The Furture is Now(Sort of)...


Elon Musk has officially announced that he will be giving up his phone number soon, and whoever plans on reaching out to him will have to do so via Twitter. As of my knowledge, those who've gone premium with Twitter can now make and receive audio and video calls through the app.

Aside from the traditional text messaging (DMs) that the app offers to anyone using it, that's a bold move coming from Elon, and I'm curious about how he'll be getting his internet connections without a mobile phone plan. Perhaps he'll have someone carrying a Starlink router around him at all times.

Some individuals find it very hard to grasp what's about to happen to our traditional ways of living in the coming years and decades. The thing with technological progress is that it is exponential, not linear. Not too long ago, the touchscreen smartphone came onto the stage after decades and decades of wired calls, and the evolutionary leaps have been outrageous ever since.

Blockchain technology is relatively new as well, but to be frank about it, aside from the exponential dollar valuation gains, we haven't seen much of what we were expecting in terms of mass adoption. The fact that Bitcoin has its own spot ETFs in the US now says a lot about what's about to come.


Yesterday, I was asked about my blog, twice. A gym mate of mine, who knows I am into content creation but did not know that I am also into crypto and that my blog is actually blockchain-based, saw an inclination of his son towards creating content with his smartphone. He was thinking he should encourage him to do more of that and asked me for advice.

I detailed a bit about what I am doing, and for now, my advice was to try YouTube for a while. He can have a Hive account as well, but for his son, who is quite accustomed to using smartphones, it would be way easier to create YouTube videos and try to monetize them. After he gets familiar with that, he could try delving into WEB3.

I have been quite a determined critic of artificial intelligence in the past, but I've come to the conclusion that it has tons of potential that should definitely be leveraged. I would not give it much decision power, but in regards to productivity tasks, I would say it is more than useful. Imagine the impact AI and blockchain technology will have on our evolution as a species if properly leveraged.

One would no longer need to gather all the puzzle pieces and place them in the right place as we typically do nowadays with almost anything that we do. Let's say, for example, that you want to build a house and you have a certain budget. Based on the budget and the plan you have for the house, you can, let's say, ask AI to help in building that house from scratch.

Having access to insane amounts of data, AI can help find the best land for your needs and resources, come up with the construction plan, get all the approvals, hire the best construction companies, plumbers, and electricians that suit your needs and fit your budget, and make sure that every penny you spend on that house is leveraged to the maximum.

We can clearly add smart contracts deployed on blockchain that would help settle transactions necessary in building such a house, and when you look at these tiny AI real-life use cases combined with blockchain technology, it feels like somehow "they're meant together."

Social media has made it possible for easier and faster connections between humans. AI and crypto will make it possible for instant access to "the right information" and faster, safer, and more convenient wealth handling and transactions. We've come to a point where we no longer just have access to information, but we can say that through AI, we can have access to the most suited information for us.

Personalization of all sorts of mundane tasks and needs is taken to a different level through technology, and I know it sounds strange, but it feels like we are just getting started with it.

Thanks for your attention,

11.671 NEOXAG


Elon Musk has a peculiar way of thinking. Interesting thought if someone will be currying starling for him. With that in mind knowing how uncomfortable that is. Something is up his sleeves and he will do anything to have his way.

0.011 NEOXAG

He's such a joker sometimes 😀

0.000 NEOXAG

Hahahaha… Too much, a part I like about him is how he toughens up governments when they piss him off. Those are levels every human being should aspire to despite institutions getting a lot from him through tax.

0.000 NEOXAG

Governments are mere puppets of the banking cartel.

0.000 NEOXAG

AI keeps hunting industries down. As for Mr Elon, he is advertising the potential of his social media company which indeed will help generate much revenue. Like him or not, he has potentials

0.011 NEOXAG

Word. I’m not a fan of Elon but the man definitely has some potential to be praised for.

0.000 NEOXAG

Elon Musk is exploring another ways of running business. Thanks to technology.

0.000 NEOXAG

He’s officially the wealthiest man alive. Except the bankers ruling over the world of course. He has to know how to do good business.

0.000 NEOXAG