New Horror Community on HIVE - C/Horror & Scifi


Gregor, who was about to sleep, was suddenly jolted awake by a loud, piercing scream coming from the corner of his bedroom. As he opened his eyes, he was met with a horrifying sight — a huge, hairy, unsightly monster standing at the foot of his bed, with its enormous mouth wide open and screaming at him. Its eyes were bulging out of its head, and it had long, sharp claws that were reaching towards him. It seemed almost human-like, but at the same time it was clearly an otherworldly creature. Gregor was frozen in fear, unable to move or speak. Gregor was unable to comprehend what was happening in front of him, and it seemed like the monster was ready to pounce on him at any second. He was certain he was going to die, but suddenly, the monster's screams stopped, and it vanished as quickly as it had appeared. Gregor was shaken, but also relieved that the monster was gone. He stayed in bed for the rest of the night, unable to sleep, his mind still trying to make sense of what he had just experienced.


I just started a new Community on HIVE! C/Horror & Scifi

A community for aficionados of Horror & Scifi content.. fact or fiction! We feature content such as art, comics, movies, news, fiction and such related to the genre of horror and fiction. Think of this as the X-Files of the HIVE. Seen a ghost in the closet or took a picture of a UFO.. please feel free to share it here.

Also give us a follow if you just enjoy this kind of content! Thanks and have a nice day!

link is here


¡Acabo de empezar una nueva comunidad en HIVE! C/Terror y ciencia ficción

Una comunidad para aficionados al contenido de terror y ciencia ficción... ¡realidad o ficción! Presentamos contenido como arte, cómics, películas, noticias, ficción y todo lo relacionado con el género de terror y ficción. Piense en esto como los Expedientes X de HIVE. Viste un fantasma en el armario o tomaste una foto de un OVNI... no dudes en compartirlo aquí.

¡También dénos un seguimiento si simplemente disfruta de este tipo de contenido! ¡Gracias y que tenga un buen día!

el enlace está aquí


Muy buena ilustración shinoxl... cual tecnica utilizaste????
