New directions | Nuevos rumbos ✨LMAC Round 216✨

New directions | Nuevos rumbos

✨LMAC Round 216✨

Hello everyone, here is my participation in the LMAC Round 216 of the Let's Make a Collage contest, which is an initiative of @shaka and @lmac.

The Rodriguez couple never thought they would one day leave their beloved country, as thousands of their compatriots have done. They tried everything, but the economy was progressively deteriorating and opportunities were disappearing. They talked it over many nights and decided to take new directions in search of a better future for Sofi and Camila. With deep regret, they left their elders and set off, with the hope and longing for a better future and a reunion, not too far away, with their loved ones.

Hola a todos, aquí está mi participación en la Ronda LMAC 216 del concurso Hagamos un Collage, que es una iniciativa de @shaka y @lmac.

El matrimonio Rodríguez nunca pensó que un día dejaría su amado país, como han hecho miles de compatriotas suyos. Lo intentaron todo, pero la economía se deterioraba progresivamente y las oportunidades desaparecían. Lo dialogaron durante muchas noches y decidieron tomar nuevos rumbos en busca de un mejor futuro para Sofi y Camila. Con profundo pesar, dejaron a sus mayores y partieron, con la esperanza en el anhelo de un futuro mejor y de un reencuentro, no muy lejano, con sus seres queridos.

I have exclusively used images from our #lmac library; these are the sources.:

He utilizado exclusivamente imágenes de nuestra biblioteca #lmac; éstas son las fuentes:

@shaka Original

Images by @agmoore /
Imágenes de @agmoore

Images by @redheadpei /
Imágenes de @redheadpei

Images by @quantumg/
Imágenes de @quantumg

Process / Proceso

For this occasion, I eliminated the sky and duplicated part of the image to place it in the upper left segment. I used again the image provided this time without any modification and applied the distortion filter (lens) and an image that looks like a fisheye emerged. From the man with layer mask I eliminated segments that were not of interest, I applied the transformation tool: perspective, rotate and dimension until I got the hand and arm in the desired shape. I also joined images from the #Lil library, in which a firmament is included as background. In some images a layer mask was used to eliminate background or unwanted segments. In the image that was the initial background and in the clocks, alpha channels were applied, until they combined and became transparent with the background of stars. Painting tools by levels, chromatic tone and color balance were used. Also light and shadow filters (supernova) were used to generate the white stars. The areograph was used at low opacity level in different tones, bluish around the stairs, and in the city (fisheye) and around the head and hands of the man in yellow tones. This was the elaboration process, I attach images.

Process / Proceso

Para esta ocasión, eliminé el cielo y dupliqué parte de la imagen para situarla en el segmento superior izquierdo. Volví a utilizar la imagen proporcionada, esta vez sin ninguna modificación, y apliqué el filtro de distorsión (lente) y surgió una imagen que parece un ojo de pez. Del hombre, con máscara de capa eliminé los segmentos que no eran de interés, apliqué la herramienta de transformación: perspectiva, rotar y dimensionar hasta conseguir la mano y el brazo con la forma deseada. También uní imágenes de la biblioteca #Lil, en las que se incluye un firmamento como fondo. En algunas imágenes se utilizó una máscara de capa para eliminar el fondo o segmentos no deseados. En la imagen, que era el fondo inicial y en los relojes, se aplicaron canales alfa, hasta que se combinaron y transparentaron con el fondo de estrellas. Se utilizaron herramientas de pintura, por niveles, tono cromático y balance de color. También se utilizaron filtros de luces y sombras (supernova) para generar las estrellas blancas. Se utilizó el aerógrafo a bajo nivel de opacidad en diferentes tonos, azulado alrededor de las escaleras, y en la ciudad (ojo de pez) y alrededor de la cabeza y manos del hombre en tonos amarillos. Este fue el proceso de elaboración, adjunto imágenes.

My thanks to the LMACians, who contributed these wonderful images to #Lil and who made the construction of my collage possible, my gratitude. Everyone will receive 2% of the proceeds from this publication. Creation made with the program GIMP version 2.10.12. Thanks for your visit, see you soon.

Translated with (free version)

Mi agradecimiento a los LMACians, que contribuyeron con estas maravillosas imágenes a #Lil y que hicieron posible la construcción de mi collage, mi gratitud. Todos recibirán el 2% de los beneficios de esta publicación. Creación realizada con el programa GIMP versión 2.10.12. Gracias por su visita, hasta pronto.



Neat how you have the man.s arms circling the image of the template. So true people have to leave their familiar homeland to search for work elsewhere. Love the people carrying the cats.
Thanks for including my lil images. Always appreciated. 😊


Hi dear @redheadpei glad you liked the collage. The challenge was to manipulate the arms and the purpose was achieved, it seems that the image was originally like that. My country, Venezuela has had in recent years, a lot of migration due to the economic crisis. I miss friends and family who have left. When I saw the image I associated migration. I am studying medicine, I have three years left if there are no setbacks, but here the job opportunities for young people are very small. I hope things improve, I would not like to leave. It is always a pleasure to use your images. I always appreciate your support. Happy week !LUV !HUG !LADY !PIZZA


That’s wonderful you are studying medicine. I’m sure you will find lots of opportunities in the health system in your country.
My sister and two brothers are in different provinces in Canada with many miles (km) between us. Sometimes it is necessary to find suitable work.


Thank you very much for your good wishes. Every day I like more and more what I study and I strive to get a good place. I hope that when the time comes the opportunity will present itself. You are right in what you say, the love for the family does not disappear, it will always be present and a good job is very necessary !LUV



$PIZZA slices delivered:
almajandra tipped soyernesto
@almajandra(2/5) tipped @agmoore
almajandra tipped hivebuzz
almajandra tipped redheadpei


Me gustó mucho, es un trabajo muy creativo y detallado, gracias por compartir el proceso, buena suerte y éxitos 🍀💙


Hola @soyernesto muy agradecida de tu visita y de tu valoración. Gracias por los buenos deseos, igualmente para ti buena suerte y éxitos !PIZZA


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Thank you very much @hivebuzz for the good news, I am very happy !LUV !HUG !PIZZA


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So very touching..what you write and your collage. People have left their homes throughout time, hoping for a better life. My grandparents left Sicily and came to the U.S. with nothing. It was hard, but they were brave.

My heart goes out to all the thousands, the millions of people, across the world represented in your collage.

I love the animals!!


It is a pleasure to greet you Lady @agmoore. My feelings are so complex and diverse that anything can trigger them. The image led me to consider migration. You also have a family history of migration, thank you for sharing. My paternal great-grandparents came from Portugal to Venezuela, and since I was little I have felt what it has been like to have families in different places. That has often given me mixed feelings, but that's life. We have to think and act for a better future for our descendants.

My heart goes out to all the thousands, the millions of people, across the world represented in your collage.

I join with emotion and gratitude to this beautiful sentence, my heart is also with them.
Thank you for your appreciation and kind words, it is always an honor and a pleasure. My sincere thanks for your gift, appreciated. Happy week Lady !HUG !LUV !LADY !PIZZA




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