A Fairground Mystery.


Detective Parker sat in the living room with both his legs stretched out. It had been ages since he last had a day off and he intended to make the most of the day. Sipping on his steamy hot latte, he slowly slipped into the realisation that the day may turn out boring if he didn't do something fun but fun wasn't his strong suit, solving crimes was.


The door creaked open and Junior walked in with both his hands by his side. He was a free spirit and only walked this way whenever he wanted to ask for something.

"Good morning father," he said, counting his words.

"Good morning junior," Parker responded, placing his cup of latte on the saucer. "How are you this morning my boy?"

"I'm fine but I could be better"

"You could be better? What do you mean by that?"

"Dad.. mom says it's your day off today and you promised me a trip to the fair during your next day off. Remember?" Junior said, his eyes turning watery.

"I did?"

"Yes dad. You said we were going to have lots of fun and I could get an extra large cotton candy and…"

Junior could go all day if he was allowed so detective Parker interrupted.

"Fine, go and get dressed. Tell your sister and your mom the good news. We're going on a trip to the fair!"

Junior's eyes lit up "Thank you so much dad. You're the best" he said as he bolted out of the room.

The evening came fast and soon enough the family were on their way to the fair. Detective Parker had an amazing plan in mind. He would take the family to the fair, leave the kids in the hands of their mother and grab a seat by a corner. Once they were done, he would drive them home and that would be it. As a detective he learnt never to let his guard down because the last time he did, it ended with his daughter in a hospital bed and he was never going to let that happen under his watch. Never again!

“We are here!” Detective Parker announced, looking as cheerful as he could be.

“Yeah!” his son and daughter said in unison.

“So you kids know the drill. Have fun, lots of fun and stick with your mother. If you see anything suspicious, what do you do?”

“We come to you directly”

“That is right my lovelies. Daddy would be right by that corner” Detective Parker pointed at the corner.

He gave both the kids a peck on their heads, gave his wife a light kiss and watched as they walked away happily. He trudged towards the corner and took a seat. The colour fairgrounds reminded him so much of his childhood. He always came here with his father as his mother wasn't in the picture at the time. The familiar aroma of cotton candy hung in the air, tempting his taste buds but he couldn't indulge. He was a grownup and he had to be on alert.

Detective Parker was still actively watching every figure closely when a very peculiar figure approached him in a haste. It was Junior. Junior ran like he had seen a ghost. His mom did not accompany him nor did his sister. On reaching his father, he spent a few seconds catching his breath.

“Junior, what's the matter? Where are your mom and sister? Are they okay?” Detective Parker asked, his voice shaky.

Junior looked up at his dad with worry in his eyes “Dad, mom and Evelyn are both fine but something is amiss?”

Detective Parker heaved a sigh of relief. “What could possibly be amiss Junior?


“It's the fairground prizes Dad. They have gone missing” Junior sounded distressed.

“How do you know this?”

“I played the ball toss game and emerged winner but the referee couldnt find my gift. He searched everywhere and still didn't find anything. He reached out to his colleague to borrow a gift and it turns out that the colleague couldn't find any of his gifts either.

“So this only means two things, they never had any gifts or someone stole the gifts. Take me to the referee.”

Junior and his dad walked to the game station and on arrival Detective Parker asked for a word with the referee.

“Good day Sir, I am detective Parker. I hear you are the referee of this game. Correct?”

“Yes, that is correct.”

“Great. So, can you honestly tell me what happened with the gifts? Were there any gifts to start with?”

The referee hesitated for a bit. Took a glance at his left and right sides before speaking up “This year, the funds for the fair were limited and as such we couldn't get gifts for the kids. However, we still gave them hope”

“And by hope you mean false hope? Mr. referee, it is always best to operate honestly. The kids love these games and would willingly pay to play even without incentive. I hope you retrace your steps before it's too late.”

Thank you sir were the last words he heard from the referee’s mouth as he walked away.

“Ready to go home?” he asked his family as he met up with them. They all nodded in agreement.

