Saturday night | La noche del sábado (ENG-SPA)
"What did I do to make the police knock on my door?
With vehemence, he searched for his diary on the worktable and reviewed the notes about what was relevant from previous days. Meanwhile, the voices rose in tone and so did the knocks and bell ringing.
"'Mr. Meldinoz, open up! We know you're home!'"
"'Just a moment, I'll be right there!' - He eagerly scanned the last written pages. Nothing out of the ordinary, so he straightened his bathrobe and headed to the door, not without first looking through the peephole, releasing the latch, and opening it halfway.
"'Good morning, Mr. Meldinoz, may we come in?'
"'Excuse me! Do you have any order against me?'"
"No, but there are many questions. May we come in?"
Gustav hesitated for a few moments, clutched his diary, and finally opened the door, making a gesture to head into the living room. The two police officers scrutinized the place with meticulousness and no pretenses.
"'Take a seat! Would you like some coffee?'
"No, thank you. We'll get straight to the point, Mr. Meldinoz. Where were you on Saturday night?"
He opened his blue compact diary and adjusted his glasses with his index finger, after seeing scribbles on white pages, replied that he was at home watching a movie streaming.
"'Mr. Meldinoz, let us see your diary.'
"'Of course!' - His face lit up, and a faint smile appeared."
Both officers looked at each other in bewilderment, unable to understand those signs.
"'What language is this written in?' one of them exclaimed.
"'In one that I created in my childhood to fight against progressive amnesia I suffer from.'"
"'You're taking us for fools! I remind you that with the police you don't play games!'"
"'No, no, no! If you want to call my doctor, and he'll corroborate what I'm telling you. In my diary, there's the phone number at the beginning, with my data. Tell me, what happened on Saturday? And what do I have to do with it?'"
There was a pause; the gentle hum of the integral air conditioning system took center stage in the blue room with minimalist and modern decorations, which seemed to play games with the scribbles imprinted in Gustav's diary.
"'Someone claims you stole the founder's statue from the main square.'"
"'If I did it, I don't remember!' - He asked for his diary again and searched through the scribbles. 'No, no. I didn't do it; I would have registered it here.'
"'Don't be impudent, tell me: who would register a crime and show it to the police?'"
Gustav looked at them indignantly and on the verge of losing control, pointed out that according to his diary, the founder of the town was one of his ancestors, whom he did not recognize due to his strange illness. He barely recognized himself, thanks to the scribbles created by him to safeguard his memories.
"'I may be forgetful, but a thief never! Do you have proof? I do; I have an internal video surveillance system to register my activities and help me make them more precise while building my memories in my writing system. Review it, please.'"
The higher-ranking officer operated the equipment, validating Gustav's version: there was Mr. Meldinoz, sitting in front of the intelligent TV, watching an old movie: The Maltese Falcon. Embarrassed, both officers apologized and left. In a small room filled with hundreds of diaries, the bust of the illustrious ancestor lay with pages with scribbles written on Sunday."
The end
An original short story by @janaveda in Spanish and translated to English with LM Studio: Llama 7B Q4_K_M GGUF
Image by vicky_photographies on Pixabay
Thanks for reading me. I hope this micro-fiction is to your liking. I would very much like to read your comments in this regard to enrich myself with your criticism.
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—¿Qué hice para que la policía toque a mi puerta?
Con vehemencia buscó en la mesa de trabajo su diario y revisó las notas sobre lo relevante hecho en los días previos. Mientras tanto, las voces subían de tono, y tanto golpes como el timbre no cesaban.
—¡Señor Meldinoz, abra! ¡Sabemos que está en casa!
—¡Un momento ya voy! —Ojeaba con avidez las últimas páginas escritas. Nada fuera de lo normal, así que arreglándose la bata de casa se dirigió a la puerta, no sin antes ver a través del ojo de pescado, liberó el cerrojo y abrió, a media, la puerta.
—Buen día, señor Meldinoz, ¿nos permite pasar?
—¡Disculpen! ¿Tienen alguna orden en mi contra?
—No, pero sí muchas preguntas. ¿Podemos pasar?
Gustav titubeó durante breves instantes, apretó el diario, y terminó de abrir la puerta haciendo un ademán para ir a la sala de estar. Los dos policías escrutaban el lugar con meticulosidad y sin disimulo.
—¡Tomen asiento! ¿Gustan de un café?
—No gracias. Iremos al grano señor Meldinoz. ¿Dónde estuvo la noche del sábado?
Él abrió el compacto diario de color azul y acomodándose las gafas con el índice, luego de ver unos garabatos sobre las blancas hojas respondió que en casa, viendo una película en streaming.
—Señor Meldinoz, déjenos ver su diario.
—¡Claro! Por supuesto —, el rostro se le iluminó y una tenue sonrisa apareció.
Ambos oficiales se vieron las caras con extrañeza, no podían entender aquellos signos.
—¿En qué idioma está escrito esto? —Exclamó uno de ellos.
