Is God Not Punishing Unscrupulous Translators Of The Bible?

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Is God Not Punishing Unscrupulous Translators Of The Bible?


The word of God is main for us to learn, as this from Brother Eli addresses us morally in respect of human limitations not to altered the will of God or the word of God, hence the purpose of this teaching is to address the additional or subtraction of God's words that people take into their hands in manipulation of the word of God in order to satisfy their personal lives, which is not ideal as the Bible speaks.

Hence, in respect to that part of the scripture in Romans 9:20, it speaks of God being the sovereignty father, to whom all man has to bow and adore his command as who created heaven and those that dwell in it, which is one of reasons we have to respect him and live according to his word rather than manipulating his command through additional and subtraction of his word just to please our interest.

Hence, the above verse really enlightens me that man doesn't have the right to question God's creations and also the things he has put in place. The reason is that the ultimate thing that man has is to be submissive to because he is the beginning and the end, so it is necessary we keep the word as it is written without alterations.

So brethren, as we adhere to the word of God, there is every need for us to understand that any alterations in the word of God lead to consequences that attract punishment, which might not be physical death but course that might encroach our generation bearing the unseen consequences caused by ignorance of the word of God, so on that note, this is letting us to understand that there is punishment attached to such a person's life.

So let's understand that whoever adds or removes in the already established word of God is laying a course upon him or herself, which is a very big setback in such a person's life, hence is advisable.
and necessary we exempt ourselves from such as we focus on abiding to the word of God, which is ideal to learn to avoid deception from the fulse preacher, which is the reason that we all have to know and be of the word of God in order to make a strong spiritual and righteous life.

Moral Lessons

● The relevance of the true word of God teaches us that the word is mainly to be handled with care and not manipulated.

● All men have to be submissive to the word, which all have to be the glory of God, while we recognize the limitation for man.

● We are taught there is punishment awaiting for defaulters of the word of God, which goes with its consequences that can be challenging to the individual's life.

● This part of this teaches about divine justice, which has to be administered as it is written in the Bible, hence on that note, there is a need to tamper with God's word with moral care without manipulation.

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Justice belongs to God. We don't have a say in the judgment of God.


God will certainly punish evil doers


That's true sir, definitely and that is the reason we all need to be off from them
