9 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2612 | Prompt: the worst result (Continuation - Part 2)



Part 1:

The sun poured through the third floor window. Another day had dawned on Unit #320 of the Northridge Brownstone Complex, bringing with it fresh hopes for a brighter and quieter existence. Benny, its resident, for more than ten years, was one of twenty.

He rose suddenly with a brilliant idea. He'd declare himself Manager. For the remainder of the day, he weighted the pros and cons of this new title.

The next day, he contacted the building owner with the proposition. No compensation; rather fringe benefits, including reduced rent. Happy to oblige, management agreed to the "unofficial" arrangement.

No rules were set. No official announcement was circulated advising tenants.

Hoping to impress the building owner, he adopted the nickname "Thorny Hopkins". Thorny stood five foot, five inches, applied ghastly tattoos, and weighed amply more than his height could accommodate. Known for his quick wit, his words stung when stirred to action and cut deep whenever an issue required mediation. Off all his duties, approving new tenants was his favorite.

Drunk with perceived power, Thorny proceeded to manage utilizing his unique style. Having unethically elicited intimate details of all tenants helped.

On the second floor, Monica Evans, occupied Unit #209. A beautiful, slim, shapely, physically fit, and amicable tenant who moved in a year ago, she endeavored to maintain a friendly, yet distant co-existence with her neighbors.

The rumor spread like wildfire that Benny was now their Manager. Upon hearing this, Monica took a long moment before responding, cognizant of the particular tenant who brought the information.

Puzzled, she merely replied, "I wish him the best of luck in his new position, Maddie, before returning to her apartment.

Once inside, Monica laughed, wondering why anyone would trust Benny to oversee anything important. Regardless of Benny's new title, she'd not adhere to any oral rules without proper advance from the Building Owner. So, she continued her daily routine.

Her workouts rivaling that of marathon participants' preparations, was the envy of all at the Brownstone, except Thorny. He had no desire to emulate her or run up and down three flights of stairs.

For those residents whose jobs involved shift work, Monica's routine interrupted their lifestyle; especially the first floor common area where her oversized exercise equipment overran available space for other residents.

A month later, they lodged their complaint, signing a petition to have Monica evicted. A meeting was held in the common area. Thorny gleefully accepting the petition. For months, he'd contrived different scenarios to justify evicting Monica from the building. Now, others were onboard.

Fuming, Monica accelerated as she tackled the stairs. With the petition in her hand, she knocked loudly and immediately Thorny flung wide the door as if expecting her.

The stench was the first thing that slapped Monica in the face. She reared her head and stepped back before her eyes traveled the length of the wide frame that blocked entrance. She couldn't discern whether the odor originated from Thorny or the room.

He could tell immediately that the complaint against Monica didn't set well and wouldn't end in amicably.

"You have no authority over me or my apartment, pretender," Monica barked, returning his gaze, then continued, "I'll file a lawsuit against you and the owner."

"If you want to go that route, by all means try it. But I guarantee you won't like the outcome. It'll be the worst result you can imagine, so I'd advise you to stop talking nonsense, step inside, and let's discuss this like sensible adults."

Monica took a quick survey of the room. That was when she noticed the stains scattered on the floor covering like a carpet of crushed bugs, then replied, "Think I'll pass on dirtying myself in that filthy apartment. I'm putting you on notice that threatening a tenant and speaking in a derogatory manner will be added to the complaint."

With that, Monica threw the petition in his face, turned, and walked calmly down the stairs.

Now, Part 2:

It didn't matter that Monica's back was turned. She didn't see that Thorny somehow managed to extricate himself from behind his front door. He tried his best to reach her before she stepped on the first stair. Drawing in a heavy breath, he extended his arm and almost grabbed onto her blouse.

She heard his shuffling, turned, and frowned. Her eyes widened in shock. She propelled her down the stairs to her second-story unit two at a time.

Inside, she locked, then stood in silence with her back stiff against the door. How dare he try to accost me! He's gone too far! Attempted assault would be added to the list of charges.

She listened to ascertain whether Thorny had managed to tackle the stairs. Shaking off the thought, she realized the absurdity of it and chuckled upon hearing the elevator door near her unit open and shut. A more solid mode of transport.

