The Cave Of Mystery
It's hard to believe that you could not follow the right choice, instead, you went after immediate wealth. What will this make you become at the end? Jo asked.
Maringer and Jo are close friends who started their journey of friendship right from childhood. Their friendship started when Jo's parents helped Maringer when he was sick. They gave him some herbs, which were fetched from the cave of wonders when the two were still two years of age. Maringer always visits Jo, while Jo does the same. They became so close and were unable to let go of their friendship.
Alessandro Avilés
“Jo, since you know this cave of wonders why can't you go with Maringer to fetch the leave of life just to save Ono's daughter?” Jo's mum said while being confident about her son. "OK mum”, Jo answered with joy that overtook his heart as he had been finding ways of going to the cave with Maringer. He had seen this as an opportunity and would not want to let go of it.
Jo went straight to Maringer's house just to inform him about their journey to this cave out of excitement. “Hope there is no danger attached and no dangerous animals in the cave?” Maringer asked being so scared. “I have been to this cave four times with my mum and have seen the beauty that is attached to it. The only rule to this cave is that you must not go alone”, Jo answered as he was so happy. “And if you do?” Maringer asked. “This was what my mum told me and did not tell me what would happen to the one who dares trend on this cave alone”, Jo said.
“Please, don't discourage me, we must go together no matter what. My mum wouldn't have asked us to go if the cave was to be filled with wild animals”, Jo said.
“Alright, then. I will go with you”, Maringer replied.
The two friends journeyed to the cave. As they entered, they met a bird with different colors. Maringer was surprised as he had never seen a bird of this nature in his life. “Wow, this bird looks so beautiful. I wish to take it as a pet in my house”, Maringer said while gazing at the bird with happiness.
In response, he heard a voice, “You can have it only when you stretch your hands with your eyes closed”. The two friends were shocked and scared as this voice was strange and scary. Just to try to be certain, Maringer stretched his hands, and behold, the bird landed on his palm. “Wow, what a cave of wonders”, Maringer said while being excited.
Jo was left in silence after seeing a glowing flower. He said, “I wish I could have this flower and take it home”. Immediately, he heard a voice from behind, “Close your eyes, and it shall be yours”. Without wasting time, he closed his eyes, and behold, he received the flower in his palm.
They heard the same strange voice once again saying “You have to make a choice on which road to trend as you have got to a three-junction road. You cannot leave this place with those gifts without making a choice. The first road, you are both facing, it is leading to immediate wealth and if you trend on it, your precious gifts would leave immediately. The second road leads to a path of awareness, love, wisdom, and knowledge. If you follow the second path, you will save your precious gifts. On the last road, anything you see is your choice”.
The two friends began to think of which road to follow. Maringer asked his bird to give him a clue, but his many colored birds said, "You have to make the choice yourself”.
Jo looked at his precious flower and said to himself, “I wouldn't want to lose this, and besides, my mum would be waiting for me at home. She would be happy to see me with the previous flower.
“Please, let's follow the path that leads to wisdom, love, knowledge, and awareness”, Jo said. Maringer was not happy with Jo's choice and said, "I will follow my mind, and do not force me to take the path you wished to choose”.
Jo was dragging Maringer, but he refused totally and ran to where he wanted.
Ending One
Maringer finally decided his choice after deep thought of how his parents have been suffering trying to bring him up. He said, “I must follow wealth just to make my parents happy”. He later went towards the path that led to wealth and lost his precious bird. “I'm not even concerned about this bird, but I aim to get immediate riches. He proceeded and truly met riches.
He saw loads of money and without wasting any time, he packed the ones his strength could carry and left. When he got home, his parents were so excited to have seen their son with loads of money. They asked, and he told them how he got the money. He began to intimidate those around him.
“I deal with those who are of the same class as me but not people of your type”, Maringer said to those around him, and everyone in the community began to fear him just because of his wealth. “I promise you, your wealth will fade off soon”, one of those who he had intimidated responded. Another one said, “Don't run to us when it happens because I will not even look at your face”.
Are you threatening me? Do you want me to call the police for you? Maringer said, as he picked up his cell phone and dialed the inspector's number. The policemen were also afraid of him because no one had ever made such money at such a young age. No one was able to question his wealth. He had even forgotten his friend, Jo, who took him to the cave.
He started spending the money lavishly without control and within some days, the whole money was exhausted. Not only that, but he could not account for a single thing he used the money to buy. This was because he was not given the wisdom to spend the money so well.
Ending Two
Jo went for the path of awareness, love, wisdom, and knowledge. He saved his precious gifts and brought them home. Jo also took the leaves his mother asked him to home. After some days, people were coming to meet with him for advice, and he was being paid heavily. Anyone he advised was given part of the previous flower as a gift. This flower serves as the means of his wisdom and other things he got from the cave. He applied wisdom just to make the flower multiply. The flower later grew around his compound.
He later became the one full of wisdom. He loves so many people and in return, everyone loves him so much. Likewise, he later built a palace, for which he called the wisdom seekers. Likewise, he attended to everyone who came searching for knowledge and wisdom. Not only that, but he became wealthy and managed his wealth so well. He helped people to become wealthy.
His mum did not regret sending him to the cave. His name reigns all over the community and the ones beyond.
Most of the time, our failure and success depend on the choices we make in life. Maringer made a wrong choice that affected her wealth, while Jo, on the other hand, handled his choice better. Interesting story you got here
The choice you make matters most in life.
The story is filled with eye-openers. Making a choice sure is a tough thing. Thank you for sharing this with us.
You are welcome
Maringer's greed, selfishness and pride ended his little wealthy life.
This is great
You are right. He was so greedy
This is a good read. I am glad Jo chose the right path and didn't lose his gift. Thanks for sharing.
Yes... Thanks a lot
You are welcome.
This just brought back memories from when I was little. This is how my dad use to tell us story with moral lesson and we always get excited anytime we are about to listen to him
This was a nice write up and I hope many people can learn from it
I wonder if such a cave really exist in our reality
Jo and Maringer chose different paths and both of them got to live with the consequences. Great use of the endings
The story deals with choices and their consequences. Maringer couldn't handle the fame that accompanied the wealth. Jo, on the other hand, handled his choice better. Thank you for sharing the story with us.
I like how both ending unfolded. It carefully told thee story of the two friends and how their choices affected them. Nice use of the prompt.
The two friends definitely had a different approach to the possibilities. There will always be people that choose wisely, and people who choose wealth and then manage it poorly. Your story illustrates that very well. Your endings can both exist, however. In other words, they are both possible in the same exact story. But that's okay. Thank you for sharing your creative nonfiction story in The Ink Well and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.
A nice story about choices and their consequences...I like the way it highlights the importance of making thoughtful decisions and the impact they can have on one's life.
Thanks a lot