Looter of the Month in the City of Neoxian: April 2024

This busy life is not letting me give time to my Neoxian City and Hive world however, I am still trying my best not to get too far away from this platform. This time, its being too much delayed from my end to work on the looter of the month post. I know this is not that important but I feel that citizens of Neoxian City gets excited to know who looted most of the Doots in the past month. This is just a fun activity and I Hope I would be able to continue with this fun activity as long as I can.

Image by DigitalRoo from Pixabay

Honestly speaking, I was not that much active in the city in April so I don’t know much what was happening but yes, I am sure there is a lot of fun and activities going on daily basis and then there are some monthly events which takes place such as City Games, City Prompt and some other personal birthday events hosted by the birthday boys/girls.

Neoxian City art assets, used with permission of Mr. D

Neoxian City is the best place for chatters, gamers, investors, whatever or whoever you are, you will definitely get something of your mindset in here and the main thing is you will get to learn more and more about Hive and if you are an expert, this is the place to share your secrets and expertise with others who appreciate and back each other as a family. I am not a good chatter but I do watch them chatting and it is fun to watch them fighting over crazy stuff, arguing and making fun of each other plus we do keep each other informed regarding any upcoming contest or advising for the betterment in Hive world.

Lets get back to the main topic, here are the weekly charts of April:






Now, lets combine them all and here is the result of month of April for the looters of the city:



Congratulations our Hope the stylist @hopestylist for being the looter of the month. Grandpa really taught you well the skills of looting hehehe just joking, good to see that some one is giving a tough time to our next level looter. It is always nice to see you chatting in the city, you spread the love and positive vibes in the city. This positivity is taking you ahead of all the looters, once again a big congrats and keep looting like a pro.

Image Source

I would like to invite all of you to join our Neoxian city, the city which never sleeps and it is true, come and experience the fun yourself by clicking the below link:


Posted using Neoxian City


Hahaha, that caption was it 😂, I learnt from the best! Grandpa is indeed teaching me well.

It’s more than a privilege to be in a city to interact with amazing people and get the opportunity to be rewarded doing what you love. Big thanks to Mr Dragon for all his support, we are blessed to have you sir 🥰.

I want to specially appreciate you too Rose for always keeping us up to date on how far we’ve come, you are doing a beautiful work 👏❤️
