Aunt's princess blew out her candle number 4 with a cute little bee theme[ESP/ENG]
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Hello friends, it is a pleasure to greet you, I hope you are well, enjoying good health, which is the most important thing. Blessings to all. I take advantage of posting in my free time hehe, on this occasion I want to share with you Birthday number #4 of the smallest princess in the house and her aunt, my little piece of heaven Brianna, although she was not born to me, it is as if she were one since she is a girl's love and I adore her... Parties are reasons for joy and happiness, seeing them enjoy fills us with a lot of emotion.. Well, my little one is already growing up and asked for her bee-themed birthday. My sister wanted to do a little sharing in a pool from morning to afternoon with her closest friends.
Su mamá le hizo un lindo peinado para desfilar su traje de abejita en el transcurrir de la fiesta y cómo ella es pequeñita se veía muy Cuchi y linda jejeje adoro cuando sonriee. Al transcurrir las horas su entretenimiento lo pasaron en la piscina 👙☀️ disfrutando de un hermoso día soleado ☀️.. Hasta bailó con su papá y sus amiguitos, la pasamos muy bien en familia 🫂❤️
Her mother made her a nice hairstyle to show off her bee costume during the party and since she is tiny she looked very cute and cute hehehe I love when she smiles. As the hours passed, they spent their entertainment in the pool 👙☀️ enjoying a beautiful sunny day ☀️.. He even danced with his dad and his friends, we had a great time as a family 🫂❤️
Los pequeños son la alegría del hogar y que mejor manera que verlos y hacerlos felices con mágicos momentos cómo sus fechas Especiales con sus dulces y partiendo su piñata.. Muy grato hacer vida en este maravilloso espacio un fuerte abrazo Bendiciones para todos.
The little ones are the joy of the home and what better way than to see them and make them happy with magical moments such as their Special dates with their sweets and breaking their piñata. It is very pleasant to make life in this wonderful space, a big hug, Blessings to all.
Thank you very much for reading me many blessings to all.
Muchas gracias por leerme bendiciones para todos.
Las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi note 13.
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Feliz y bendecido cumpleaños para esa pequeña abejita 🥳. Saludos ☺️.
Muchas gracias amiga!!!. Saludos 😊
Felicidades y bendiciones a la cumpleañera
Muchas gracias 🫂☺️
😊 Feliz dia.
Nice theme,happy birthday🎉🎊🥳
thank you very much friend
That's really true, when we see our children happy we are more than happy. They are our bundle of joy.
That's right, friend, they are reasons for joy and happiness, and as long as they are, that is worth gold 🙂
They are so innocent and precious.❤️
que lindo todo, felicidades!
Gracias amiga.. saludos 😊