Face your fear couragesouly

Hello lovely people of Hive and Leofinance community. Hopefully you will be enjoying your life with good health and spirit. Friends, fear is one of the common issue of all human beings and animals. Fear not only give you unpleasent feelings but it distracts your journey of success. It creates doubts in mind as a result you don't take timely decision.


Overall we can say that fear is our biggest enemy as it creates unnecessary hurdle in our life. It is important to address the fear courageously to enhance your confidence. There are simple tips which may help you to overcome your fear.

Fear can't be over come if you don't identify the fear issue. First step is to admit that you have a fear of certain things. You may write it down on paper your most common fears.

Another important step to overcome over fear is knowing the reason behind fear. Anything happens with reason. It will become easier for you if you determine the main reason of fear. It may solve your half problem.

Consult with some psychologist to know about the real issue. It will help you to gain knowledge related to your fear. Always try to learn new methods how to overcome fear.

The next step is to select a realistic goal about overcoming fear. You can make it easier by setting a small goal. It will ease your big goal. Remember to appreciate yourself after achieving each small goal. It will boost your confidence, passion to achieve the next goal.

Another way of overcoming fear is doing meditation. Exercise on regular basis and deep breathing has tendecy to reduce your fear.

Now let's talk about crypto market which is one of most volatile market of the world. Fear exist in crypto market as it may make or break you any time. You can overcome fear of failure by doing your own research, improve your knowledge and skill. It will help you to boost your confidence level. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time. Stay blessed.


You are right fear is our biggest enemy and yet it is one enemy that stays within us.
So we have to win over it if we have to succeed.


The more we run away from fear, the more we find it difficult to overcome the fear itself


Fear is one of the dangerous tools that deal with a man psychologically and produces evidence as a result, fear works on the mind of one. that it causes one to make decisions based on the leverage it has on that person
But the best way to deal with fear is to admit that you are afraid, it take a brave person to admit that he has fears, when one can identify his problem the the problem is half way solved and ensure you talk to people that have similar encounters as you.


It is a fact that unless a person is able to face things, then a person can never be successful in this world. Will continue to tolerate wrong things.


Thank you for sharing this with the community, I feel it is very important and thoughtful for self-improvement to understand this.
