Cracks & Repair.


A week has passed since I last heard from Tee, what could be wrong? I tried to reach her line, it rang and rang but she didn't take her calls, "she must be busy," I whispered, "hopefully she'll return my call when she gets the notification," I concluded and continued my activity for the day.

Days and nights passed, and Tee didn't reach out to me, to my surprise I began to see her status all over WhatsApp having a good time and I began to wonder, "Didn't she notice she missed my calls?" I got pissed and decided to stay in my lane.

"This friendship thing should be 50/50, it hurts when one party makes the other seem insignificant, was I a fool to reach out to her?" I kept thinking throughout that day and it hurt me so badly.

As much as I was tempted to reach out to her to find out why she didn't return my calls, I decided to let things be and just go with the flow.

A few days later, on a Sunny Sunday, while I was watching a movie on my phone, her call came in, Tee calling.. because I was really upset at her I ignored the call and after a while, a text came in.

"Hey Sonia, I've been trying to reach you, you're not taking my calls, hope you're well." I read the text that popped up on my screen, and then I resumed watching my movies.

Deep down, I wanted to reply, but I felt like I deserved an apology for the last time, at least an explanation or something.

Days turned into weeks, I and Tee started to drift apart slowly, we didn't communicate, and the least we did was view each other's status on WhatsApp it continued like that until one Saturday when we met at a function, a mutual friend of ours was getting married.

It was so weird to see that we didn't communicate at the wedding and I was sure others who knew us so well noticed.

After the wedding, I summoned the courage to talk to her, "Hey Tee, how are you?" She ignored me and almost walked out on me.

"Can you imagine? I was only trying to mend our relationship and now she's trying to make me feel stupid for doing that?" I mumbled and then I vowed never to reach her again, as I was heading to the gate I heard.

"Didn't you see my text? Didn't you see my calls? How could you ignore me without a reason?" Her voice was quite shaky and I was surprised how I was to be blamed for not reaching out to her.

"Excuse me Tee, I called you first, didn't I? Did you take or return my calls?" I replied in defence to her accusation.

"When?" She defended as well, "Wow!!!" I was awestruck, I didn't have any evidence as it's been almost a month ago, "Tee, I called you about a month ago, severally, you didn't take my calls, neither did you return them and the next thing you did was to update your status after a few days and you're telling me what?" I was almost losing it.

"Wait, wait, last month? Oh, my phone screen crashed and I took it to the engineer, I had no idea you called cause after changing the screen all my notifications were wiped off, was that why you decided to ignore my calls too?" She held my hands and looked into my eyes as she asked.

I was short of words and then I realized I had jumped to conclusion without a concrete evidence, "Yes Tee, I was hurt you know, I felt like I was insignificant," I replied gently.

"I'm so sorry Sonia, I didn't mean to hurt you, I called a few days after I fixed my phone cause I missed you, only to be ignored by you!" Tee's apology took away all the anger and resentment I had been harbouring.

"I'm sorry too Tee, I shouldn't have assumed without hearing your side of the story," My sincere apology made her smile too, immediately Tee poked me and we hugged each other and I felt so light and happy.

image is mine

Since it's been a while we decided to do some catching up, we walked a few meters to an eatery to have a good time while we talked about so many things and that apology strengthened our friendship, I learned that miscommunication can often cause chaos in our relationships, so I promised to do better. "No weapon fashioned against this friendship will prosper," Tee began her drama and we laughed so hard after making a toast to that.

The image used is mine.

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I knew from the beginning that Tee was a girl😅😅😅

It was an interesting read. Sometimes we jump into conclusions without even knowing why things happened, am glad you too could talk things out and amend your relationship.


Yeah, that's right, the good thing is to fix the crack when we find one. Thanks for stopping by.


I see what lack of communication can do to friendship through your story. I also saw the need to avoid jumping into conclusions before hearing from other party...if you didn't summon the courage to talk to her at the event, maybe you both friendship would have been a forgotten issue. Great to know how things later played out and you got back your friendship

Nice story
Thanks for participating


Thank goodness the relationship was mended. Strained relationships can be burdensome


It's very easy for us to draw wrong conclusions because we're imperfect. But a sincere apology mends everything. Interesting story!


You gave a great example of how making assumptions without evidence can lead to "cracks" in relationships. These assumptions then cause miscommunication and unnecessary hurt, like you described. It is a great lesson not to jump to conclusions but give the benefit of the doubt to others. It is less stressful as well.
It is great that both of you had a chance to speak, apologise and make amends. Indeed your friendship will continue to prosper due to the valuable lessons learnt.

Posted using Neoxian City


Thank you so much for reading through my story, yeah friendship thrives when there's open communication and when there is a crack, it should be fixed ASAP.


Yea. Miscommunication can affect relationships and the word "apology" can mend an almost broken or broken relationships. Both partners should be able to take the step to apologise and also not jump into conclusions until concrete facts have been gotten.


Yeah so right, an apology can fix it all. Thanks for visiting.


It is crazy how far teeny-tiny misunderstanding can destroy well established relationship. And how powerful "I'm sorry' truly is.

That was such a lovely story Amie!
