Ficción: ¿Qué día es hoy?/ What day is today? (ESP/ ENG)
¿Qué día es hoy?
Cuando entra a la casa, pregunta por su madre y ésta le contesta desde la cocina:
_Estoy aquí, Juancho -responde envolviendo las últimas hallacas que hizo para doña Patricia, quien debe pasar por ellas como a las 4.
_¿Adivina qué día es hoy? -preguntó Juancho sin aliento.
_No sé. Dime tú -sonrió la madre, siguiendo la corriente.
_Allá afuera me dijeron que es 24 de diciembre -saltó emocionado el niño.
_¡Ah, sí. Se me había olvidado! -afirmó la madre como si recordara algo.
_¡Hoy es el día, hoy es el día! -se fue saltando y detrás de él, el perro Choclo y la mirada de la madre que sonreía.
Cuando se hicieron las 12 de la noche, los niños fueron a dormir con la promesa de que al dormir todos, Santa visitaría la casa de cada uno y les dejaría un regalo. El primero en dormirse fue Juancho porque sabía que al despertar tendría su regalo en la mano.
Y así fue, Juancho, al despertar, buscó debajo de la almohada y nada, pero buscó debajo de la cama y allí la encontró: la pelota nueva que había pedido. Una pelota de verdad, como la que salía en la televisión.
Juancho, emocionado, con una alegría infinita, salió saltando y corriendo de la casa, para enseñar la pelota a sus amigos. Detrás de Juancho, su perro Choclo también corría saltando y moviendo la cola y detrás de los dos, la mirada de la madre que lo perseguía con verdadero amor, deseando que todos los días pudieran ser 24 de diciembre.
[Versión en inglés] What day is today?Juancho jumps over the fence of the house and behind him comes Choclo, his dog. He comes with his cheeks red from so much sun and from the runner he always has: he does everything running, from going to school to running errands.
When he enters the house, he asks for his mother and she answers him from the kitchen:
I'm here, he replies, wrapping the last hallacas she made for Doña Patricia, who is due to pick them up at about 4 o'clock.
Guess what day it is today? -asked Juancho breathlessly.
I don't know. You tell me,” smiled the mother, going with the flow.
Out there they told me it's the 24th,” the boy jumped up excitedly.
Oh, yes, I had forgotten,” the mother affirmed as if she remembered something.
Today is the day, today is the day. -He jumped away and behind him, the dog Choclo and the mother's eyes smiled.
In the evening, while the children were playing with an old ball, the adults were sharing drinks and food. There was a festive atmosphere throughout the neighborhood and what little there was in each house was multiplied and divided among all the neighbors.
When it was 12 o'clock at night, the children went to sleep with the promise that when they all went to sleep, Santa would visit each one's house and leave them a present. The first one to go to sleep was Juancho because he knew that when he woke up he would have his present in his hand.
And so it was, Juancho, when he woke up, looked under the pillow and nothing, but he looked under the bed and there he found it: the new ball he had asked for.Juancho, excited, with infinite joy, jumped and ran out of the house to show the ball to his friends. Behind Juancho, his dog Choclo was also running and his mother's eyes were chasing him with true love.
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