childhood living is the memories


we stopped to do those things we were not told, because we can't stand the face. rolling back a bit, l guessed that wasn't the kind of things we like, we just wanted to go out and play, chased lnsects on the field, and speak with our friends that the beautiful things is ours.

lt seems i was the second person who own nice property's, even if we were not the real people's that own them, when the person who rocks the first spot ls not at where we are, l will become the top person.

l recalled a friend coming to me to lend him some stuffs l own verbally, l wanted to do it but when I remember that lt will be unfair, because despite him, lt was a game we did as friends, and he got annoyed and shun us, he said he was not going to take part in the game anymore, but even as he shun us, l find out that lt wasn't about the game entirely but he was angry with me.

Therefore, l apologize to him. sorry were all over my mouth since l was told that a good person must apologize lf what he is doing is giving others an absurd moment, and should stop lt as well.

Also, when the masquerade comes you might be taken to where it is, and lt will freightened you as you look into his face.

A sister to my friend, she was this girl that eat noodles, rice and others food that is eatable with spoon, l wonder what was it about, that she wanted to be eating those kind of food alone in her life.

A lot of people's said it wasn't fair and the parent should do something so that when she grows up, lt doesn't became a problem.

My friend sister acted like those born in the Indomie generation but her's was not so because I can see the real people who fall under Indomie generation. Her's, she was just using it to make her parents to spents so much even when the money to be buying those noodles were not there.

Maybe lt was just her own way to live with things she likes. But that doesn't mean we were different on that aspect, because whenever they were cooking rice in the house, l will be very happy, and l will start to tells my siblings that nobody should used my plate to eat for that day, because I enjoy using my plate with eating rice.

That day they were preparing something else, and I didn't thought as much, maybe I assumed it was rice, but when they dish lt for me, the food took me by surprised, and I wanted to go and keep my plate because lt was mainly for rice.

Later on, l was told to stop selecting plates that l want to eat with, else they will take me to a masquerade, l stop lt completely.

lmage source


I also had a plate and cup. Nobody dared touch them if not I’ll just cry the whole day. Looking back, I was just dramatic for no reason 🤣


l wonder what l used to see inside that plate that another plate was not capable of doing 😁😁

Thank you so much for that awesome comment, greetings
