¡A hug to everyone, see you next time!
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Yo lo dije, el factor de la altura fue muy influyente en la actuación de la selección, pero el orden tactico y el plan de juego fue un desastre; quemar al equipo titular, jugar con carrileros, linea de tres en el fondo, dos 9, todo mal y así como es el titulo de su post, fantasmas del pasado hacen presencia
Ya el Bocha lo dijo, que había que pasar página y pensar en Uruguay mañana. Yo espero que ese desastre que se vió en Bolivia no se repita aquí porque aunque faltan eliminatorias y estos puntos no se pueden perder si se quiere llegar al mundial. Pero si, todo mal en torno a lo que pasó el jueves.
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