The purpose of our existence (Part 2 of 3) | The Old Path - MY REVIEW

The purpose of God is where everything about us – our heart, our mind, our eyes, the whole being is prepared to do what is good.

In Bro Eli’s teaching:

The original purpose of God is for us to play a particular role in life which is to do what is good – to ourselves, families, friends, and even to our enemies.

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

From the scripture that we have just seen, we are created to do good. That is Bro. Eli does not support preachers who encourage their members to have just faith, meanwhile he/she does not express love to the members. Bro Eli also stated that preachers falsely teach that we do not need to do good again because Christ had done it all – it is a wrong school of thought. If we truly understand our purpose as believers, according to Bro Eli we will know that it is to do good throughout our lifetime.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

We were created in Christ Jesus unto good works, deeds, etc. – this is the purpose for our existence. We explained by Bro Eli, we are not carnivores to kill to live; our hands are not sharp (without claws) to be hurting other people, rather, it is soft to warmly embrace others, show love and always do good. More so, our hands were created to comfort others by our touch. Bro Eli added that nothing in our being was created to do evil. If we understand our existence, we will understand that our bodies were not to hurt others. Our arms were created to hug, hold those in need of help, etc. similarly, our legs were created to move in showing other direction. According to Bro. Eli all these are the whole essence of man.


Is good to be good
So let's do what is good


Apt! This is the duty of mankind. Thank you for reading


Continuing in good deeds should be a habit we form as Christians.
