Punjab Sports Gala: Empowering Youth Through Sports || Youth Power on Display at Govt High school pai khel : Punjab Sports Gala Opening Ceremony


Sports are a part of life. Today, the Punjab government has organized sports in all high schools and from today, the sports gala program is starting in Punjab. Games are also starting in our institution from today and an opening ceremony was held for the games and necklaces and gifts were presented to the guests. This series of games will continue for about four days and today was the opening ceremony and different games will be played on this day. Our school is Government High School Pai Khel and the ground of Pai Khel is a wide ground, so Bhai Khel has been included in zone number three and in zone number three, children from different schools will compete and in these competitions, cricket, football, volleyball, hockey, jam, high jump will be held. Similarly, children of different ages from different schools will participate in these competitions. Children of the age of 13 will participate in these competitions and I am showing you the highlights of the opening ceremony that took place today in the form of pictures and you will definitely be happy to see it.






The ceremony began with welcoming the guests. The children enthusiastically welcomed the guests and raised enthusiastic slogans. Since the ceremony was short, the purpose of shortening the ceremony was to start the games immediately. At the end of the ceremony, the children from different schools entered the grounds of the Government High School and played. Thus, the first game that started was cricket. The cricket match was between Government High School Pai Khel and Kot Belian, which was a very exciting match, which the children of the Government High School won with great effort and good performance. Thus, the series of games continues and hockey, football, volleyball and high gym matches are ongoing on different grounds. These matches will continue for the next three days and I will try to share the pictures and conditions of these matches with you all.






تقریب کا اغاز مہمانوں کو ویلکم کرنے سے ہوا بچوں نے پرجوش انداز میں مہمانوں کو ویلکم کیا اور پرجوش نعرے لگائے پھر تقریب چونکہ مختصر تھی اس تقریب کو مختصر کرنے کا مقصد یہ تھا کہ جو گیمز ہیں ان کو فوری طور پر شروع کیا جا سکے تقریب کے اختتام پر بچے مختلف سکولوں کے گورنمنٹ ہائی سکول کے گراؤنڈ میں داخل ہو گئے اور انہوں نے وامق کیا اس طرح سب سے پہلی گیم کرکٹ تھی جو شروع ہوئی کرکٹ کا مقابلہ گورنمنٹ ہائی سکول پائی خیل اور کوٹ بیلیاں کے درمیان ہوا جو بہت ہی سنسنی خیز مقابلہ تھا جس کو گورنمنٹ ہائی سکول کے بچوں نے بہت ہی محنت اور اچھی پرفارمنس سے جیت لیا اس طرح گیمز کا سلسلہ جاری ہے اور مختلف گراؤنڈز پر ہاکی فٹبال والی بال اور ہائی جم کے مقابلے جاری ہیں یہ مقابلے انے والے تین دن تک جاری رہیں گے اور میں کوشش کروں گا کہ ان مقابلوں کی تصاویر اور اس کے حالات اپ سب کے ساتھ شیئر کرتا رہ






We all know that sports are an important part of education. Sports are included in co-curricular activities because along with curricular activities, physical activities also enhance the mental health of the child. Sports are an important part of life. Every year, the Punjab government organizes sports, which is known as the Punjab Sports Gala. This time, sports started a little late because there were holidays in schools due to smog. But now there will be a sports gala in schools in Punjab for a week. Children who will show their skills in different games and those who perform well will participate in competitions from the zonal level to the tehsil level. After that, those children who achieve victory at the tehsil level will play at the district level. Similarly, students who succeed at the district level will be included in the games that will be held at the division level. In this way, every student has a golden opportunity to show their best performance and make themselves a famous and famous player.







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ہم سب جانتے ہیں کھیل تعلیم کا ایک اہم حصہ ہیں کھیلوں کو کورل ایکٹیوٹیز میں شامل کیا جاتا ہے کیونکہ نصابی سرگرمیوں کے ساتھ جسمانی سرگرمیاں بھی بچے کی ذہنی صحت کو عروج بخشتی ہیں تو کھیل زندگی کا اہم حصہ ہیں تو ہر سال پنجاب گورنمنٹ کھیلوں کا انعقاد کرتی ہے جس کو پنجاب سپورٹس گالہ کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے اس بار سپورٹس تھوڑا لیٹ شروع ہوئی کیونکہ سموگ کی وجہ سے سکولوں میں چھٹیاں تھیں لیکن اب ایک ہفتہ پنجاب کے سکولوں میں سپورٹس گالا ہوگا جو بچے مختلف گیم میں مہارت دکھائیں گے اور جو بچے اچھی کارکردگی دکھائیں گے تو وہ زونل لیول سے تحصیل لیول کے مقابلہ جات میں شرکت کریں گے اس کے بعد جو بچے تحصیل لیول پر وکٹری حاصل کریں گے تو وہ بچے ضلع لیول پر کھیلیں گے اسی طرح ضلع لیول پر کامیاب ہونے والے طالب علموں کو ڈویژن سطح پر جو کھیل ہوں گے ان میں شامل کیا جائے گا اس طرح ہر طالب علم کے پاس ایک سنہری موقع ہوتا ہے کہ وہ بہترین کارکردگی دکھا کر اپنے اپ کو ایک نامور اور مشہور کھلاڑی بنا سکے