—En uno que creé en mi infancia para combatir la amnesia progresiva que sufro.
—¡Nos toma por tontos!! ¡Le recuerdo que con la policía no se juega!
—¡No, no, no! Si quieren llamen a mi médico tratante, y él le corroborará lo que les digo. En mi diario, está el número telefónico, al principio, con mis datos personales. Díganme, ¿qué pasó el sábado? ¿Y qué tengo yo que ver con eso?
Hubo una pausa, el leve zumbido del acondicionador de aires integral tomaba protagonismo en la azulada sala con adornos minimalistas y modernos, los cuales parecían hacer juegos con los garabatos impregnados en el diario de Gustav.
—Alguien asegura que usted robó la estatua del fundador del pueblo de la plaza principal.
—¡Si lo hice, no tengo memoria de ello! —Les pidió el diario y buscó de nuevo entre los garabatos. —No, no lo hice, aquí lo habría registrado.
—No sea descarado, dígame: ¿quién registraría una fechoría y se lo mostraría a la policía?
Gustav los miró indignado y al borde de perder el control, acotó que, según su diario, el fundador del pueblo, era uno de sus ancestros, a quien no reconocía por su extraña enfermedad. Apenas se reconocía a él mismo, gracias a los garabatos por él creados para salvaguardar sus memorias.
—¡Desmemoriado sí, pero ladrón nunca! ¿Tienen pruebas? Yo sí, tengo un sistema de videovigilancia interior para registrar mis actividades, y que me ayuda a hacer más preciso, mientras construyo mis memorias en mi propio sistema de escritura. Revisadlo, les autorizó.
El policía de mayor rango operó el equipo validando la versión de Gustav: allí estaba el señor Meldinoz, sentado frente al televisor inteligente contemplando una vieja película: El Arcón maltés. Avergonzado, ambos oficiales se disculparon y retiraron. En un pequeño cuarto lleno de centenares de diarios, el busto del ilustre ancestro yacía con unas páginas con garabatos escritos el día domingo.
Un microrrelato original de @janaveda
Imagen de vicky_photographies en Pixabay
Gracias por leerme. Espero que esta ficción sea de su agrado. Me gustaría mucho leer sus comentarios al respecto para enriquecerme con sus críticas.
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Buen relato y sigo sorprendido por el final.
Saludos @janaveda
Gracias. Sí, Gustav parece que la enfermedad lo hace olvidar sus acciones, y los policías dejan mucho que desear.
Un fuerte abrazo @enraizar.
This was one hell of an interesting article. I dont know what to even describe Meldinoz by, whether smart or creepy.
Now, it makes me wonder if he actually suffers any illness.
Kudos for this one👏
I'm glad you liked it. Yes, Gustav is torn between genius and madness.
Bravo. Mis sinceras felicitaciones, este relato se merece un brindis con una botella de merlot reserva del 41 de las bodegas de Falcón Crest.
Genial mi estimado @janaveda
Gracias mi estimado amigo. Aunque no suelo beber, con gusto te acompañaría en esta ocasión.
Una copa virtual, un brindis por la amistad y un buen porvenir.
Thank you!
Your story is very interesting and immerses we in the plot. Its strange condition and that surprising ending gave it a wonderful touch of brilliance.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Excellent Wednesday.
Hello, @rinconpoetico7
Thank you for your kind words. I really enjoyed writing this short story. Playing with the amnesia and the psychological handling that makes you doubt Gustav's true condition, beyond his physical degeneration.
Have a great Wednesday as well.
He stole it and forgot, which is really interesting. I don't think the cops would be paying him another visit.
Great use of the prompt.
That's right. The pages with the statue, corroborated by Gustav, will be forgetful, but not stupid. In addition, there is also an example of how presumptions tend to lead us to misjudge in the case of police officers.
I agree with you.
LoL :D
A very good take on the prompt. Very creative and non ordinary.
Also, it gives you the creeps since putting oneself under 24/7 surveillance is not something anyone would want to do or being demanded to do.
Your character is a mad man:)
How did you come up with the story? Did the prompt trigger it spontaneously, or was it that you had to think about it for a certain amount of time? I would bet on the former, but maybe I am wrong.
Bummer, that your fiction didn't make it into the first ranks.
Hello, @erh.germany
Thank you for your kind words. Gustav is crazy, I hadn't considered it! But maybe you are right.
As for the conception of the micro-story, I think of both. First I considered several ideas why some of us use diaries: the crux is not to forget significant past events. Then I said to myself, how would a conscious man suffering from amnesia use it, and I let myself get carried away until I finished.
I enjoyed the journey and the result, and I welcome comments like yours.
Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you, that was very interesting to read:
What other thoughts why people use diaries did you consider, but then judged as not usable for the story, if I may ask?
I am fascinated by the thinking chains of others, since they differ from mine.
HaHa! That's a great thing when it happens. I am happy that you had a good time authoring that journey.
Oh really? He appeared as a lunatic in my minds eye. I thought it was intentional. LoL :D
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