How do we overcome our doubts and anxieties? (Part 1 of 2) - MY LESSON

DO YOU KNOW - We need the peace of God. And how do we attain that peace? It is very simple!

We live in a world people have difficulty in overcoming doubts and anxieties. The situation has adverse effects on us, such as – mental, physical and spiritual effects. The great news is that through God’s Word that was shared by Bro. Eli there is a solution to any doubt or anxiety that one would face – Philippians 4:6-7.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. NIV

Bro Eli’s insight to the scripture above tells us that it is not for us to overcome our doubts and anxieties in life, it is the working of the Lord. The bible portion was a letter written by Apostle Paul to the Philippian church; in exchange for what we worry or doubt, we should always pray and thank God. At the end, the working of the peace of God will keep our hearts and minds from being worried. This peace cannot be comprehended by a layman except God.

Simple Answer:
From the teaching of Bro Eli, we need the peace of God to overcome the anxiety and doubt. This is accessed through prayer; make your supplications known to God who is the all-knowing being.

How do we have the peace of God?

The book of Romans 5:1 makes us understand how we can attain that peace that will keep and guide our minds so that we do not become psychopathic. To attain this peace is through FAITH. It is true Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ that makes have peace, keeping our minds from harm and danger – physical or spiritual.

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, NIV


There's is a peace that the Lord gives. This peace can't be substituted by the peace of this world. It's His peace that keeps us going in life


Certainly! This is why we embrace it by faith.


I found peace the day i come across these how many of you by worrying can add one cubid to your height, i killed worrying instantly and hope on God to perfect everything my way