She jumped back. Outside the door, Thorny interrupted her thoughts, yelling loudly with venom in his voice, "you'll regret crossing me. You're out of your league!"

She was tempted but didn't open the door. The next moment, quiet ensued, so she checked the peephole.

Two days passed without further incident. Monica continued her work and workout routine. She exchanged pleasantries with the other tenants. Each nodded and went their separate ways as though they'd never drawn up the petition, and she'd never received it.

So it was with an absent mind that after returning home from her job she opened the door to the Brownstone and stepped inside.

There blocking the entrance to the stairs was Thorny, red faced, shoulders heaving as though he'd just finished exercising. He began sheepishly, stammering.

"Now look here Missy. I may have been a bit loud in our last conversation. You weren't exactly ladylike. We just got off to a bad start. There's no need for harsh feelings and rash decisions. It's to our mutual benefit to resolve this issue without involving the owner."

Monica pursed her lips and stifled the impulse to laugh. Her instinct about Thorny's personality when she first arrived at the Brownstone had proven true. She inched away, mindful not to turn her back. Her gaze followed him raising his hands. She was ready to bolt upstairs when he cleared his throat.

"Why not take the elevator instead of disturbing the other tenants by running up and down the staircase and not hog the common area?"

So incensed at Thorny's suggestion that she blurted out.

"I pay for an apartment in this unit. Not YOU! How I choose to get to and from it is my business. As far as "hogging" the common area, that's untrue. Now, if there's nothing else you wish to discuss instead of this so-called solution or that ridiculous petition, then I have an appointment. My friend and workout partner is waiting to join me."

Thorny shook his head. "Did I hear you say a workout partner! Now there'll be two of you running up and down those damn stairs? Why not take your exercise outdoors? Better still, pay for a gym membership!"

Thorny exaggerated the words as he stared her directly in the eye.

Monica resisted the urge to argue. I must keep my wits about me in dealing with this idiot, she weighted. Instead, she turned swiftly and headed up the stairs to wait for her friend.

But not before leaving with him these words, "In case you haven't noticed, you're in dire need of a gym membership."

Thorny stood there wringing his hands. Immediately, he ceased and clenched his fist. Flustered the result he anticipated didn't pan out, he took in a deep breath and released. There's more than one way to skin a cat, he mused.

His monthly check-in with the building owner was due in a few days. He had to ensure that no complaints reached the company. That would be the worst result in his short tenure as Building Manager.

No worries. I've been at this too long to allow an amateur to best me, he he assured himself.

Time to put Plan B in motion.

[to be continued]


For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of:

9 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2612: the worst result


For your convenience, I placed below the list of previous chapters:

Part 1


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.





a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.


8.148 NEOXAG


I think both Thorny and Monica are not managing the situation very well, it's always important to listen and not always show up how we feel no matter how tensed we are, am hoping for part three let's see what happens next, will Monica be evicted?

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes, it does appear that both are strong willed. Will they reach a compromise? I hope so for their sake and the rest of the tenants. I can't imagine living in that situation.

Thanks so much for stopping by and viewing my story. I appreciate it and your thoughts. Take care.


0.000 NEOXAG

I have lived in such an environment, it was even worse than that of Thorny and Monica, maybe I should write a story about it

0.000 NEOXAG

We all can relate in some fashion. By all means write your story. I'd love to read it. Thanks for your visit. Take care.


0.000 NEOXAG

You're most welcome, expect my entry soon

0.000 NEOXAG

Such a tensed environment! Why are they so tough and strong willed?

0.000 NEOXAG

Situations like this exist when one seeks to exert control over others without proper authority. The ability to compromise is also missing in both parties. Usually when individuals feel that they are justified in their actions, they don't want to listen to anyone else.

We'll see how far this takes them both. Thanks so much for your visit. Take care.

0.000 NEOXAG

Monica is absolutely right not to be intimidated by Thorny. That guy thinks he owns the world and doesn't understand that everyone has the right to live in peace and use the facilities as they see fit. I'm glad Monica is standing her ground and not being intimidated by his threats.

0.000 NEOXAG