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As a teacher, I thank the Punjab Government for arranging a sports ground for the children because after taking an interest in sports for a few days, the children will then get busy preparing for their curriculum and annual exams. I hope you liked my article today. My only purpose in sharing this article and pictures here is to promote sports along with education because sports are very important for highlighting the mental and physical abilities of children and also for their health. Children also become mentally fresh and those children who are weak in education but strong in sports also get the opportunity to progress. I hope you will definitely like my article today. Thank you very much to all of you. I have taken all these pictures with my mobile phone and I took these pictures on November 28, 202. Thank you very much.

میں بطور استاد پنجاب گورنمنٹ کا شکریہ ادا کرتا ہوں کہ انہوں نے بچوں کے لیے سپورٹس گاہ کا انتظام کیا ہے کیونکہ بچے کچھ دن کھیلوں میں دلچسپی لے کر پھر اپنی کریکلم اور اپنی سالان امتحانات کی تیاری میں مشغول ہو جائیں گے امید ہے اپ کو میرا اج کا ارٹیکل پسند ایا ہوگا میرا اس ارٹیکل اور تصاویر کو یہاں شیئر کرنے کا مقصد صرف یہی ہے کہ ہم تعلیم کے ساتھ ساتھ کھیلوں کو بھی فروغ دیں کیونکہ کھیل بچوں کے ذہنی اور جسمانی صلاحیتوں کو اجاگر کرنے کے لیے بہت ہی اہم ہے اور صحت بھی بنتی ہے بچے ذہنی طور پر تو تازہ بھی ہو جاتے ہیں اور وہ بچے جو تعلیم میں کمزور ہوتے ہیں لیکن کھیلوں میں مضبوط ہوتے ہیں تو ان کو اگے بڑھنے کا موقع بھی میسر ہوتا ہے وہ جو امید ہے اپ کو میرا اج کا ارٹیکل ضرور پسند ائے گا اپ سب کا بہت بہت شکریہ یہ تمام تصاویر میں نے اپنے موبائل فون سے بنائی ہیں اور یہ تصاویر میں نے مورخہ 28 نومبر 202 کو بنائی ہیں بہت بہت شکریہ

3.268 NEOXAG


well done for the community' benefit, all teens need to be doing something productive, and it is possible one or a few of them will become famous cricketers

0.121 NEOXAG

These activities are very important for highlighting the mental abilities of children and it is hoped that many children will grow up and become excellent cricketers and bowlers and will be able to perform in other sports as well. Thank you very much for your appreciation and for writing great words about children.

0.000 NEOXAG

Such activities are very important for students to engage them with studies and also keeps them active and fresh. If their mind stuck with boring routine work, they cannot pay their attention towards studies.
Our government has very good step towards sports by introducing such co-curricular activities in schooling system.

0.113 NEOXAG

You are absolutely right that after studying every day, some children become very bored and bored, so it is very important to have sports to remove this boredom. The government has taken a very good step. Every year, a sports gala is held and children participate in different games. These games are held at the zone level, then at the tehsil, district and division levels. The children who perform well and win the match are then taken to the next step. In this way, when the children go to the division level, they become very famous and they also get the opportunity to play in very important places. You are right.

0.000 NEOXAG

Good to see you are planning sports gala for the students. Sports are essential for a healthy society. Keep up the good work.

0.111 NEOXAG

Javed Khan, thank you very much. You are absolutely right. These games and activities are very important for the health of children. We are trying to organize sports competitions among children every year and every week. In this way, the children's abilities are brought out and this process will continue in this way. We will definitely make the children successful physically and in the academic field. Our efforts will definitely bear fruit one day because every child has different abilities. Some children are very good in the field of education, while some perform very well in physical sports. This process will continue in this way. Thank you very much.

0.000 NEOXAG

Keep up the good work my friend 💪🏾

0.109 NEOXAG

You read my article and liked it. This series will continue and we strive to make children the best athletes and the best human beings in society.

1.199 NEOXAG

Yes I enjoyed the post my friend 👊🏾

Keep up the great work you are doing 🤝🏾

One more thing my friend I just wanted to let you know that my original content is being downvoted on Hive just because I helped out a friend year's ago who is now exposing the truth about Hive

0.000 NEOXAG