A mischievous act that almost put me in a big trouble

I am surprised that I was able to get rid of my silly and rebellious lifestyle after I left my parent's house and anyone would have thought I would become worse because I was very troublesome while still with them.


If you are looking for a troublesome child, search no more because the person writing this post is in Grade 1 when it comes to stubbornness, it is that thing they ask me not to do that I always want to do, even if I was not interested in it before, the moment you say don't do it, I would become curious and become interested in doing it... So the trick is not to tell me not to try it.

My Dad was a civil worker so he always went to work as early as 6. am and returned by 9. pm at night because his place of work was far from home, He used to lock the door of his room whenever he was going to work because we have spoilt the Cd in the parlor so he does not want us to gain access to the one in his room whenever he was not around. Moreover, he has StarTimes in his room which is the main reason I decided to rebel

Yours truly figured out a way to bypass it, I found his spare key and since then, I always open his door two hours after he leaves to watch movies and I made sure not to scatter anything that will raise his suspicion, the first time I tried it when he came home I noticed his reaction, it was like he felt someone entered his room and that was because he didn't feel any heat since he left the fan and light off so I became more cautious and stop switching on the fan and light, I would just bear the heat like that.


All was going well until I decided to spice things up one day because my mum visited a friend that afternoon. She wouldn't be back until 7 p.m. Nepa usually takes the light by 6 p.m. and will return it by 12. I was home alone, there was this blue film I borrowed from my friend so I decided to watch it since the whole house was mine for the day... I slot in the disc and was enjoying the view when the nepa suddenly took the light, I checked the time it was 5p.m so it was not yet the time they use to take it, this is a problem, no not just a problem, this is a death sentence because my dad would beat the hell out of me if I am not able to remove that damn disc before he comes back from work.

I was sweating profusely and praying the nepa should turn on the light before 6 but my prayer was not answered and leaving the disc in the DVD was not an option, I started thinking of the best way to get away from this trouble I put myself, that was when an idea struck me, I took a bag and put the DVD inside and ran to the game center where I do play games, their gen was on so I just find a spot to plug the Dvd and remove the disc, it was at that moment I heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly took the DVD back home and made sure to arrange other stuff the way I met them and lock the door.

That was my first and last day of putting such a disc in his DVD because I just imagined what he would do to me that day cos there was no other person to blame except me, it couldn't be my mum and I was the only child at home, my elder brother has traveled if he was around, he would have used a screwdriver to unscrew the DVD bolt and bring out the disc but I was not brave enough to do that o should I say I did not know how to and I do not want to spoil the DVD or the worst scenario after unscrewing I don't know how to put it back in shape, maybe I won't be here writing this post if that happened lol.

Here is my entry to the Neoxianprompts, you can check it out here

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted using Neoxian City


Ahhh! This was so funny.😂😂

What are you doing with blue film? It is God that saved you if not you would have received the ass whooping of your life.😂


lol omo it is funny now but that day was not funny at all, I was so scared cos what am I gonna tell him the moment he want to watch film and the first thing he saw was two people hm hmm hmm, it is over for me lol


😂😂 we thank God for saving the day.


Burl? Hahaha, your name would have been sorry if ur dad had mistakenly seen such disc in his DVD. WOW, that was a rough play oo ..lol, and NEPA did complicated issues for you...but then, you were smart enough to escape Dad's rot..
The things we do as a child lol


maybe I would have a mark to show for it now assuming I was caught but then your burl escaped far worse situations 🤣


hehe. I am just guessing the situation your father caught you watching those videos. How the reaction would be? Most of parents gives aggressive reaction. Whatever, I am a decent person 🤣🤣.


I don't even want to imagine it and am glad I was able to stop that from happening. lol


You’re even smart to have taken the DVD to where there is light😅😅
Nah u be Sodiq


our brain works faster and better when we are in danger lol


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The blue film almost made you sing the blues. Luckily you are a fast thinking and brought the dvd player to the gaming center. Did you ever reveal this secret to your father? Maybe you can share this blog. All readers are happy that he never found out and that you are here to share about your escapades.

Posted using Neoxian City


lol, no he never knew about it and I don't plan on sharing it with him
