Heartfelt apologies mends broken bonds.

lonely, I am so lonely, I've got nobody, I'm on my own...

This tune blasted out of my mp3 player as I laid on my bed staring at the white ceiling sighing and wondering what the heck happened to me and Jane, my girlfriend.

"How did things spiral out of control?" I sighed as I thought.

"And why didn't I do something about it?" Now I'm missing her like crazy. She won't even pick up my calls.

"I shouldn't have dismissed her feelings.l should have tried to reason with her and understand what she was trying to say". All of these and more came flooding through my mind. I needed no one to tell me that I was a jerk with the way I had acted two days ago.

Flash back

Jane had sent me a text to meet up later at our usual spot behind the school gym, under the large oak tree. "I'm sure she must have prepared some delicacies as always", I smiled at my inward thought.

Jane has been my girlfriend for two years now and I must say that she is absolutely amazing. She cares for me so well that I'm sure that my life would end without her.. literally.

Lunch time, I stood up from my seat, to go meet up with Jane as planned when I was stopped by a course mate, Anna.

"Where are you going in such a rush?" She asked.

"I'm going to meet Jane for lunch",I replied still packing my books without raising my head.

"Can I tag along, there are some topics I need more clarity on and you promised to be myy study partner. I promise I won't disturb your lunch date"..she said.

I should have said no and fixed the study session for another time but my ego became inflated with knowing that I would be tutoring someone in my class. I allowed Anna to tag along without pre-informing Jane. I simply assumed she would understand.

At lunch, I was constantly being distracted by Anna and not paying attention to Jane. I could see her distress but I ignored it and carried on my duty of a good tutor. Eventually, Anna got all my attention and she thanked me with a brilliant smile while Jane was stiff all through. I casually asked her if she was alright and she replied with a casual yes. My instincts were screaming at me to apologize to her but my ego was over inflated and I disregarded he emotions.

After the meal and food flasks were packed. Jane stunned me with a stiff "have a nice day". She didn't hug me nor did she peck my lips as she always did. She didn't even ask me how my studies went and that caused anger to rise within me as I blurted out a harsh "what is the meaning of thls?"

She looked me straight in the eye before saying that she wasn't happy with my actions. She mentioned that I should have notified her if I was coming with a course mate but my attention was divided and she couldn't discuss what she wanted to with me and she hated how the Anna girl was all over me.

I simply chided her that Anna was a course mate who needed my assistance, nothing more but she simply nodded her head and walked away. I chalked it up to female jealousy and left for the lecture hall to continue with lectures. I didn't bother calling her that night but the next day, she didn't answer the phone when I called and she totally ignored me when I saw her on my way to lectures.

Present day

Now, I realize my error but Jane isn't picking up my calls. I deviseded a plan to go to her dorm later in the day to apologize to her and restore our bond. I can't lose Jane, no.

That evening, after confirming that she was in her dorm room, I knocked on her door and waited for her to open the door. When she did, I immediately went on my knees to apologize to her. I was very remorseful as I vowed never to treat her that way again while also expressing my love as well. She looked at me with tears in her eyes but her heart of gold couldn't stand seeing me on the ground. She asked me to rise and then she gave me a hug which I returned fervently.

How I have missed her touch. I apologized once more and we made up, going back to how we were, before the whole Anna saga. I got my girl back, my bond is intact and we are happier than ever...lesson learnt!

My entry to the #neoxiancity prompt #19

Thank you all for reading

photo by Vie studio

photo by Alex Green

photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Posted using Neoxian City


People with heart of gold are sweet and can easily forgive when you try to apologise to them. She felt sad and alone too when she needed you to be her gisting partner but glad you did what was right and got your friend back. That's the way things ought to be and not allowing pride ruin things for us.


This simple word "sorry", is very powerful. Apologizing when we are wrong shows maturity.


Exactly sis, it doesn't deplete anything from us rather it shows how broad our understanding capacity and maturity is.


A word SORRY can go a long way to heal our broken bonds, indeed!
Thank you for sharing 🤗


Apologizing to Jane is a good thing, you can't just do such a thing, and neglecting your girlfriend and think life goes on, I'm glad he owns up for his fault and said he's sorry, and work towards a deeper bond between them.

Great story.


I am glad that he apologized too.

Thanks a lot for your time and input


See how I was smiling when I got to know that Jane accepted him.
I’m glad he accepted that he was wrong and got his girl back at last


😁😁, you are surely a romantic.

Thank you for reading and commenting


Like you described, the ego took over and then things went wrong. It is human and can happen. However, realising that one's actions are not pleasing and apologising is very mature. It showed that the relationship was meaningful and important. It is nice that Jane was understanding and accepted the sincere apology.

Posted using Neoxian City


Genuine apology always makes a difference. See how amazing it ended and see how you guys bond was restored. I hope we all hold on to apology whenever needed


I really hope so too.

Thank you so much ma. How's the Family?

Have a lovely weekend ahead.
