The Promise of Education: Bridging the Gap for Future Generations


After a series of conversations with my colleagues, I have come to the conclusion that in this age and time, academics is almost redundant and that learning should be personally ensured by the interested individual or by the guardian of another individual.

I thought things would have gotten better by now, and kids of this age and time would have it way better and easier than we did when we were in school, but what I saw recently made me wonder what it is we are talking about when we mention "education."

The Promise of Education Bridging the Gap for Future Generations.jpg

I walked into one of the classrooms that I am supposed to teach, was introduced as Corper Olufemi to the new students, and with no little time, introduced myself with my own voice as they were in a session in that moment. I was out of the place in no time. In those few minutes that I walked in, I observed the majority of the learning environment these children were subjected to.

Electricity is very important in schools. To state the obvious, I would say that electricity is needed to power the appliances, like electric fans and air conditioning systems, to contribute to a conducive learning environment for the students. And, also, it is needed for effective practical sessions in their laboratory, such as good lighting for visual inspection of biological specimens and practicals on electricity as a topic in physics. Unfortunately, they lacked it, along with the aforementioned appliances and equipment.


The entire compound seemed all too shabby, unkempt, and lacked equipment for leisure and playtime so that the students could, you know, have fun and not just learn all day, as we all know that it makes Jack a dull boy. There was one, however: the football field. The sad thing about it was that the students themselves cleared the lawn.

It is a normal thing to have students clear bushes and grasses over here, depending on the kind of school. In my days at a military secondary school, I did it on a regular basis. And I do think that it is alright, but it should be done at the right time. I found these students working on the lawns with cutlasses, clearing the lawn. It was only 10:40 AM, and these same kids would still have to listen in class for the next couple of hours. Quite unethical, if you ask me.


What the government and the school authorities should have in place, even way before the kids resumed, is to have done something to tidy up the environment with the money and labour that they can garner and not have these kids do these menial jobs when they should be learning.

The same goes for many schools in this new environment that I have found myself in, and that is what I have learned from my colleagues, my fellow patriotic Corpers like myself. It was mostly like this while I was growing up, but it was disheartening to find it this way after almost a decade since I left secondary school. It's sad.


Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today, as Malcolm X said, but what future are we promising the children of these times if we don't provide them with what they require to make the promising future a reality for them with adequate amenities?

If, then, for some reason, I am fortunate enough to hit the lottery and have the opportunity to spend my entire day doing one thing, it would be to transform the lives of students in my area by giving and providing what I can to make their learning environment conducive and their learning process very effective and adequate. I'd spend the entire day doing this.


I know exactly what it's like to be helped by great people and have a life transformed for the better, so I know for sure how much of an impact this initiative I have would have on the future of our nation in this regard. Hopefully, I will be able to do this every day in the future, maybe as a philanthropist, if that magical day of giving I have just designed in my head doesn't happen soon.

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Inspired the Neoxian City: Writing Prompt #9

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And I hope you are blessed enough to become that philanthropist to change the narrative in education sector especially in public schools. I personally find it weird letting students do those menial job when they were supposed to be learning. I did it uncountable times during my secondary school days, if you fail to cut your large portion of grass, then wait for the beating of your life . This kind of grass cutting isn't supposed to be for learners, but our government haven't seen the need to stop that mess in public schools when they can fund the expenses. Now talk of basic amenities to make learners have a condusive learning environment, it's still fan, no electricity, the students most times sweat under a learning session which isn't right. Enough of this rant, but I am hoping that someday, all these shortcomings in many schools will be a thing of the past.

2.732 NEOXAG

Maybe the government gave the school money to take care of the school environment and then chose to keep it for themselves by using the students instead.

What appalled me even more was the fact that those students were sweating profusely, looking all messy, and probably wouldn't be able to wash up properly afterwards. How are they supposed to learn that way? It's absurd. But that's the reality of Nigerian and her education sector.

One day, I will make marks and change lives. I hope we all do.

0.000 NEOXAG

Why do you think most rich people prefer to send their kids to private schools. In senior high schools especially, students are mostly subjected to all sorts of torture. I mean how do you expect to camp these kids in one place for 3 months who no sort of proper treatment. In addition to that they are expected to study like other kids in private schools who are learning under great conditions.

These kids are never going to be equal no matter how much we lie to ourselves that public schools are the best. May God give everyone money.

2.489 NEOXAG


You know, I used to say that there's no big deal in private schools and they were over hyped, but now that I am much older and more exposed, I see clearly that there is a good reason why people send their kids to private schools. They sure wouldn't be put under duress as public school students often are.

I most certainly would send my kids to private schools, ones that are truly good.

0.000 NEOXAG

It is a norm in most schools here, I used to clear grass on Fridays, and other days of the week I and some other students would sweep and mop the classrooms, fetch water, and wash the toilets which aren't supposed to be so.
The funny part is these schools don't have any labs for practicals whatsoever, all we do is learn from our textbooks.
I hope you're blessed enough to change the education sector and other areas that need change in our country someday

2.325 NEOXAG

It's pretty sad and appalling that we have to live that way to get education. It's now even worse that eventually do not get good enough education.

Hopefully, we all become people of reputable calibar and then change the narratives of schools around us.

0.000 NEOXAG

Even the so-called big and expensive schools aren't making any much difference in education these days. All they offer is how to teach a child to speak British or American English.
Someday✨✨, I hope we don't loose focus along the line

0.297 NEOXAG

Oh, really? 😄

Well, I guess the entire education system in Nigeria is a mess. God help us.

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0.000 NEOXAG

Winning the lottery and becoming a philanthropist - then using some of your winnings to help students - is a wonderful idea. Helping others would certainly be a great way to spend a day. I hope that day will become a reality. Dreams do come through. The students and their families would be forever grateful.

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0.000 NEOXAG

The story you shared really touched me as a person, giving encouragement to students even though we are feeling down is a feeling that only true teachers have. Keep the Spirit!

0.000 NEOXAG

I appreciate the time spent on my post. Thank you for reading, man!

0.000 NEOXAG