Trio Adventure In wonderland, The Aqua City

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Camron, a well known magician of the city sit on the chair in front of tall, young boy who belongs to nearby village.

"Is it your final decision? Adam" Camron asked

"Yes, It is. I ready to discover the world Beneath the water to get that particular herb required to cure my friend's cure." Boy replied.

"Take this sacred stone ring, it would be helpful in your protection." Camron said by giving him red color stone

Adam thanked Camron and walk towards sea.

In depth of Azure sea Adam met large hippocampus Starfin who can speak as human. Adam went thousand miles deep on the back of Starfin. Finally they reached to wonderland "Aqua City" that has billboard to welcome sea creatures. There were enchanting flowers, tree mountains and house designed as palace of the royal town.

Adan was introduced with an octopus Orio that make journey Trio Adventure.

Adam pass through blue stream where colorful fishes were taking bath. This was a wonderland for Adam, a fanatical world that was his fantasy to discover.

Trio adventurer reached a shrine of the ruler of Aqua City and look for his book "Azure's Herbs".
Before they reached their destination Adam save dolphin and turtles from the aggressive Crocodile. Then he begin to head towards his destination to find Poringas Herb. He doesn't wanna lose his friend, Bruce.

While passing through a thick jungle Adam was attacked by venomous snake Cobra who don't let visitors come in. Adam was about to faint because of poison of snake bite. Orio immediately squeeze some leave in Adam's mouth that was used to cure venomous snake bite.

Trio adventurers know it's challenging to go forward without facing the Cobra. They decided to fight with Cobra but the powerful snake wasn't ready to give up.

Adam was going to punch Cobra on it's head when Cobra look at his ring stone and calm. Trio adventurers were shocked at it's calmnes when Cobra inquired, "What brought you here boy?"

"He wants Poringas Herb for his friend's treatment" Starfin replied.
"The boy is kind and care other human being", Orio Added
Adam was astonished to see a talking snake. He felt himself living a daydream. He wanna save his friend's life at any cost.

Cobra was impressed by his bravery and apologize for it's behavior. Trio continued their adventure.

They travel through the beautiful mountains beneath the water, where sea birds were singing pleasant song and flowers were blooming and waving with the fresh breeze. Finally they reached in front of cave , Trio didn't found any path to go in when Adam look at the red stone in the cave brick. It was the same he had in his ring given by Camron. He touched the stony brick with his ring ""Ssssshhhhh shhhhhh, shhhhhhrring" sounds echoed and the cave was opened.
As Trio entered the cave, Adam found the Poringas Herb. There were tears of joy in his eyes.

"Hurrah!! We found it. We save my friend Bruce",

"You will be fine Bruce," He said with while giving celebrating punches in the air.

Trio adventurer were happy at their victory but they were sad about their departure. Orio, Starfin farewell Adam with heavy heart. Adam promised them to visit Aqua City again whenever they want to meet Adam and need help.

Adam saved Bruce and discovered a fantasy world. Both come to seashore on weekend as tribute to Sea creatures and Aqua City. They collect all plastic bottles, bags
and other items that damage the ecosystem of beneath the water world.

This was the cherished and memorable adventures of Adam's life. We must be caring for our friends and other humans around us. Our little efforts can save their life. One who do good always have good. Our little efforts for others could be source of amazing experiences and happiness for us.


Theme of the story ;


Spread Love, Care & Positive


I hope you guys have enjoyed the adventure to the world beneath the water. Trio combination of Adam, Starfin and Orio. This post is my entry for city prompt posted by @neoxianprompts in the Neoxian City know more about it here.


Thank You For Reading My Blog


Posted using Neoxian City


What a wonderful story :) I would love to visit such a world one day 🙏

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Thank you for your kind words bro. I wish we could visit and experience a new life.


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I love your storyline and have always anticipated visiting a wonderland, even though I don't know if they truly exist.

Posted using Neoxian City


Thank you bro for your kind words 😊

I heard lots of stories about such worlds beneath the water and above the sky may be we found them someday.


This wonderland adventure sounds fascinating. However, please note that the following was the prompt mentioned:

Neoxian City - Prompt #13
What are you looking forward to (or not looking forward to) this year?

Posted using Neoxian City


Thank you @neoxianprompts for your kind words. It's my first experience to write an imaginary story.

Sorry I didn't get what you said about prompt 13 ??