"But dad, what about the gift?" Junior asked.

“I would get you a well deserved gift for emerging the winner Junior and we could also grab ice cream on our way home. Deal?”

“Deal” The kids chorused. He watched as their eyes lit up. They all walked towards their red convertible BMW. It was one long day and Detecter Parker was glad he got to spend it with his family.


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11.858 NEOXAG


Lol. It is crazy knowing some people do this. This is another way of scamming people, and they should be glad they are not behind bars.

0.031 NEOXAG

Exactly. They scammed the innocent little kids🤧

0.000 NEOXAG

How about I get the arrested for you? 😁😁

0.000 NEOXAG

Detective Parker sat in the living room with both his legs stretched out. It had been ages since he last had a day off and he intended to make the most of the day. Sipping on his steamy hot latte, he slowly slipped into the realisation that the day may turn out boring if he didn't do something fun but fun wasn't his strong suit, solving crimes was.

This is a great intro that establishes the mood of the story. I was expecting mayhem and murder, but it turned out to be a more down to earth story about family and the adventures that can present themselves when we spend time together. Nicely done @wongi!

0.032 NEOXAG

Mayhem and murder would have been a good fit judging from the fact that we're dealing with a detective but maybe some other time.
Thank you so much for appreciating my story 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

Lol I feel really bad for the poor kids about the fake gifts but then again junior and his siblings also got to spend the day with their dad😁

0.030 NEOXAG

I expected that the next paragraph will be a call on Mr parker's phone telling him about a situation at the fair that he will need his urgent response. But it came the other way around. I love your piece.

0.031 NEOXAG

Thank you so much iyimoga for appreciating this piece🌼


0.000 NEOXAG

@iyimoga! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @wongi. (1/5)

0.000 NEOXAG

Very nice! For a second I thought the mom and sister had been kidnapped, I never would have guessed that Junior was frantic because of the missing fairground prizes. Raising the hopes of kids without actually having gifts to give them for the games they won is quite nasty, the organizers of the fair should have been honest from the start. Great story

0.017 NEOXAG

Honesty is one attribute that a lot of people lack. Good thing Parker handle the situation briskly and silently.


0.000 NEOXAG

@kushyzee! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @wongi. (1/5)

0.000 NEOXAG

A beautiful story, way more beautiful ending than the last one I had just read. May all the kids get days like this for a healthy upbringing.

Good one!

0.013 NEOXAG

I expected the resolution of the mystery of the disappearance of the gifts with an investigation where the child would be part of it. I think it would have given more emotion to the story. But anyway, it is simple and different.

0.014 NEOXAG

Thank you so much for your suggestion. Someday, I may come up with a story that follows this plot.

Have a lovely day.


0.000 NEOXAG

Being a detective is tough, but at least Detective Parker was able to spend time with his family.

I feel sad for the boy, though. Adults shouldn't give children false hope. Young or old, nobody deserves to be treated that way.

0.013 NEOXAG

Certainly, everyone deserves to be told the truth, even if they are kids.

Thank you so much for stopping by😊


0.000 NEOXAG

This was an intriguing story about family and adventure, the twist in the plot got me. You did a good job.

0.000 NEOXAG

Got me hooked thinking something bad was going to happen to the family. Intriguing story.

0.000 NEOXAG

I was expecting to read a crime scene going the first paragraph. You hook me with the paragraph. Nicely done.

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you very much for reading 🌼

0.000 NEOXAG

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 192 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

0.000 NEOXAG

What an interesting story. I really liked it, that there were no gifts...that was very original.
Regards @wongi

0.000 NEOXAG

The story was very entertaining, although the detective wanted to forget his work for a moment and have fun, he had to solve the case of the gifts.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

0.000 NEOXAG

This experienced detective knows how to get the truth out of someone immediately. He has solved the mystery of the missing presents, but he knows he will have to make amends so that his son has a good memory of this trip to the fair.

0.000 NEOXAG

Certainly,. He knows pretty well how to make lasting memories.

0.000 NEOXAG